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Charizard Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Charizard Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Charizard Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Charizard is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Charizard's stats, best items, Charmander, skin, moveset, unite move, build & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Charizard Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Charizard Move Changes (September 28)

Move / StatChanges
Fire PunchFire PunchChanges
- Cooldown reduced.
- Move Upgrade
Seismic SlamSeismic SlamChanges
- Move Downgrade
September 28 Patch NotesClick To See Previous Balance Changes

Charizard Move Changes (January 20)

Move / StatChanges
- Move may now be used while moving
Fire BlastFire BlastChanges
- Move may now be used while moving
Seismic SlamSeismic SlamChanges
- The range has become longer
Basic AttackBasic AttackChanges
- The movement speed slowdown rate while using basic attacks has been reduced
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (January 20)

Charizard Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
Fire PunchFire Punch- Bug fixed: When hitting multiple Pokemon, corrected which ones receive the burn debuff.
FlamethrowerFlamethrower- Movement speed buff effect increased
Fire BlastFire Blast- Cooldown has been reduced from 8s to 7s.
Seismic SlamSeismic Slam- Bug fix in the timing when you can release the move.
- Seismic slam is now reversed! It now slams someone first, swapping into the free-fly mode afterwards.
- This also increases the damage of the normal attacks.
- This move will now charge slower.

Charizard has gotten the updates from the patch. Fire Punch has received a bug fix, Flamethrower got an increase to movement speed, Fire Blast received a reduced cooldown, and finally Seismic slam has been reworked, effectively reversing how the move functions. Additionally, Charizard's unite move will now unfortunately charge somewhat slower.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch (September 22nd)

Changes In August Update

FlamethrowerFlamethrower- Cooldown reduced from 7 to 5.5 seconds
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened. (About 14%)
Fire PunchFire Punch - Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Fire BlastFire Blast- Cooldown reduced from 11 to 8 seconds
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.

Charizard has seen a lot of changes in the most recent patch, all of which are buffs! Flamethrower's cooldown was reduced from 7 to 5.5 seconds and Fire Blast's from 11 to 8. Additionally, the effects of Flamethrower, Fire Punch, and Fire Blast all saw a buff.

Charizard Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankC
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Charizard Stats

Offense 3.5 Stars (7)
Endurance 3 Stars (6)
Mobility2.5 Stars (5)
Scoring3 Stars (6)
Support0.5 Stars (1)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Charizard Evolution

(Lv. 5)
(Lv. 9)

Charizard Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5Fire PunchFire Punch
Has the user punch with a fiery fist, dealing damage and shoving opposing Pokemon when it hits. Also leaves the opposing Pokemon it shoves burned.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Lv. 7Flare BlitzFlare Blitz
Has the user charge forward cloacked in fire, throwing opposing Pokemon. Also grants the user a shield.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Float StoneFloat Stone ・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Increases movement speed by 10% when the Pokemon is not in combat.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Fire Punch Opponents

Charizard can deal heavy blows with its Fire Punch. Enemies hit by these move gets shoved and are left burned in the process making them deal burn damage. This is most effective when used in close combat and has a high chance to pressure squishy opponents.

Flare Blitz Through The Lanes

Get in and out of battles while throwing opponents at the receiving end with Flare Blitz! Charizard also gets a temporary shield at the same time so you'll be protected at the same time.

Held Items For Fiery Moves

Increase Charizard's overall attack and movement speed with Float Stone. This way you'll be able to increase Charizard's movement speed by 10% when its not fighting, ideal if you want to focus on last minute goals. Muscle Band further enhances Atk and Basic Attack Speed so you'll be able to deal more damage equal to 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP. Scope Lens will amplify this with its Crit-Hit Rate and Damage of basic attacks.

Battle Item For Extra Mobility

You can further extend Charizard's dash moves with Eject Button. This will make it easier for your to move around and change your placement in battle. It's an escape tool you can use in the last minute in case your dash moves are still on-cool down so we highly recommend this Battle Item.

Lv. 5Fire PunchFire Punch
Has the user punch with a fiery fist, dealing damage and shoving opposing Pokemon when it hits. Also leaves the opposing Pokemon it shoves burned.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Lv. 7Fire BlastFire Blast
Blasts intense, all-consuming fire, dealing damage over time to opposing Pokemon while the flames continue to burn on the ground and decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Float StoneFloat Stone ・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Increases movement speed by 10% when the Pokemon is not in combat.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Lethal Fire Blast & Fire Punch Combo

This build packs two of the most recently buffed moves from the last update into a lethal combo. You can use Fire Punch to shove opposing Pokemon to the Fire Blast area of damage. The compounded effect of these two moves can help with quick KOs.

