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Greninja Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Greninja Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Greninja Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Greninja is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Greninja's stats, best items, Froakie, skin, moveset, unite move, build & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Greninja Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Greninja Move Changes (May 30)

Move / StatChanges
- Fixed a bug where the effect would be canceled when using a battle item.
Waterburst ShurikenWaterburst ShurikenChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (May 30)Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Greninja Move Changes (April 28)

Move / StatChanges
Waterburst ShurikenWaterburst ShurikenChanges
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
April 28 Updates And Patch Notes

Greninja Move Changes (December 9)

Move / StatChanges
Basic Attack- Bug fix on the boosted attack movement speed has been decreased.
Double TeamDouble Team- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon has decreased
Water ShurikenWater Shuriken- Cooldown increased from 5s to 6s
Waterburst ShurikenWaterburst Shuriken- Cooldown decreased & bug fix on movement speed decrease.

Greninja received some nerfs and bug fixes on the Dec 9th Patch, with Double Team & Water Shuriken effects decreased. There were also bug fixes with the Basic Attack and Waterburst Shuriken.

Greninja Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
ATK & HP- Attack decreased
- HP also decreased by roughly 5%
SmokescreenSmokescreen - Fixed a bug where Smokescreen (Lv5) activates the boost effects of Smokescreen+ (Lv 13)
Double TeamDouble Team- Adjusted so clones are easier to hit.
Water ShurikenWater Shuriken - Fixed a bug where enemy Pokemon speed wasn't being slowed down.
Waterburst ShurikenWaterburst Shuriken- Made the move activate faster.
PassiveTorrent - Attack bonus from passive decreased..

During the September 22nd Patch, Greninja received some tweaks and bug fixes. Although Greninja's ATK, HP, and Passive effects have been nerfed, Waterburst Shuriken's activation time has increased. There are also bug fixes for the Smokescreen and Water Shuriken, as well as adjustments to the Double Team clones to make them easier to attack. Overall it's likely that Greninja will take a hit, but it's unclear to what extent.

August 18th Patch Changes

SmokescreenSmokescreen- Weakened the effect of the move
- Increased the cooldown from 11s to 13s
Water ShurikenWater Shuriken- Reduced the cooldown from 8s to 5s
- Damage done to enemy Pokemon increased by approximately 18%
Double TeamDouble Team- Reduced the cooldown from 11s to 9s

Greninja has seen some adjustments in the August 18th patch. Smokescreen has been nerfed substantially, with Water Shuriken and Double Team being buffed to compensate.

Greninja Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Greninja Stats

Offense 4 Stars (8)
Endurance 2 Stars (4)
Mobility3 Stars (6)
Scoring3 Stars (6)
Support0.5 Stars (1)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Greninja Evolution

(Lv. 5)
(Lv. 7)

Greninja Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5SmokescreenSmokescreen
Creates a smokescreen and has the user roll away from its current location. Immediately afterward, the user begins sneaking and has its movement speed increased for a short time. This also makes its next basic attack a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7SurfSurf
Has the user ride a wave, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and restoring the user's HP. If this move knocks out an opposing Pokemon its cooldown is reset. In addition, this move deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon with low HP.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Held Items
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Escape With Smokescreen

Although both abilities in this tree are worthwhile, Smokescreen can really save you in a pickle, allowing you to retreat and recall away from a battle. The disorienting effect of Double Team can be desirable, but the enemy can usually read which one is the real one quite quickly.

Go For Surf

Greninja's Surf is a very reliable frontal charge ability that also has the benefit of healing you. It's substantially easier to land than Water Shuriken, and can also be reset if you KO an opponent. In general, this is the safer of the two moves to pick.

