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Tyranitar Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Tyranitar Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Tyranitar Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Tyranitar Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Tyranitar Move Changes (Sep 28)

Move / StatChanges
Basic AttackBasic AttackChanges
- Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger.
September 28 Patch NotesClick To See Previous Balance Changes

Tyranitar Move Changes (Sep 2)

Move / StatChanges
Dark PulseDark PulseChanges
- Damage reduced
Ancient PowerAncient PowerChanges
- Shield effect weakened
- Decreased movement speed increase from moves
Tyrannical RampageTyrannical RampageChanges
- Normal Attacks during the UNITE Move no longer be critical

Tyranitar Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankSS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Tyranitar Stats

Offense 4 Stars (8)
Endurance 4 Stars (8)
Mobility2 Stars (4)
Scoring1.5 Stars (3)
Support1 Stars (2)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Tyranitar Evolution

(Lv. 5)
(Lv. 9)

Tyranitar Best Builds

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Overview Of Builds

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Lv. 5Dark PulseDark Pulse
Has the user exhale a mist of darkness in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits. If an opposing Pokemon's remaining HP is below a set percentage - or falls below that percentage as a result of this move for a short time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon again within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage. If this move is used while the user's piercing strength has been increased by Ancient Power, the user can ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a longer duration. Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 9Ancient PowerAncient Power
Charges power before releasing a shock wave. The shock wave deals damage to nearby opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. While the user is charging power, its movement speed increases, it gains a shield, and it becomes resistant to hindrances. If any opposing Pokemon are hit by the shock wave, the user's piercing strength increases, allowing it to ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a set time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon the user can release a second shock wave in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this second shock wave hits, the user is granted another shield. The strength of this shield is proportional to the number of opposing Pokemon hit by the second shock wave, reaching maximum shield strength if 3 Pokemon are hit.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy ・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2% when the Pokemon recieves damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is recieved.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
Full HealFull Heal ・Removes all status conditions from your Pokemon and makes it immune to hindrances for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Negate Shields And Defense With Dark Pulse

Tyranitar can take on most defenders or opponents with high endurance with its ability to ignore the enemy's defense and shield effects for a short period of time. Enemies that got their HP pressured by this move have a chance to get stunned if their HP falls below a certain threshold. You can also finish off any enemies with the additional damage increase on enemies who got hit twice by this move.

Stun Enemies With Your Ancient Power

Ancient Power deals damage and stuns which is useful to keep enemies in their place and lets you create an opportunity for your allies to attack or get the last hit on team objectives. When enemies get hit, it triggers a shield for Tyranitar so you'll be able to last much longer, especially in aggressive battles during the late stages where both teams are scrambling to score. It's also noteworthy that Ancient Power can extend the effects of Dark Pulse so make use of it as much as you can.

Held Items For Max Performance

Equip Tyranitar with Weakness Policy to get some additional HP stats and increased firepower when it gets attacked. Muscle Band will further enhance the attack power it gives, improving Tyranitar's basic attack damage and speed so you'll be able to take down targets much faster. Focus Band on the other hand will provide extra defense plus some HP recovery that may be able to extend Tyranitar's time in the battle during close combat.

Be Unstoppable With Full Heal

Prevent Tyranitar from getting hindered in battle with Full Heal. This battle item can remove all status conditions that crowd controllers from the other team might inflict on Tyranitar. This immunity will help you maintain your momentum in battle and may be used to escape pursuers.

Lv. 5Stone EdgeStone Edge
Deals damage to opposing the Pokemon in the area of effect, dealing more damage the closer the opposing Pokemon are to the user. This move can be used up to 3 times within a set amount of time, with the area of effect widening each time it's used.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Lv. 9Sand TombSand Tomb
Has the user move in the designated direction in a single bound, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits while leaping and leaving them unable to act for a short time. When the user lands, the shock from landing creates a cloud of dust at the point of impact that deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon within the area of effect. If this move is used again while the user is in the cloud of dust, opposing Pokemon in front of the user will be pulled closer to it. Furthermore, while the user is in the cloud of dust, it takes reduced damage and can ignore the Defense and shield effects of opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy ・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2% when the Pokemon recieves damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is recieved.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)
Lv. 5Dark PulseDark Pulse
Has the user exhale a mist of darkness in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits. If an opposing Pokemon's remaining HP is below a set percentage - or falls below that percentage as a result of this move for a short time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon again within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage. If this move is used while the user's piercing strength has been increased by Ancient Power, the user can ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a longer duration. Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 9Sand TombSand Tomb
Has the user move in the designated direction in a single bound, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits while leaping and leaving them unable to act for a short time. When the user lands, the shock from landing creates a cloud of dust at the point of impact that deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon within the area of effect. If this move is used again while the user is in the cloud of dust, opposing Pokemon in front of the user will be pulled closer to it. Furthermore, while the user is in the cloud of dust, it takes reduced damage and can ignore the Defense and shield effects of opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy ・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2% when the Pokemon recieves damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is recieved.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Increases the Pokemon's Attack, Sp. Atk, and basic attack speeed for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)
Lv. 5Stone EdgeStone Edge
Deals damage to opposing the Pokemon in the area of effect, dealing more damage the closer the opposing Pokemon are to the user. This move can be used up to 3 times within a set amount of time, with the area of effect widening each time it's used.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Lv. 9Ancient PowerAncient Power
Charges power before releasing a shock wave. The shock wave deals damage to nearby opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. While the user is charging power, its movement speed increases, it gains a shield, and it becomes resistant to hindrances. If any opposing Pokemon are hit by the shock wave, the user's piercing strength increases, allowing it to ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a set time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon the user can release a second shock wave in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this second shock wave hits, the user is granted another shield. The strength of this shield is proportional to the number of opposing Pokemon hit by the second shock wave, reaching maximum shield strength if 3 Pokemon are hit.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
X SpeedX Speed ・For a short time, increases your Pokemon's movement speed and prevents their movement speed from being decreased.
(Cooldown: 50s)
Best Builds For Each Pokemon