Held Items For More Firepower

When not battling, you'll be able to enhance Charizard's movement speed by 10% with the use of Float Stone which is excellent if you want to focus on scoring and roaming around. Scope Lens on the other hand increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases so pair it with Razor Claw. This item will increase Charizard's next basic attack to a minimum of 10 more damage.

Battle Item To Increase Attack

To amplify Charizard's firepower, equip X Attack and activate it first whenever you use your moves to be able to deal the maximum damage.

Lv. 5FlamethrowerFlamethrower
Attacks with an intense blast of fire. When this move hits, it leaves opposing Pokemon burned and increases the user's movement speed for a short time.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Lv. 7Flare BlitzFlare Blitz
Has the user charge forward cloacked in fire, throwing opposing Pokemon. Also grants the user a shield.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Float StoneFloat Stone ・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Increases movement speed by 10% when the Pokemon is not in combat.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Flamethrower For Ranged Attacks

One of Charizard's strengths is its ability to deal powerful ranged attacks, and Flamethrower is one of them. The distance not only provides ample opportunity to support allies by dealing extra damage to their opponents, but also gives you a chance to flee if the battle becomes too heated.

Flare Blitz For Damage & Defense

Although Fire Blast is great for dealing damage in a set area, most opponents in battle know better than to stay there once the flames start to show. Because of this, Flare Blitz is the more efficient move in battle as it not only inflicts considerable damage to opponents, but it also shields you in the process.

Held Items To Increase Performance

Charizard's next basic attack will do at least 10 extra damage when you use Razor Claw. Muscle Band will make sure that Charizard's basic Atk Speed is increased up to +7.5%, this way you'll be able to land more basic attacks to your enemies in a short period of time. When not battling, Float Stone can increase Charizard's movement speed by 10%, which is great if you want to focus on scoring and roaming around.

Get Extra Mobility With This Battle Item!

Eject Button makes it easier for Charizard to change its position quickly in the Battle Arena. It is also nice to have that extra tool you can use to escape unfavorable situations not to mention dodge incoming attacks.

Lv. 5FlamethrowerFlamethrower
Attacks with an intense blast of fire. When this move hits, it leaves opposing Pokemon burned and increases the user's movement speed for a short time.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Lv. 7Fire BlastFire Blast
Blasts intense, all-consuming fire, dealing damage over time to opposing Pokemon while the flames continue to burn on the ground and decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Float StoneFloat Stone ・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Increases movement speed by 10% when the Pokemon is not in combat.
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy ・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2% when the Pokemon recieves damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is recieved.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Flamethrower For Range, Burn, & Speed

Flamethrower is quite useful as it's deals damage from afar, burns Pokemon in the process, and increases your speed all in one go. The distance not only provides ample opportunity to support allies by dealing extra damage to their opponents, but also gives you a chance to flee if the battle becomes too heated.

Fire Blast For Area Damage

Fire Blast is particularly useful in group battles as it targets all Pokemon in the area of effect. Aside from this, the damage dealt is comparatively higher then other moves, so it can be quite lethal if aimed well.

Held Items For Extra Power

The muscle band & weakness policy ensure that Charizard can deal powerful hits, so don't be afraid to go a bit more offensive on this build as it can really pack a punch! When not in battle, Float Stone may boost Charizard's movement speed by 10%, which is useful if you want to focus on scoring goals last minute.

Get Flexible With This Battle Item!

The Eject Button allows Charizard to instantly shift its position in the Battle Arena. It's also handy to get an extra tool to help you escape risky situations and evade approaching attacks.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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Shadow8520's Build

Charizard - Basics & Advanced Tips

Charizard Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Charizard. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Concentrate on leveling up
Charizard won't have much fighting power until Lv9, so make sure you prioritize leveling up to this point. Do your best to avoid getting bullied by enemies as they attempt to steal the last hits.
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Watch out for your HP
Charizard isn't the tankiest Pokemon - its HP levels can get dangerously low if you're not careful. Play safe and use good decision making to either close in on enemies that are singled out or wait for backup before diving in.
▶ HP Recovery Guide
Make it a point to work with allies
Charizard has plenty of burn-inflicting attacks which make him useful in teamfights, compounding damage on enemies. Since it's difficult to KO enemies alone, make it a point to stick close to your teammates and keep yourself behind the frontlines.
▶ Teamfight Guide

Charizard Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Charizard. Consider this as a Charizard-specific with some info shared with the Advanced Players Guide.