Lv. 5SmokescreenSmokescreen
Creates a smokescreen and has the user roll away from its current location. Immediately afterward, the user begins sneaking and has its movement speed increased for a short time. This also makes its next basic attack a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7SurfSurf
Has the user ride a wave, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and restoring the user's HP. If this move knocks out an opposing Pokemon its cooldown is reset. In addition, this move deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon with low HP.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Look For Opportunities To Attack

Jungle Greninja makes use of the buffs and mobility to roam the map and assist lanes that are in trouble. Map awareness is key here so keep looking for opportunities and enemies that are deep inside your lane.

Quick Positioning Is Also Key

Try to attack from the sides or from the rear to catch enemies by surprise. The goal here is to minimize your chances of getting downed while having the best position to attack and aid your team. Use the bushes to spring ambushes or to hide your approach.

Lv. 5SmokescreenSmokescreen
Creates a smokescreen and has the user roll away from its current location. Immediately afterward, the user begins sneaking and has its movement speed increased for a short time. This also makes its next basic attack a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7Water ShurikenWater Shuriken
Throws shurikens made of water in quick succession. Decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time and restores the user's HP when it hits. Also increases the user's movement speed while using this move.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Has HP Regeneration

The Water Shuriken build has more sustain compared to Greninja's other builds. When a Water Shuriken lands, Greninja gains HP, granting you more survivability during fights. You can also use Water Shuriken on Wild Pokemon to get some HP while roaming.

Easy To Miss

Unfortunately, Water Shuriken is a difficult skill to land. Once aimed, Greninja fires the Shuriken at a fixed angle making it an easy skill to dodge. Make sure to target slow enemies or bound ones when using this skill.

Lv. 5Double TeamDouble Team
Quickly moves the user away from the current position, creating illusory copies of them to aid in battle.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7Water ShurikenWater Shuriken
Throws shurikens made of water in quick succession. Decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time and restores the user's HP when it hits. Also increases the user's movement speed while using this move.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Instant Gap Closing

Double Team allows Greninja to dash a good distance forward. This skill can help you quickly close a gap and is incredibly useful when defending or chasing.

Easy To Miss With Water Shuriken

To dodge a Water Shuriken, the enemy Pokemon must only move to the sides. Use this skill only if you are sure if it will land. Ask help from other players to keep enemies in place to attack them with this skill.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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Credence (ACY3LMT)'s Build

Author's Notes
Do not equip Float Stone.
You can also switch Scope Lens with any of the three items.
See More User Submitted Builds Here

SonicJ13's Build

Author's Notes
- Try to get to lvl 7 as fast as possible and help out the top and bottom lane by picking off low hp pokemon with the high movement that double team gives you.

WomenAim's Build

Author's Notes
- Double team to get ahead of your opponent and water shuriken with the clones, then finish off with basic attacks or basic attack while the clones use the shurikens then water shuriken to finish them off, the clones almost never miss the shurikens

My "Great" Greninja Build

Author's Notes
- Double Team for TRIPLE the damage of the 1st skill.

Greninja - Basics & Advanced Tips

Greninja Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Greninja. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Concentrate on farming
Greninja relies heavily on Wild Pokemon XP. Having a good run during the first few minutes of the match can give you the competitive edge down the line.
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Melee vs Range?
One of the key things you must learn is Greninja's normal attacks. It has both ranged and melee attacks but both work differently. Melee attacks allow you to deal splash damage and grants you a dash on the 3rd hit.
Watch out for your HP
Greninja's HP can go from 100% to 0% in a blink of an eye. Play safe and use good decision making to either harass enemies or close in on them using your moves and melee attacks.
▶ HP Recovery Guide
It's dangerous to go alone
Although mobile, Greninja can easily get shutdown when hit with crowd-control moves such as stuns and disables. Make sure to play with teammates and keep yourself behind the frontlines. Greninja's firepower is too strong that being KO'd early might cause your team to lose a clash!
▶ Greninja's Best Allies

Greninja Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Greninja. Consider this to be a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

