Pokemon SV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Wiki Guide
Earth Power - Where To Get & Which Pokemon Can Learn|TM133

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Earth Power - Where To Get & Which Pokemon Can Learn|TM133 | Pokemon SV

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Read this info on Earth Power for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)! Check out where to get it, & what Pokemon can learn Earth Power (TM133)!

Table Of Contents

Earth Power Effect Stats & Chart

Move Stats

TypeGroundCategorySpecial Icon Special
EffectThe user makes the ground under the target erupt with power. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.

Effectiveness Chart


How To Get & Learn Earth Power

How To Get

Obtainable on the map

Crafted By TM (Technical Machine)

Unlock ConditionUnlocks after completing the Fighting Crew
Required Materials・Silicobra×5

Pokemon That Can Learn Earth Power

Case Sensitive, please use the uppercase for the first letter of the Pokemon name. We will fix this ASAP.

Show Final Evolution Only
  1. No.011 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oinkologne
  2. No.031 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunkern
  3. No.032 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunflora
  4. No.087 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bonsly
  5. No.088 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sudowoodo
  6. No.112 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grumpig
  7. No.122 No.???? No.???? No.???? Phanpy
  8. No.123 No.???? No.???? No.???? Donphan
  9. No.126 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gible
    Dragon Ground
  10. No.127 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gabite
    Dragon Ground
  11. No.128 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garchomp
    Dragon Ground
  12. No.148 No.???? No.???? No.???? Diglett
  13. No.149 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dugtrio
  14. No.150 No.???? No.???? No.???? Torkoal
  15. No.151 No.???? No.???? No.???? Numel
    Fire Ground
  16. No.152 No.???? No.???? No.???? Camerupt
    Fire Ground
  17. No.168 No.???? No.???? No.???? Barboach
    Water Ground
  18. No.169 No.???? No.???? No.???? Whiscash
    Water Ground
  19. No.188 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dunsparce
  20. No.204 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stantler
  21. No.244 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscool
    Ground Grass
  22. No.245 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscruel
    Ground Grass
  23. No.259 No.???? No.???? No.???? Forretress
    Bug Steel
  24. No.265 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippopotas
  25. No.266 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippowdon
  26. No.267 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandile
    Ground Dark
  27. No.268 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krokorok
    Ground Dark
  28. No.316 No.???? No.???? No.???? Larvitar
    Rock Ground
  29. No.317 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pupitar
    Rock Ground
  30. No.318 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tyranitar
    Rock Dark
  31. No.322 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandygast
    Ghost Ground
  32. No.323 No.???? No.???? No.???? Palossand
    Ghost Ground
  33. No.327 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellos
  34. No.328 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastrodon
    Water Ground
  35. No.381 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandy Shocks
    Electric Ground
  36. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Wooper
    Water Ground
  37. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Quagsire
    Water Ground
  38. No.006 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skeledirge
    Fire Ghost
  39. No.053 No.???? No.???? No.???? Paldean Wooper
    Poison Ground
  40. No.054 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clodsire
    Poison Ground
  41. No.058 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drednaw
    Water Rock
  42. No.084 No.???? No.???? No.???? Smoliv
    Grass Normal
  43. No.085 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dolliv
    Grass Normal
  44. No.086 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arboliva
    Grass Normal
  45. No.089 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff
  46. No.090 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc
  47. No.093 No.???? No.???? No.???? Coalossal
    Rock Fire
  48. No.124 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cufant
  49. No.125 No.???? No.???? No.???? Copperajah
  50. No.129 No.???? No.???? No.???? Nacli
  51. No.130 No.???? No.???? No.???? Naclstack
  52. No.131 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garganacl
  53. No.189 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dudunsparce
  54. No.249 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klawf
  55. No.255 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rabsca
    Bug Psychic
  56. No.269 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krookodile
    Ground Dark
  57. No.270 No.???? No.???? No.???? Silicobra
  58. No.271 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandaconda
  59. No.272 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudbray
  60. No.273 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudsdale
  61. No.288 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wiglett
  62. No.289 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wugtrio
  63. No.296 No.???? No.???? No.???? Orthworm
  64. No.309 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glimmora
    Rock Poison
  65. No.319 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stonjourner
  66. No.353 No.???? No.???? No.???? Abomasnow
    Grass Ice
  67. No.370 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deino
    Dark Dragon
  68. No.371 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zweilous
    Dark Dragon
  69. No.372 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hydreigon
    Dark Dragon
  70. No.376 No.???? No.???? No.???? Great Tusk
    Ground Fighting
  71. No.378 No.???? No.???? No.???? Brute Bonnet
    Grass Dark
  72. No.382 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Treads
    Ground Steel
  73. No.385 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Jugulis
    Dark Flying
  74. No.387 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Thorns
    Rock Electric
  75. No.395 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ting-Lu
    Dark Ground
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Pokemon SV Strategy Team

Pokemon SV Strategy Team

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