Utilize bushes for surprise attacks
Charizard's Fire Punch & Flare Blitz have the capacity to disrupt and burn enemies, so leverage the effect of these moves by hiding in bushes to ambush enemies. You can also do this to safely land your Unite Move!
▶ Grass (Bush) Guide
Use your Unite Move well
Charizard's Unite Move is powerful enough to tip the scales when taking objectives. A few things to note would be:
・1) Make sure you use all other moves before activating your Unite Move, as you can't use them simultaneously
・2) Try to focus on one enemy when hitting your enhanced basic attacks to speed up KO's
・3) Don't use your Unite Move on invincible enemies as you won't be able to grab them and thus waste a chance to deal huge damage. Try practicing out of battle to master it.
▶ Practice Mode Guide
Use moves for other purposes
As an All-Rounder, Charizard can play many roles in battle. With that, he has many useful moves that can serve other purposes aside from simply attacking opponents. Moves such as Fire Blast can decrease movement speed, so use this to slow down the enemies that are chasing after your teammates.
▶ All-Rounder Guide
Predict enemy movement
Charizard's moves are mostly ranged, so it would benefit you a lot to try and predict enemy movements before they attempt to do any action. Aim Fire Blast at a point where you think they'd end up going instead of aiming straight at your opponent. This is particularly useful when taking objectives.
▶ Movement & Dodging

Charizard Strategy Guide

Charizard Strengths & Weaknesses

With its fiery moves, Charizard may consistently deal burn damage over time. It displaces its opponents by blitzing and knocking them back as it makes its way through the lanes.
Because of its dash attacks, Charizard can reposition itself during combat while inflicting damage to targets. It can also attack enemies while moving, dealing more damage output in the process.
Charizard becomes a hyper offensive attacker once it unlocks its Unite Move. It can single-handedly knock out an opponent with its Seismic Slam plus its fast cooldown rate lets you use it more often in battle.
Stuns and status conditions have a significant impact on Charizard as they can disable or slow down its movement, making it vulnerable to burst attack. When confronted with Pokemon such as Gengar or Slowbro, take extreme precautions.
Charizard may take time to level up and unlock its moveset. Its defense isn't that great, so having a supporter nearby can help you with early laning and defending goal zones.
Charmander's early game is weak as it doesn't have much damage and its defense is low, making it an easy target. Tends to get knocked out when targeted by multiple opponents at once. Play safe until you evolve.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
In this route, you may actively push lanes by beating Rotom to assist your team to destroying goal zones in the upper area faster.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★★★
Charmander may evolve quickly from Exp points earned from clearing spawns and wild Pokemon in the area. While farming, you can easily jump in and out of team fights in both upper and lower lanes to provide additional power.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★
Charmander's combat ability may not fare well from the early lane pressure and skirmishes common in the lower route.
Lane Guide - Which Lane Should You Go To?

Charmander (Lv 1~) Strategy

Pick Flame Burst First

Although Fire Spin is a great, easy to use move, picking Flame Burst first is often the better choice. This is because opposing Pokemon don't really gather closely together in one area at the start, making Fire Spin a little bit more difficult to maneuver. Flame Burst however deals sure & powerful hits to the target Pokemon at a distance, making it a safer option for the earlier stages of the game.

Don't Overextend

Although you have a good balance of abilities, you will find that you'll be somewhat weak in the early game. Charizard is a Pokemon that evolves, and will thus hit its power spike later on. You'll want to choose your opponents wisely and not to overextend. Contest wild Pokemon last hits, but don't overextend if your opponent is already a fully evolved or fully leveled Pokemon (Lucario, Pikachu, etc.)

Use Fire Spin To Speed Up KO's

When you get to Lv 3, you can start to use both Fire Spin and Flame Burst. This combo is particularly great at speeding up wild Pokemon KO's, so utilize it early in the game when EXP is a prime resource. Aim Fire Spin at your target to burn them where they stand, then hit them again with Flame Burst. When the wild Pokemon comes closer, lead them back into the ring of fire while attacking them simultaneously and watch them quickly get KO-ed.

Get The Last Hits Aggressively

Make sure to always get the last hit on Wild Pokemon as this is very crucial for you to level up quickly since Charizard starts off very weak in the early stages of the game.

List Of Wild Pokemon

Charmeleon (Lv 5~) Strategy

Offensive Skills Improve From Lv5 Onward

Once you reach Lv5, you'll find your offensive capabilities improve enough to deal substantial damage to opposing Pokemon. You'll get a choice of two great offensive moves - making combat easier for you in general. Still, you won't have hit your maximum power spike yet, so you'll want to refrain from getting being too aggressive. Try to get yourself up to level 7 or 8 by the 7-minute mark.