There's a proper time to clash
Being highly aggressive as Greninja can greatly affect the game's tempo. It also means that making mistakes and losing and getting KO'd early during a fight can greatly swing the balance of power. With that said, make good decisions on when and where to strike as Greninja.
▶ Teamfight Battle Tips
Play the objectives
As an attacker, Greninja is likely to get more Aeos Energy. Given its mobility, looking for weak points and unguarded goals are must-dos for Greninja. Score whenever you can and be the MVP that you want to be!
▶ Team Score Guide
Use your Unite Move well
While it might look simple, Greninja's Unite Move can be difficult to land especially during a frenetic battle. Have an ally to lock the enemy team down first, then shower them with damage. To easily get used to it, practice using the Unite Move safely using Practice Mode and turn the cooldown option to "off".
▶ Practice Mode Guide
Bushes are your friends
While it may be easy to just sprint away from battle, using bushes can be beneficial as the enemy can't know where you are planning on going. Hide in these bushes to ambush or escape enemies. You can also use it to safely land your Unite Move!
▶ Grass (Bush) Guide

Greninja - Strategy Guide

Greninja Strengths & Weaknesses

Greninja is one of the best nukers in the game
You can practically use almost all of the moves to escape or chase fleeing enemies
Greninja is also great when it comes to clearing Wild Pokemon thanks to its melee splash attack
Has decent ranged normal attacks
Incredibly weak during the early stages of the game
Can be an easy target during the early stages due to its lack of effective escape moves
You need to reach level 5 to get your first decent move
Greninja can be difficult to use due to its moves requiring a bit of finesse to land

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★・
Froakie can easily acquire experience points from wild Pokemon in the upper route to evolve into Greninja quickly. It is also possible to defeat Rotom and aggressively push lanes when the opponents all shift to the lower path at the same time.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★★★
Froakie can reliably go mid to get buffs to support the other main lanes. Make sure to always get the orange buff and purple buff for added advantages. Just make sure you are at an adequate level before you appear on the main lanes.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★・・
Froakie is vulnerable during the early stages and must not act alone as it gets easily KO-ed even on 1v1 battle. It may have difficulty in the bottom lane because of the frequent battles occurring here. Focus on leveling up first before charging into battle to ensure evolution and unlock its movesets.

Froakie (Lv 1~) Strategy

Bubble Slows & Damages Enemies

Bubble is a great support ability, especially when approaching goals for the first time. It will not only damage opposing Pokemon, but it will also slow them down. With another teammate by your side, you can finish off enemies before they can run away. Also take into account that Bubble travels down a straight line and the range is somewhat short, making it easy to dodge it.

Evolve As Quickly As Possible

Greninja has to go through two evolutions before getting its final form. Froakie is a squishy Pokemon, and Frogadier also is somewhat lacking in attack. Aim to evolve to Greninja at Lv. 7 by the 5-minute mark of the match.

How To Level Up Fast - EXP Farming

Substitute Lets You Close Distance Or Get Away

Substitute can be used to close in on enemies, finish them off when they're retreating, or dash away to get out of a losing fight. You can also use this to easily reach certain spots.

TipTIP!You can use Substitute to get over thin walls and barriers!

Frogadier (Lv 5~) Strategy

Frogadier (Lv 5~) Strategy

Both New Attacks Are Dashes

At Level 5, you will have to choose between 2 dashes. Double Team is a support Dash since it summons clones to help you while Smokescreen is a DPS Dash since it boosts Normal Attacks after being used. Smokescreen is way better when it comes to escaping due to the added stealth while Double Team has a better dash distance. Take note of both moves' advantages and disadvantages when picking them.

