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Tsareena Build: Guide & Moveset

Tsareena Build: Guide & Moveset | Pokemon UNITE

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Tsareena Build: Guide & Moveset | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Tsareena is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Tsareena's stats, best items, release date, moveset, build, guide, cost & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Tsareena Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Tsareena Move Changes (Sep 2)

Move / StatChanges
- Cooldown increased
- Damage decreased

Tsareena Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankSS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Tsareena Stats

Offense 3.5 Stars (7)
Endurance 3 Stars (6)
Mobility3 Stars (6)
Scoring2 Stars (4)
Support0.5 Stars (1)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Tsareena Evolution

(Lv. 4)
(Lv. 6)

Tsareena Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5Triple AxelTriple Axel
Has the user spin-kick three times in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. The damage dealt increases each time a kick hits, and basic attack speed is increased for a short time after this move ends by an amount based on the number of landed kicks.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Restores HP each time a kick hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Lv. 6Grassy GlideGrassy Glide
Has the user slide in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. This is followed by an attack in the opposite direction, which deals damage to and shoves opposing Pokemon.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
Held Items
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Triple Axel For Thrice The Damage

Choose Triple Axel as your move once you reach level 5. It's a powerful dash attack move that can burst down targets with increasing damage with every kick hitting the unlucky target. Steenee also gets an increased burst of speed with this move, increasing your chance to land more boosted strikes should you follow this up with basic attacks.

Grassy Glide Into The Jungle

Take advantage of Tsareena's early evolution to unlock its full potential! You can use Grassy Glide to quickly KO wild Pokemon in the Jungle for that level advantage before the Final Stretch. For more tactical positioning, make sure to hide Tsareena in nearby grass bushes to gank unlucky passerby.

Make Tsareena A Full-On Power House

You can push Tsareena's damage to the limit with these Held Items! Watch how Tsareena wreaks havoc on the battlefield with the additional Atk firepower from Muscle Band that is further increased by Scope Lens Crit rate damage. Razor Claw does both and even adds additional damage to your basic attacks.

Battle Item To Maximise Attack

You can further match your held items with X Attack as your battle item of choice. It will not only increase your overall damage output but also ensure that Tsareena knocks out its opponent swiftly.

Lv. 5StompStomp
Has the user jump up high and attack opposing Pokemon with its feet. When thi smove hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Restores HP when this move hits.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Lv. 6Grassy GlideGrassy Glide
Has the user slide in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. This is followed by an attack in the opposite direction, which deals damage to and shoves opposing Pokemon.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
Held Items
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Stomp To Stun

During team clashes, Tsareena can use its Stomp to control crowds and stop them from their tracks. It also has a short cooldown interval so you can use it often in battle. In addition, Tsareena's upgraded passive lets it restore some HP when this move hits a target. You can coordinate with a team member for a follow-up attack with this move to effectively KO enemies.

Grassy Glide Into Enemies

Tsareena is a master of surprise with its sneaky sliding from the grasses. Once Grassy Glide hits, the unlucky target is slowed and shoved from different directions before they can counter-attack! Tsareena also gets a shield with this move once it unlocks its Queenly Majesty passive.

Attack With These Held Items

These items maximize the damage Tsareena can deal with its opponent. Scope Lens enhances its moveset's burst power while Razor Claw and Muscle Band increase the following basic attacks. This makes Tsareena's deadly especially in a 1v1 situation where you can definitely knock them out in a matter of seconds.

Escape With Eject Button

It's more ideal to save Grassy Glide for battles even if it can also be used as an escape tool for Tsareena. In this case, you can use Eject Button as a substitute getaway when faced with unfavorable battles. Combo this with Stomp to surprise your enemies with a hit when they least expect it!

Lv. 5Triple AxelTriple Axel
Has the user spin-kick three times in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. The damage dealt increases each time a kick hits, and basic attack speed is increased for a short time after this move ends by an amount based on the number of landed kicks.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Restores HP each time a kick hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Lv. 6Trop KickTrop Kick
Has the user perform a flying kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their Attack for a short time. Opposing Pokemon that make contact with the flying kick's wake receive damage and have their movement speed decreased for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Kick Your Way With Triple Axel

Make good use of Tsareena's leg-kicking firepower with Triple Axel! Not only do you deal damage to foes but you can also stun them, making them vulnerable to your next attack. In addition, each kick will restore some amount of HP once Tsareena upgrades its passive into Queenly Majesty.

Trop Kick Enemies As You Go

Tsareena can use its dash move as an element of surprise in battle. You can use Trop Kick to quickly close the gap to your target and deal an ample amount of damage. It also slows anyone hit by this move, making them unable to react fast to Tsareena's following move. You also get a shield when Oblivious evolves into its final passive form.

Held Items To Increase Performance

Tsareena is all about speed and burst attack so you like to equip items that can intensify its leg power. Muscle Band provides Tsareena additional Attack capacity while Scope Lens can further increase its damage potential. Focus Band on the other hand provides extra defense and HP recovery should Tsareena gets pressured.

Maximise Your Attack Power With This Battle Item

Tsareena can make or break into the Bottom route depending on the situation so make sure to use X Attack to enhance its firepower to face off the constant team battles arising in this lane.