Adapt Your Build To The Situation At Hand

At level 5 you'll get a choice between Flamethrower and Fire Punch. Which one you choose will affect the direction of your build, so pick wisely. Flamethrower is great for ranged battles, whereas Fire Punch brings a little bit more team versatility in the form of displacement.

Attacks with an intense blast of fire. When this move hits, it leaves opposing Pokemon burned and increases the user's movement speed for a short time.
Fire Punch
Fire PunchFire PunchDash
Has the user punch with a fiery fist, dealing damage and shoving opposing Pokemon when it hits. Also leaves the opposing Pokemon it shoves burned.

Charizard (Lv 9~) Strategy

Consider Fighting Over Escaping When HP Is Low

Thanks to your passive ability Blaze, your critical-hit rate increases when your HP is at half or less. When in a tight battle, consider fighting to finish off your opponent rather than running away. This can catch your opponent off-guard and result in you turning the tide!

Consider Saving Ult For Zapdos At 2:50

If you’re busy fighting off enemies, you may not have enough time to kill Wild Pokemon or score to reach 100% again by the time Zapdos appears. If this is mostly the case with you, we’d recommend that you consider saving your ult once the time stamp reaches 2:50. Having your ult for this final teamfight will be hugely advantageous.

Flare Blitz + Fire Punch Build

Recommended Combo
Flare BlitzFire Punch

This build provides more mobility than others, packing two dash moves. It will allow you to displace and burn your opponents while also giving yourself a shield. Of all the build variants, this one is closest in gameplay to a tank, so if your team is lacking in crowd control, try this one out!

Fire Blast + Fire Punch Build

Recommended Combo
Fire BlastFire Punch

This build is great for targeting several Pokemon at once. Utilize it in group battles or for when you want to KO several wild Pokemon quickly. Begin with aiming Fire Blast at your target group of enemy Pokemon and deal damage to all in the area. Stop them from moving away from the area or from coming towards you using Fire Punch. This combo leaves enemies in a circle of burning flames on the ground that both damages & slows them down.

Flare Blitz + Flamethrower Build

Recommended Combo
Flare BlitzFlamethrower

This pair of moves will let you deal good damage but also be a bit more bulky via Flare Blitz's shield. Applying Flamethrower's burn and slow on enemies will also help to weaken them and potentially let you escape in a pinch.

Fire Blast + Flamethrower Build

Recommended Combo
Fire BlastFlamethrower

Begin with aiming Fire Blast at your target enemy. This move usually works best when your opponent is rushing toward you rather than running away as it puts them in the perfect spot to get burned by the flames on the ground. Then follow with Flamethrower to burn them further and deal damage.

Unite Move: Seismic Slam

Arguably the main reason why Charizard is brought to matches, this enables you to slam your enemy to the ground, then fly up in the air to move freely over obstacles. It also increases your basic attack damage and burns enemies, all while recovering HP for every hit inflicted. Given this move's power, you'll want to consider making use of Ult-boosting items, such as the Energy Amplifier and Buddy Barrier. Pop the ult when you're low to get a big shield and damage boost. You will last longer than enemies anticipate, able to make huge comebacks.

Charizard - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will guide you on which specific Wild Pokemon to target in order, as well as what to do at various stages of the game. This guide is based on the Flamethrower/Fire Blast build.


Target Level3
Tasks① Choose Flame Burst as your first skill.
② KO the 1st Aipom
③ KO the 2nd Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the middle.

Charizard's normal attacks do more damage to Pokemon that are burned. We recommended to learn Flame Burst as your first skill, as it can deal damage and also cause burn effects.


Target Level5
Tasks① KO the Corphish located at the middle lower side of the lane.
② Clear the Aipom spawns located at the upper and lower left side.
③ Deal with the Corphish located at the upper left side of your goal zone.
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.
⑤ Clear the newly spawned Corphish at the lower side of the lane.
⑥ Clear the newly spawned Aipoms at the upper and lower left side.
⑦ Deal with the respawned Corphish located at the upper left side of your goal zone.
⑧ KO the 4 Corphishes in the central lane and then head towards the bottom lane.

At level 4, Charizard's ability to escape is very poor. We therefore don't recommend going head-on to attack your opponents until you've reached level 5 & learn Flamethrower, which can deal more damage and boost your movement speed.

7:00~Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level7
Tasks• Use Flamethrower to increase your movement speed and attack from a safe distance.
• Use Fire Blast to damage multiple opponents.

In Team Fights Charizard basically attacks with long distance attacks especially the Flamethrower move which increases movement speed and the Fire Blast move which targets multiple opponents.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~Zapdos Fight & Endgame

Target Level9~
Tasks• Use Flamethrower to increase your movement speed and attack from a safe distance.
• Use Fire Blast to damage multiple opponents.
• Use your Unite Move then after use your Flamethrower to finish off your opponent.