TipTIP!Both Smokescreen and Double Team can help you cross barriers like Substitute. However, Smokescreen has a shorter dash range when compared to Double Team, making it more limited with the obstacles that it can cross.
If You Choose Smokescreen
Lv 7:SurfSurfMelee
Get in and get out in a series of dashes as you can easily combo Surf and Smokescreen
If You Choose Double Team
Lv 7:Water ShurikenWater ShurikenRanged
After using Double Team, use Shuriken to engage safely against an enemy from a distance

Greninja (Lv 7~) Strategy

Win With Melee Attacks

▲ More damaging if you attack after using Greninja's Unite Move

Greninja can deal the greatest amount of damage with its melee attacks. Aside from the splash damage, Greninja's melee also causes it to move forward, blocking the enemy's path. Close in using your skills and smack the enemy until they fall down. Take care not to get into traps though as Greninja can be easily burst down if you're not careful.

Can Reliably Roam The Map

With its final moves unlocked, Greninja can finally freely go around the map to hit targets and assist teammates. Use the Dash skills to close gaps or escape brawls, and use either Surf or Water Shuriken to deal damage. Aiming is particularly important as not landing your moves can doom you. With a horrendously low HP, Greninja needs to be in and out of fights as fast as possible.

Smokescreen + Surf Build

Recommended Combo
Smokescreen → Normal Attack → Surf → Surf (If you got a KO)

Start off with Smokescreen to close in on enemies and raise your Normal Attack. You can then use Surf to deal damage or finish them off. If they get KO'd, Surf will reset its cooldown, which you can then use to reposition.

Smokescreen + Water Shuriken Build

Initiate the attack with either Smokescreen or Water Shuriken and finish the job using basic attacks. Both moves have great synergy with each other as Smokescreen can propel Greninja forward while Water Shuriken can attack and heal from a distance. This combo can be used even while on the run, which can turn a pursuer into a possible target.

Double Team + Water Shuriken Build

Use Double Team to close the gap when chasing enemies. The goal here is to get close to the melee range so you can reliably keep up using the melee boosted attack. Use Water Shuriken to attack from a distance while moving to restore your health.

Greninja (Lv 9~) Strategy

How To Use Waterburst Shuriken

Waterburst Shuriken is an attack that deals a large amount of damage on a specific area. Greninja teleports to the center, smashing a water shuriken to the ground. Afterwards, Greninja gets a speed buff allowing it to chase down survivors. Properly time and aim this skill to maximize the damage. Once the move lands, you can pick a direction to jump to. Remember to jump after Waterburst Shuriken lands as you might find yourself in the middle of the enemy team.

TipTIP!Greninja is vulnerable and can still be hit even while doing its Unite Move! Take care not to perform this move in the middle of the fight as getting downed during the move does not reset its cooldown.

Stay Close To Your Team

Stay Close to your team
▲ Notice how Greninja's HP has less bars than Eldegoss'

While Greninja's attack damage is comparatively exceptional, its HP does not increase as much as its damage potential. Stick close and roam with your team to prevent enemy ganks and burst damage.

Chase Down Survivors

With a large selection of Dash skills, Greninja can easily close the gap to chase down enemy Pokemon. It also helps that these skills can get you over some walls and Greninja can use ranged attacks. Make sure to use these mobility abilities frequently for map control.

Greninja - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will guide you on which specific Wild Pokemon to target in what order, and as well as exactly what to do during the remaining time of the game. Note that this information is specifically for the bottom lane!


Target Level3
Tasks① Choose Bubble as your first skill.
② KO the first Aipom.
③ KO the next Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the center.

It's recommended that you choose Bubble as your first skill as it can damage both the 3rd and 4th Aipom at the same time. Normal and Enhanced attack damage varies depending on the distance from the target. Basically, this means you should try to fight Wild Pokemon in close range whenever possible!


Target Level5
Tasks① KO Audino in the upper middle.
② KO the upper left and lower left Audinos.
③ KO the Corphish in the lower-left side of your goal zone.
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle
⑤ KO the newly spawned Audino in the upper middle.
⑥ KO the newly spawned upper left and lower left Audinos.
⑦ KO the newly spawned Corphish in the lower-left side of your goal zone.
⑧ KO newly spawned the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.