Tyranitar Strategy Guide

Tyranitar Strengths & Weaknesses

Passive evolves as you level up during the match and once it reaches its final passive upgrade, you'll be able to deal additional area damage from it.
Strong offensive power with its low CD, wide AoE, stuns and can negate defenses or hindrances can cause disruption on enemy team as well as deal additional damage with moves like Sand Tomb.
Can use Tyrannical Rampage as a finishing move to immediately knock out low HP enemies within range.
Immobilized while using Stone Edge making it prone to attacks as it won't be able to dodge or act quickly, and more agile opponents can flee from it.
Does not have much maneuverability and escape options especially when it upgrades its only dash move, Rock Polish, which you can use to dash in and out of fights.
Pupitar has a late evolution so its damage scaling is slow and gradual unless you focus on leveling early on. During the early stage, its more prone to getting kited by ranged opponents with high mobility.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Pupitar has a high fighting ability during the early stages which it can use in the top route to consistently raise its level to unlock its moveset and reach Lv. 5 before the first Drednaw fight.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★★★
Pupitar can take on the mid lane to quickly increase its level as team battles don't usually occur in this area. Pupitar can definitely evolve fast even before the Drednaw fight so if your team doesn't have a dedicated jungler yet, you may head to the middle area and shift to either main lane when necessary.
BottomBottomRecommendation level:★・・
Pupitar will have difficulty raising its level consistently if you go the bottom lane as frequent team battles often transpire in this area. You can assign this area to a more Pokemon who can deal with constant fights.
Lane Guide

Recommended Boost Emblems

All Pokemon Boost Emblems List

Pupitar (Lv 1~) Strategy

Pick Bite First

Choose Bite to enhance Pupitar's attack so you may be able to knock out Aipoms to level up quickly and unlock Rock Polish which you can use to dash through the lane that you will definitely need during the early stages of the game.

Focus On Leveling

You should concentrate on increasing your level to unlock Pupita's damage-dealing moveset by acquiring as many Wild Pokemon spawns as possible so that you can evolve and improve your moves as soon as possible.

Get Behind Your Allies During Team Battles

Pupitar does not have enough adequate moves that can help it sustain battles longer and is quite squishy due to its low endurance so its best to take cover during clashes especially when you haven't upgraded your moves. Pupitar is a ranged attacker so make use of it to dish out enemies at the backlines while staying safe.

Dash Through The Lanes With Rock Polish

This is a dash-type move you can use to get Pupitar in and out of battles early. It does not provide that much damage compared to Bite but the extra movement you can do with it can be used to dodge incoming attacks

Moves Get More Powerful From Lv5 Onward

When you reach level 5, your original two offensive moves will be upgraded to more powerful versions. This is your main power spike, therefore you'll want to get there as soon as possible so you can help your squad.

Larvitar (Lv 5~) Strategy

Passive Evolves As Well

Pupitar's Guts turn to Shed Skin as it evolves into Larvitar. This passive effect removes status conditions and grants Larvitar a shield for a certain period of time. This is great to avoid getting disabled and be able to take out enemies while avoiding getting damaged.

Stone Edge Can Be Used More Than Once

You can use Stone Edge in two additional consecutive times and each time its range expands, so you'll be able to hit fleeing targets and do more damage. However, take note that this similarly to some of Dragonite's moveset, this move can only be done when Larvitar is standing still so it also leaves it quite vulnerable against burst attacks without some mobility or any escape tool at hand during this time.

More Mobility With Dark Pulse

Dark Pulse range is quite wide and it gives you some movement when attacking so you'll be able to move freely while delivering damage to your target. When a target's HP reaches a specific level, Dark Pulse can also stun them. This provides you a little extra time to deliver damage to your opponents if you get close enough.

Stick Close With Allies As Much As Possible

Larvitar is less likely to level up on the tougher routes until they reach level 9. Make sure to have an ally nearby to help you with the constant clashes to avoid getting knocked out easily which will hinder Larvitar from leveling up to Tyranitar.

Tyranitar (Lv 9~) Strategy

Unleash Ancient Power

Larvitar can send out shock waves that can stun nearby enemies within range and ignore their Defense or Sp. Def shield effects for a limited time. You can also use this to create opportunities for your allies to attack especially during team clashes against objectives which can either make or break your team's momentum in battle.

