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Absol Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Absol Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Absol Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Absol is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Absol's stats, best items, moveset, unite move, build, gameplay, skin & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Absol Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Absol Move Changes (September 28)

Move / StatChanges
Night SlashNight SlashChanges
- Duration of effects on the user decreased.
September 28 Patch NotesClick To See Previous Balance Changes

Absol Move Changes (September 22nd)

Night SlashNight Slash- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (Approximately 200%)
- Cooldown remains the same.
- Second ranged attack has been widened.
Sucker PunchSucker Punch- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (About 83%)
- Cooldown has been reduced from 7s to 5s

Absol has received more than its fair share of updates during the last patch. Night Slash and Sucker Punch have both received yet another substantial damage buff.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch (September 22)

Changes In August 4th Update

Night SlashNight Slash- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (About 71%)
Sucker PunchSucker Punch- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (About 29%)

Absol has gotten its share of updates as well with changes during the past patch. Night Slash and Sucker Punch both received a substantial damage buff.

Absol Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankB
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Absol Stats

Offense 3.5 Stars (7)
Endurance 2 Stars (4)
Mobility4 Stars (8)
Scoring2.5 Stars (5)
Support0.5 Stars (1)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Absol Evolution

Final Form
(Does not evolve)

Absol Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5PursuitPursuit
Has the user dash to the designated location and quickly charge an opposing Pokemon with the next basic attack. If the basic attack lands from behind, its damage is increased and this move's cooldown is reduced.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 7Psycho CutPsycho Cut
Has the user attack with blades formed by psychic power that decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when the move hits. Also increases basic attack damage deal to the affected opposing Pokemon for up to three attacks after this move hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Held Items
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Pursuit & Psycho Cut

Pursuit's damage and chase potential is incredible, provided you're able to get back attacks. It's a bit of a high risk, high reward build, but it is extremely powerful. Psycho Cut will deal more damage than Sucker Punch if you factor in all 3 enhanced auto attacks. The range is useful to have too.

Lv. 5Night SlashNight Slash
Has the user dash in an outward arc, dealing damage to opposing pokemon. If this first attack hits, a second attack can also be performed. The second attack has the user dash straight ahead, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and increasing the user's critical-hit rate. The lower the opposing Pokemon's HP, the more the user's critical-hti rate in increased.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 7Psycho CutPsycho Cut
Has the user attack with blades formed by psychic power that decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when the move hits. Also increases basic attack damage deal to the affected opposing Pokemon for up to three attacks after this move hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Held Items
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Using Night Slash

The movement provided by Night Slash's 2nd hit is very worthwhile. Pursuit can deal overall higher damage, but might be trickier to land against skilled opponents. The second dash component of Night Slash is also useful for escaping from dangerous situations.

Pursuit vs Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch is a very solo-focused ability that will let you hone in on targets easily. However, it's also easy for less experienced players to misuse it and end up stranded in the enemy team. Psycho Cut is in general safer. In addition to this, if you get your 3 auto attackers, Psycho Cut also generally deals higher overall damage.

Lv. 5PursuitPursuit
Has the user dash to the designated location and quickly charge an opposing Pokemon with the next basic attack. If the basic attack lands from behind, its damage is increased and this move's cooldown is reduced.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 7Sucker PunchSucker Punch
Has the user look for an opening to attack an opposing pokemon, decreasing the movement speed of the user and the opposing Pokemon for the duration. After a short time, the user charges to attack the opposing Pokemon. However, if the user receives damage or gets attacked before it charges, it attacks immediately and shoves the opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Held Items
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Float StoneFloat Stone ・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Increases movement speed by 10% when the Pokemon is not in combat.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Chase Opponents Down

If you're looking to catch fleeing foes, Pursuit is your best bet. Striking from beind will effectively reset the cooldown, giving you massive damage. Sucker Punch will let you do this even better, as it will lock on to your target.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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Share with us a build that you’re proud of with the form below! The build you share here may be featured on our website! (It will of course be properly attributed to you.)