Greninja's durability is very low, so it is best to avoid engaging to battle with the opponent and attack from a distance. If the opponent gets close, use Substitute to keep your distance.

Terms & Terminology Guide - Glossary & Meaning

7:00~ Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level7
Tasks • Do normal and enhanced attacks from a distance and also do use the Water Shuriken move to even more damage.
• If opponents approach you, use Smokescreen to escape.

At level 5, Greninja learns Smokescreen which can be used as an escape plan. However, after level 5, you'll want to ensure you get to level 7 as fast as possible. To do so, consider playing a bit more aggressively.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~End Of The Match

Target Level9~
Tasks • Do normal and enhanced attacks from a distance and also do use the Water Shuriken move to even more damage.
・ If opponents approached you, use Smokescreen to escape.
• Greninja's Unite Move can deal multiple damage to opponents.

Greninja's unite move is a jump attack that can be aimed at a specified location. We suggest to use this move when many opponents are clumped together in a group fight against Zapdos.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Greninja Counters

Pokemon Greninja Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Greninja

・Watch out for Surf resets! Greninja resets Surf if it KOs an opponent, so always keep an eye out on your allies' health
・Try to read its movements - it will often dash away with Double Team or Smokescreen, so you'll have to anticipate the direction its moving in.
・Smokescreen does not make it invincible, just invisible. You can still use moves to hit it!
・Watch out for Zapdos/Drednaw snipes. Surf does more damage to lower health targets, so make sure to dispatch Greninja before fighting these.

Best Matchups For Greninja

Pokemon Greninja Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Greninja

Tips When Allied With Greninja

・Use stuns to immobilize targets so Greninja can hit them successfully with its skill shots
・Make sure to protect Froakie as it tends to get harassed during the early stages to prevent any delay on its level progression
・Prevent enemies from stopping Zeraora's momentum by nullifying their effects

Greninja Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Long
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack. At long range, a boosted attack deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon and decreases their movement speed for a short time. at close range, a boosted attack deals more damage the lower the opposing Pokemon remaining HP is.
When the Pokemon is at half HP or less, its Attack and movement speed are increased.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

BubbleBubble Ranged
Attacks with a spray of bubbles, decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when it hits.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 748

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

SubstituteSubstitute Dash
Leaves behind a Substitute doll for the user while it's moving forward.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 0

Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Double TeamDouble TeamDash
Quickly moves the user away from the current position, creating illusory copies of them to aid in battle.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Damage: 0
Creates a smokescreen and has the user roll away from its current location. Immediately afterward, the user begins sneaking and has its movement speed increased for a short time. This also makes its next basic attack a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Damage: 0

Level 7 Moves (Choose One)

Water ShurikenWater ShurikenRanged
Throws shurikens made of water in quick succession. Decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time and restores the user's HP when it hits. Also increases the user's movement speed while using this move.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 4530

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageRecovery amount
Has the user ride a wave, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and restoring the user's HP. If this move knocks out an opposing Pokemon its cooldown is reset. In addition, this move deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon with low HP.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 1625

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvEnemy HP > 51%Enemy HP < 50%HP Recovered

Unite Move (Level 9)

Waterburst ShurikenWaterburst ShurikenArea
Has the user throw a giant water shuriken toward the designated area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when this Unite Move hits. The water shuriken then immediately explodes, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect once again and throwing them. Once this Unite Move ends, the user may jump in a designated direction.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 4084

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves
Hero Style Greninja
Fashionable Style Greninja

Greninja Skins

Greninja - Hero Style

How To GetPurchase for 1050 Gems
Wanderer Style Greninja

Greninja - Fashionable Style

How To GetPurchase for 350 Gems
Practice Style

Greninja - Wanderer Style

How To GetPurchase for 2,199 Gems

Greninja - Practice Style

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All Attacker List

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List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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