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Swords Dance - Location & Which Pokemon Can Learn|TM88

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Swords Dance - Location & Which Pokemon Can Learn|TM88 | Pokemon SV

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Read this info on Swords Dance for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)! Check out where to get it, & what Pokemon can learn Swords Dance (TM88)!

Table Of Contents

Swords Dance Effect Stats & Chart

Move Stats

TypeNormalCategoryStatus Icon Status
EffectA frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.

Effectiveness Chart

For Status Moves, the effectiveness does not matter. So long as the receiving Type is not immune to the type of moved being used to the other Pokemon, it will deal its effects.

How To Get & Learn Swords Dance

How To Get

Obtainable on the map

Crafted By TM (Technical Machine)

Unlock ConditionUnlocks after completing the Fighting Crew
Required Materials・Zangoose×3

Pokemon That Can Learn Swords Dance

Case Sensitive, please use the uppercase for the first letter of the Pokemon name. We will fix this ASAP.

Show Final Evolution Only
  1. No.016 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hoppip
    Grass Flying
  2. No.017 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skiploom
    Grass Flying
  3. No.018 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jumpluff
    Grass Flying
  4. No.032 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunflora
  5. No.034 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kricketune
  6. No.065 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gallade
    Psychic Fighting
  7. No.107 No.???? No.???? No.???? Breloom
    Grass Fighting
  8. No.126 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gible
    Dragon Ground
  9. No.139 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gulpin
  10. No.140 No.???? No.???? No.???? Swalot
  11. No.148 No.???? No.???? No.???? Diglett
  12. No.149 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dugtrio
  13. No.155 No.???? No.???? No.???? Axew
  14. No.156 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fraxure
  15. No.157 No.???? No.???? No.???? Haxorus
  16. No.163 No.???? No.???? No.???? Riolu
  17. No.164 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lucario
    Fighting Steel
  18. No.167 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ceruledge
    Fire Ghost
  19. No.185 No.???? No.???? No.???? Leafeon
  20. No.215 No.???? No.???? No.???? Teddiursa
  21. No.216 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ursaring
  22. No.217 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zangoose
  23. No.218 No.???? No.???? No.???? Seviper
  24. No.230 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sneasel
    Dark Ice
  25. No.246 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tropius
    Grass Flying
  26. No.249 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klawf
  27. No.252 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacnea
  28. No.253 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacturne
    Grass Dark
  29. No.260 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scyther
    Bug Flying
  30. No.261 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scizor
    Bug Steel
  31. No.262 No.???? No.???? No.???? Heracross
    Bug Fighting
  32. No.299 No.???? No.???? No.???? Banette
  33. No.301 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hawlucha
    Fighting Flying
  34. No.331 No.???? No.???? No.???? Qwilfish
    Water Poison
  35. No.339 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clauncher
  36. No.340 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clawitzer
  37. No.367 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawniard
    Dark Steel
  38. No.368 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bisharp
    Dark Steel
  39. No.369 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kingambit
    Dark Steel
  40. No.394 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chien-Pao
    Dark Ice
  41. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charmander
  42. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charmeleon
  43. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charizard
    Fire Flying
  44. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Galarian Meowth
  45. No.009 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaquaval
    Water Fighting
  46. No.015 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lokix
    Bug Dark
  47. No.019 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchling
    Normal Flying
  48. No.020 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchinder
    Fire Flying
  49. No.021 No.???? No.???? No.???? Talonflame
    Fire Flying
  50. No.030 No.???? No.???? No.???? Greedent
  51. No.058 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drednaw
    Water Rock
  52. No.089 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff
  53. No.090 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc
  54. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio
    Fire Flying
  55. No.105 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lilligant
  56. No.127 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gabite
    Dragon Ground
  57. No.128 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garchomp
    Dragon Ground
  58. No.176 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxicroak
    Poison Fighting
  59. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck
    Normal Grass
  60. No.202 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shroodle
    Poison Normal
  61. No.203 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grafaiai
    Poison Normal
  62. No.228 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zorua
  63. No.229 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zoroark
  64. No.231 No.???? No.???? No.???? Weavile
    Dark Ice
  65. No.239 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mimikyu
    Ghost Fairy
  66. No.247 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fomantis
  67. No.248 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lurantis
  68. No.279 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatink
    Fairy Steel
  69. No.280 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatuff
    Fairy Steel
  70. No.281 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkaton
    Fairy Steel
  71. No.284 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hatterene
    Psychic Fairy
  72. No.300 No.???? No.???? No.???? Falinks
  73. No.315 No.???? No.???? No.???? Komala
  74. No.335 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bruxish
    Water Psychic
  75. No.346 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flamigo
    Flying Fighting
  76. No.352 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snover
    Grass Ice
  77. No.353 No.???? No.???? No.???? Abomasnow
    Grass Ice
  78. No.356 No.???? No.???? No.???? Beartic
  79. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Perrserker
  80. No.384 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Hands
    Fighting Electric
  81. No.387 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Thorns
    Rock Electric
  82. No.388 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frigibax
    Dragon Ice
  83. No.389 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arctibax
    Dragon Ice
  84. No.390 No.???? No.???? No.???? Baxcalibur
    Dragon Ice
  85. No.398 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Valiant
    Fairy Fighting
  86. No.399 No.???? No.???? No.???? Koraidon
    Fighting Dragon
  87. No.400 No.???? No.???? No.???? Miraidon
    Electric Dragon
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Pokemon SV Strategy Team

Pokemon SV Strategy Team

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