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Rouanet's Build

Author's Notes
- This set focuses on scoring constantly with the help of Score Shield and it goes against the majority of players who use pursuit, so simply facing Absol won't reduce the damage output.
- Sucker Punch and Night Slash are both moves with mobility so eject button is not mandatory, opening up space for Full Heal to avoid Wigglytuff, Ninetales, Snorlax, Gengar, Machamp (submission) and many other cc heavy pokemon
See More User Submitted Builds Here

Pho3nix12's Build

Author's Notes
- Go middle, then go bottom row try to score as many points as possible due to the attack weight buffs.
- Stay with teammates for extra support

PalePrince's Season Two Build

Author's Notes
- Getting to level 5 is top priority. Eject button is for escaping only - dont use it to chase opponents down.

Absol - Basics & Advanced Tips

Absol Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Absol. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Prioritize leveling up
Although it can be tempting to keep fighting, always try to prioritize getting exp. Your power spikes are levels 5, 7, and 9, so make sure to clear your jungle the moment it respawns!
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Know your limits
Absol is a very squishy Pokemon, and it's important to keep that in mind as you play. Unless you're very overleveled, going in 1v2 is not a good idea. You can't tank a lot of hits, so don't be surprised when you get bursted down in teamfights!
Use your Unite Move to dodge
Your Unite Move deals very good damage, but it also has the extremely important function of making you invincible temporarily! By being smart and waiting until you see an enemy use a key ability to pop your Unite, you can often come out on top in duels and teamfights.
▶ Teamfight Guide

Absol Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Absol. This is a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

Gank assertively
・After you finish your jungle clears, try to find isolated Pokemon on the map to gank. Top and bottom are good places to go, but also consider invading your enemy's jungle.
・Regardless where you gank, make sure to use the grass to your advantage!
▶ Grass (Bush) Guide
Don't immediately jump into team fights
It can be tempting to just jump into a fight with your whole team, but Absol is quite fragile and will likely get destroyed. Consider waiting until key enemy Pokemon are somewhat weakened, as this will open up opportunities to burst them down.
Carefully choose your targets
Make sure to use the precise selector tool (may need to turn this on if you play on Switch) to carefully choose which target you're attacking. Teamfights can get hectic, and you don't want to find yourself targeting a Snorlax when you should be burning down a Pikachu. Ensure that your settings are in order!
▶ Best Settings Guide

Absol Strategy Guide

Absol Strengths & Weaknesses

Absol's quick movement speed makes it an excellent ganker. Absol is a Pokemon that clears lanes exceptionally well and deals very high DPS as it levels up.
Absol's dash attacks like Night Slash and Pursuit are useful for chasing fleeing enemies. You can also use these moves as escape tools for tight situations. Combine either move with Sucker Punch for a Sure Hit.
You can wipe out the enemy team with Absol's powerful Unite Move, Midnight Slash. It deals increased damage to all Pokemon within its AoE and its effect is enhanced with Absol's increased Critical Hit Rate from its Super Lucky passive. Great for team fights and getting objectives.
Absol needs to prioritize leveling up to reach its power spike at level 5. It also has pretty low endurance and can be burst down in team fights as it can't tank multiple hits.
Even with high DPS, Absol is still a squishy Pokemon. Avoid overextending or fighting on top until you can knock out your opponent since this might backfire on Absol. Wait for opponents to be weakened before bursting them down.
Absol requires proper positioning and timing on its skills. You need to predict the enemy's movement to be able to use Absol's skills at the right time and place.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★ ・ ・
Absol has difficulty playing an active role on the upper route in terms of endurance. It may need to focus on farming first before going full offense.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★★★
Absol can chase and KO the opponent's Pokemon alone with its high fighting ability. Its quick movement speed makes it an excellent ganker and you'll want Absol to have a level advantage when doing so!
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★ ・ ・
Absol has low endurance and may not be able to fight head-on in group battles with opponents during the early stages. Therefore, it is not recommended to take charge of the lower route where many group battles occur.

Early Game (Lvl 1~) Strategy

Start With Feint

Although it's possible to start with both abilities, starting with Feint will let you jump over the first wall to reach Lillipup faster. Remember not to tag either of the two Aipoms, as you don't need them to reach level 5!

Jungle Order

Absol Guide
Starting Pokemon Order
Lillipup → Ludicolo → Bouffalant → Crawdaunt

Start by jumping over the wall and getting the Lillipup. Once you've gotten that you should be level 2, so take on Ludicolo. This will get you to level 3. Defeat Bouffalant, then one or two of the Crawdaunts on your side.