Charizard's Unite Move grabs your opponent and slams them to the ground, leaving you in a levitated state for short time. This is important in group battles, such as the Zapdos fight. KO your opponent's Attacker in one fell swoop with a normal attack after grabbing them up.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Charizard Counters

Pokemon Charizard Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Charizard

・Bully Charizard in the early-game by stealing last hits and invading it. Delay its evolution as much as possible.
・ Charizard is not a mobile Pokemon (unless it uses its Unite Move) and it can be easily bursted down or ambushed. Stuns or status ailments greatly affect Charizard so make use of such moves when battling it.
Charizard can continuously deal burn damage over time, so either quickly KO it or keep your distance until you eliminate the heavy hitters first.
・Use Slowbro's Unite Move while Charizard uses its own to null its invincibility to hindrances.

Best Matchups For Charizard

Pokemon Charizard Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Charizard

Tips When Allied With Charizard

・Using Pokemon that inflicts burn damage like Cinderace may help Charizard to KO opponents faster.
・You can let Charizard take the last hit if you are using a Pokemon that doesn't need to prioritize its level progression like Supporters or Defenders do.
・Charizard's normal attacks are high and it gets immune to any damage after using its Unite Move, so enemies tend to retreat once its ult hits them. Try to stun your opponents or slow them down so Charizard can KO them easily.

Charizard Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Deals continual damage. Deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon that are burned and increases in range when the user evolves.
When the Pokemon is at half HP or less, its critical-hit rate is increased.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

Flame BurstFlame Burst Ranged
Attacks with a bursting flame. When this move hits, it leaves opposing Pokemon burned and increase the user's movement speed for a short time.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 341

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageBurn Damage x No. Of Times
127132 x 4 times
228033 x 4 times
329034 x 4 times
430135 x 4 times
Fire SpinFire Spin Area
Encircles opposing Pokemon in the area of effect in a vortex of fire. After this move hits, it deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 990

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageContinuous Damage x No. Of Times
131162 x 10 times
232064 x 10 times
333066 x 10 times
434168 x 10 times
536973 x 10 times
638376 x 10 times

Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Attacks with an intense blast of fire. When this move hits, it leaves opposing Pokemon burned and increases the user's movement speed for a short time.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Damage: 1346

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageBurn Damage x No. Of Times
552139 x 4 times
654341 x 4 times
756743 x 4 times
859646 x 4 times
968055 x 4 times
1071859 x 4 times
1189463 x 4 times
1295569 x 4 times
13102675 x 4 times
14111083 x 4 times
15120892 x 4 times
Fire PunchFire PunchDash
Has the user punch with a fiery fist, dealing damage and shoving opposing Pokemon when it hits. Also leaves the opposing Pokemon it shoves burned.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 1877

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageBurn Damage x No. Of Times
572539 x 5 times
675541 x 5 times
779043 x 5 times
882946 x 5 times
994255 x 5 times
1099559 x 5 times
11105463 x 5 times
12112569 x 5 times
13120675 x 5 times
14130483 x 5 times
15141792 x 5 times

Level 7 Moves (Choose One)

Fire BlastFire BlastArea
Blasts intense, all-consuming fire, dealing damage over time to opposing Pokemon while the flames continue to burn on the ground and decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage: 3555

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageBurn Damage x No. Of Times
7532133 x 10 times
8556139 x 10 times
9629157 x 10 times
10661165 x 10 times
11698174 x 10 times
12743185 x 10 times
13878217 x 10 times
14946233 x 10 times
151025253 x 10 times
Flare BlitzFlare BlitzDash
Has the user charge forward cloacked in fire, throwing opposing Pokemon. Also grants the user a shield.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 1085

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Seismic SlamSeismic SlamSure Hit
Has the user grab a Pokemon from the opposing team and slam it onto the ground from the air. For a short time afterward, the user can move freely over obstacles. While this Unite Move is being used, the user's basic attacks deal increased damage and leave opposing Pokemon burned. In addition, when the user deals damage to an opposing Pokemon, the user recovers HP.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 9912

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvTotal Damage
List Of All Moves

Charizard Skins

Charizard - Captain Style

Captain Style Charizard

Charizard - Bonfire Style

Bonfire Style Charizard

Charizard - Orange Unite Style

Orange Unite Style Charizard

Charizard - Purple Unite Style

Purple Unite Style Charizard

Charizard - Adept Style

Adept Style Charizard
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All All-Rounder List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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Anonymous 1

charizad is awsome

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