Stun Enemies With Sand Tomb

Tyranitar can leap into battle and stun them on the spot after landing. The swirling sandstorm surrounding Tyrannitar pulls enemies towards it, dealing damage over time and the closer an enemy gets, the more damage it takes. You'll find this useful when you are taking on multiple enemies at once.

Unite Move: Tyrannical Rampage

Tyranitar can easily knock out opponents when their HP is below a certain threshold once it activates its Tyrannical Rampage aside from the speed buff and increased firepower so is best to use it during team clashes as its wide AoE enables you to inflict multiple enemies, especially when both teams are struggling against the last hit on team objectives. This way you'll be able to secure a knockout during critical moments. Furthermore, you are able to use other moves during Tyrannical Rampage so you can combine them with moves like Sand Tomb or Ancient Power to increase its effects. On top of it, Tyranitar's final passive, Sand Stream, summons sandstorm for a short time that increases its Defense and Sp. Def while providing additional damage to nearby opposing Pokemon.

Tyranitar Counters

Pokemon Tyranitar Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Tyranitar

Delay Pupitar's level progression during the early game so it won't evolve and get its damage dealing movesets
Use Pokemon with wide range to either kite it or counter its Sand Tomb to avoid getting pulled and damaged from this move
Make sure to have a supporter that can buff and heal you while you pressure Tyranitar as encounters with it tend to overextend for sometime

Best Matchups For Tyranitar

Pokemon Tyranitar Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Tyranitar

Tips When Allied With Tyranitar

Tyranitar does not have HP recovery abilities so providing it with heals will extend its battle time in the arena.
Stone Edge leaves Tyranitar standing and unable to move so during this time make sure to get in between its target to provide some defense and absorb the damage from its enemy so it won't get knocked out easily.
You can hold down Tyranitar's targets with moves like Amnesia so it can knock them out
In the early stages, make sure to give the last hits to Pupitar so it can level up quickly.

Tyranitar Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Becomes a boosted attack every 3 attacks, dealing increased damage when it hits.
()Guts/Shed Skin/Sand Stream
Larvitar: When the Pokemon receives a certain amount of damage, its Attack increases for a short time. The Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Pupitar: When the Pokemon receives a certain amount of damage, all of its status conditions are nullified and it is granted a shield. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Tyranitar: Summons a sandstorm around the Pokemon for a short time after it uses a move. This increases the Pokemon's Defense and Sp. Def and deals damage to nearby opposing Pokemon.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

BiteBite Melee
Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in front of the user. If an opposing Pokemon's HP is below a set percentage - or falls below that percentage as a result of this move - that Pokemon becomes unable to move for a short time.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 579
Rock PolishRock Polish Dash
Has the user charge ahead in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits. If this move hits any opposing Pokemon. the user's Attack is increased for a short time.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 494

Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Dark PulseDark PulseArea
Has the user exhale a mist of darkness in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits. If an opposing Pokemon's remaining HP is below a set percentage - or falls below that percentage as a result of this move for a short time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon again within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage. If this move is used while the user's piercing strength has been increased by Ancient Power, the user can ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a longer duration. Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 1554
Stone EdgeStone EdgeArea
Deals damage to opposing the Pokemon in the area of effect, dealing more damage the closer the opposing Pokemon are to the user. This move can be used up to 3 times within a set amount of time, with the area of effect widening each time it's used.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 1214

Level 9 Moves (Choose One)

Ancient PowerAncient PowerBuff
Charges power before releasing a shock wave. The shock wave deals damage to nearby opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. While the user is charging power, its movement speed increases, it gains a shield, and it becomes resistant to hindrances. If any opposing Pokemon are hit by the shock wave, the user's piercing strength increases, allowing it to ignore opposing Pokemon's Defense and shield effects for a set time. If this move hits an opposing Pokemon the user can release a second shock wave in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this second shock wave hits, the user is granted another shield. The strength of this shield is proportional to the number of opposing Pokemon hit by the second shock wave, reaching maximum shield strength if 3 Pokemon are hit.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 1,767
Sand TombSand TombHindrance
Has the user move in the designated direction in a single bound, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits while leaping and leaving them unable to act for a short time. When the user lands, the shock from landing creates a cloud of dust at the point of impact that deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon within the area of effect. If this move is used again while the user is in the cloud of dust, opposing Pokemon in front of the user will be pulled closer to it. Furthermore, while the user is in the cloud of dust, it takes reduced damage and can ignore the Defense and shield effects of opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 331

Unite Move (Level 9)

Tyrannical RampageTyrannical RampageBuff
Has the user explode with anger and go on a rampage, increasing its movement speed for a short time. If the user is affected by a hindrance, it will return to normal faster than usual. While the user is rampaging, its basic attack pattern changes and the attacks deal increased damage. If a Pokemon on the opposing team is hit by these basic attacks when their HP is below a set percentage, it is immediately knocked out.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 1199
List Of All Moves

Tyranitar Skins

Tyranitar - Tuxedo Style

All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All All-Rounder List

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List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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