ImportantDo not take either of the Aipoms at the start! These belong to the top and bottom lanes respectively, and they need every bit of exp they can get. You'll reach level 5 in one jungle clear without these, so don't worry.

A Note On Jungle Buffs

TipDon't spam attacks and make sure you dodge the boss monsters' telegraphed attacks, as that HP loss could be decisive in a later battle. Hit once, and then wait a moment for it to show its cast, sidestep, then spam away.

Attempt Early Game Ganks

Once you've got your Bouffalant Buff, which slows down enemy Pokemon you hit, head over to an available lane and attempt a gank. Don't overextend or fight on top of the enemy goals unless you're sure you can get a kill!

Mid Game (Lvl 4~) Strategy

Get Level 7 ASAP

Absol Build

Absol is a Pokemon that clears exceptionally well and does very high dps, but you will need to unlock the full extent of your kit first. For this reason, even in the mid-game it's recommended to spend a bit of time farming Pokemon to reach level 7. Vespiquen and Audino are a good source of exp that you should always avail yourself of.

What Move To Choose At 7?

If You Chose Pursuit
Lv 7:Sucker PunchSucker PunchHindrance
Provides very high burst damage, especially if you're able to get the back attack on Pursuit.
If You Chose Night Slash
Lv 7: Psycho CutPsycho CutMelee
Let's you get a powerful combo off without having to commit as much as with Sucker Punch. Night Slash also gives you the option of dashing out as well.

Night Slash -> Psycho Cut

Recommended Combo
Night SlashPsycho CutNight Slash

Use Night Slash to close the distance on a foe, then follow up with Psycho Cut. At this point, you can weave in some empowered auto attacks, but make sure to use your second Night Slash charge before it expires. You can use this to finish off a foe or to run away if necessary.

Pursuit & Sucker Punch

Recommended Combo
Pursuit → Auto Attack → Sucker Punch

Close the gap on an enemy with Pursuit and follow up with a powerful auto-attack. Save Sucker Punch for when the enemy is about to flee to gain ground on them and take them out. This works splendidly on fleeing enemies, as you'll always get a back attack with Pursuit and reduce its cooldown!

Aim For Isolated Opponent's to KO While Leveling

KO wild Pokemon consistently around the central area to raise your level. Watch out for isolated or escaping opponents with low HP to gank. Ideally, by repeatedly doing this, you should reach level 9 by the time you fight against Zapdos.

Late Game (Lvl 9~) Strategy

Save Up Your Ult For Zapdos

Absol's Unite Move Midnight Slash deals absolutely devastating AoE damage. This is often extremely useful when fighting off against Zapdos, as the tight quarters in which you're forced to fight are a perfect fit for Absol. Wait until you see the enemy team engage Zapdos and then fire off your ult. Pair it with X-Attack if you're running that.

Other Tips & Guides

Use Dashes As An Escape Tool

Remember those dash abilities, such as Feint, Night Slash, and Pursuit, can be used not only to jump to enemies, but to run away from them. Depending on your settings, your cursor will likely hover over an enemy first, so you'll have to manually adjust it in the other direction.

Absol - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will teach you specific Wild Pokemon kill orders, as well as exactly what to do at various stages of the game.


If the middle lane is a desert, the locations of ③ and ④ are switched.
▶ Remoat Stadium Guide

Target Level5
Tasks① Get Feint as your first move
② Defeat Lillipup
③ KO Ludicolo to get the buff
④ KO Bouffalant to get the buff
⑤ Clear the 2 Corphishes
⑥ Go to the bottom lane

For Absol to be effective in farming the middle lane, getting Feint is recommended as you can use it to go over walls. Get it to quickly navigate the middle lane.

Jungle / Mid-Lane Guide


If the middle lane is a desert, the locations of ③ and ④ are switched.
▶ Remoat Stadium Guide

Target Level7
Tasks① Clear the 3 Combees and the Vespiquen
② Use Recall to go back to base
③ KO the newly respawned Ludicolo
④ KO the newly respawned Bouffalant
⑤ Eliminate the respawned 2 Corphishes
⑥ Go back to the bottom lane

Night Slash deals more damage the lower the enemy's HP is, making it great when landing last hits. When going to assist the bottom lane, use Night Slash to help clear the Combees and the Vespiquen.

7:00~Before Defeating Drednaw

Target Level9
Tasks・ Use Psycho Cut to assist teammates from a distance
・ Maximize Night Slash by using it to last hit Wild Pokemon
・ Use your Midnight Slash Unite Move to wipe out the enemy team

Although Absol is an excellent melee fighter, its defense stats are quite low. This makes it hard for it to go to the front. From a safe distance, use Psycho Cut during team fights and hit stragglers or lone Pokemon with your other moves. If your team succeeds in stopping the enemy team, proceed to defeat Drednaw to get the buffs.

Drednaw Guide

After Defeating Drednaw~The End

Target Level9~
Tasks・ Use Psycho Cut to assist teammates from a distance<
・ Maximize Night Slash by using it to last hit Wild Pokemon
・ Use your Midnight Slash Unite Move to wipe out the enemy team

Absol's Midnight Slash Unite Move is a targetable area attack. Use it when the enemy team gathers in one place as it can damage multiple enemies in one go. Winning the final team fight is crucial as it leaves Zapdos, and eventually victory, open.

Zapdos Guide

Absol Counters

Pokemon Absol Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Absol

・Target with crowd control and burst down, Absol is very fragile and should fall quickly.
・Don't run away from it if it's using Pursuit - it will outchase you.
・Try to fight on your own goal
・Expect an early level 5 Pursuit gank, do NOT overextend in lane

Best Matchups For Absol

Pokemon Absol Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Absol

Tips When Allied With Absol

・Try to reduce your enemies' HP when Absol is nearby to be able to KO them faster without dealing much damage.
・Absol is unbeatable when it comes to 1 vs 1 fights. Try to pinpoint any nearby enemy that acts alone so that Absol can find them easier

Absol Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and decreasing their Defense when it hits. If it hits. If this boosted attack hits only a single opposing Pokemon, it deals increased damage.
()Super Lucky
Critical-hit rate is increased.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

FeintFeint Dash
Has the user dash in an arc, attacking opposing Pokemon they come in contact with. This move ignores the Defense stat and shield effects of opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 278

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

SlashSlash Melee
Slashes with sharp claws in front of the user, increasing this move's critical-hit rate.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 786

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Night SlashNight SlashDash
Has the user dash in an outward arc, dealing damage to opposing pokemon. If this first attack hits, a second attack can also be performed. The second attack has the user dash straight ahead, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and increasing the user's critical-hit rate. The lower the opposing Pokemon's HP, the more the user's critical-hit rate in increased.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 2877

Detailed Move Damage & HP Recovered

These are the actual damages & recovery rate of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Lv1st Hit2nd HitHP Recovered
Has the user dash to the designated location and quickly charge an opposing Pokemon with the next basic attack. If the basic attack lands from behind, its damage is increased and this move's cooldown is reduced.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 0

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvWithout PursuitWith Pursuit (Front)With Pursuit (Back)

Blue Effects Appeared Behind The Target

Pursuit Effects

A blue fan-shaped icon will appear behind the Pokemon where Pursuit will be used on. The icon will appear behind the Pokemon no matter where the player attempts to use the move. Attack the targeted Pokemon from behind for higher damage.

Level 7 Moves (Choose One)

Psycho CutPsycho CutMelee
Has the user attack with blades formed by psychic power that decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when the move hits. Also increases basic attack damage deal to the affected opposing Pokemon for up to three attacks after this move hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage: 582

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageAttack After Move
Sucker PunchSucker PunchHindrance
Has the user look for an opening to attack an opposing pokemon, decreasing the movement speed of the user and the opposing Pokemon for the duration. After a short time, the user charges to attack the opposing Pokemon. However, if the user receives damage or gets attacked before it charges, it attacks immediately and shoves the opposing Pokemon.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 900

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Midnight SlashMidnight SlashArea
Unleashes a flurry of slashes in front of the user. This move ends by unleashing powerful blades of energy, dealing increased damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 6724

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves

Absol Skins

Absol - Fashionable Style

Fashionable Absol

Absol - Dark Suit Style

Dark Suit Style

Absol - Sweet Style

Dark Suit Style

Absol - Pokebuki Style

Pokebuki Style
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All Speedster List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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