Lv. 5StompStomp
Has the user jump up high and attack opposing Pokemon with its feet. When the smove hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Restores HP when this move hits.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Lv. 6Trop KickTrop Kick
Has the user perform a flying kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their Attack for a short time. Opposing Pokemon that make contact with the flying kick's wake receive damage and have their movement speed decreased for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy ・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2% when the Pokemon recieves damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is recieved.
Scope LensScope Lens ・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Increases the damage of basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's attack, the more the damage increases.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Stomp Your Way

Tsareena crushes its enemies as it jumps and lands from the ground dealing damage to anyone beneath it. Opponents get stunned leaving them unable to shield themselves from Tsareena's following attacks. Once this move hits, Queenly Majesty's passive will take effect, enabling Tsareena to restore any HP it lost during the fight. Stomp has a short cooldown time so you may be able to use it more frequently in battle.

Trop Kick In The Jungle

Tsareena can dominate the central area with this dash move and damage anyone on its way with its powerful flying kick! Any unfortunate target on its receiving end will likely deal a good amount of damage to pressure their HP pool while also decreasing their movement speed so they won't be able to escape Tsareena's mighty kick. Thanks to Queenly Majesty's passive, you'll have a shield to protect Tsareena from attacks and reduce the damage it will get throughout the duration of this move when it hits. Aside from its offensive power, it's an excellent way to catch up with fleeing opponents or as an escape tool from disadvantageous encounters in the arena.

Held Items To Maximise Damage

Attacking Tsareena will be like a double-edged sword when it's equipped with Weakness Policy as its Atk increases by a minimum of 2% that continues to grow the more damage it takes. Muscle Band will enhance Tsareena's basic attack performance with an additional 1% damage equivalent to its opponent's remaining HP. Scope Lens will further increase Tsareena's overall damage output by providing crit rate and damage that increases the higher Tsareena's Atk gets.

Battle Item For Enhancement

Give Tsareena that burst power every time you fight when you have X Attack at your disposable. This increases Tsareena's chance to Sure Hit its unlucky foes and knock them out in a blink.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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Share with us a build that you’re proud of with the form below! The build you share here may be featured on our website! (It will of course be properly attributed to you.)

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Utkarsh's Build

MovesTriple AxelTriple Axel
Grassy GlideGrassy Glide
Held ItemsMuscle BandMuscle Band
Razor ClawRazor Claw
Attack WeightAttack Weight
Battle Item X AttackX Attack
Author's Notes
- When the opponent isn't looking,go dash attack onto a goal zone to score for the attack weight boost

Tsareena - Basics & Advanced Tips

Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Decidueye.Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Gauge your next attack
Make sure to keep an eye out on the blue gauge meter on Tsareena. Try to experiment your combos and use boosted attacks to fill it up quickly. This will trigger either HP recovery or Shield effect depending on the move you use.
▶Special Attack and Attack Differences
Maintain momentum in battle
Tsareena's damage potential increases the more it engages with its target. Tsareena's combos along with its Queenly Majesty, makes it a menace to any Pokemon it encounters so make sure to sustain its attacks. This will enable you to reach Tsareena's full potential in battle.
▶Teamfight Battle Tips
Take advantage of its short intervals
Tsareena's gameplay revolves around barraging its target with consecutive combos and cooldown reduction from its Unite Move. Its short cooldown rate enables it to burst down enemies fast and quickly move on to the next unlucky target, making it a threat to any Pokemon it faces against with.
▶5 Useful Strategies For New Players

Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Decidueye. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Make sure Triple Axel hits
Tsareena's HP will be restored every time you hit your target, so make sure to attack it as hard as possible and follow it up with combo moves like Glassy Glide to deal additional damage while also extending Tsareena's momentum.
▶5 Techniques For Advanced Players To Improve
Get versatile with your dash attacks
Aside from dealing damage, Tsareena's dash moves can also be used to save time while traveling great distances or to escape from unfavorable battles. We recommend Glass Glide as it beats Trop Kick by 3.5 seconds, the movement distance is longer than the latter, and may be able to immobilize any Pokemon on the receiving end for around one second.
▶How To Extend The Range Of Moves
Deal damage while avoiding enemy attacks
Tsareena's Unite move has the potential to halt the target's mobility for around 2 seconds. However, it cannot be used on wild Pokemon. When struggling against capturing wild Pokemon, use this to burst down and hinder your opponent's from attacking, making it easier for your teammates to get the last hit. Tsareena also gains immunity when using its Unite Move. It may deal a lot of damage while dodging an attack.

Tsareena Strategy Guide

Tsareena Strengths & Weaknesses

Tsareena has an early evolution compared to other Pokemon.
Its has a high chance of survivability with its passive, move effects and dashes that can also be used to escape unfavorable situations.
Short cooldown intervals enables it to barrage enemies with attacks to sustain enough damage before finishing them off with Queen Ascendant.
Must watch the blue bar to prevent accidentally using moves as its CD reset is instant.
Supsceptible to hindrances and stuns that makes it lose its momentum in battle.
Moves like Stomp and Grassy Slide needs timing and proper positioning especially in difficult situations to be able to hit its target.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Bounsweet can easily farm EXP in this lane and secure its evolution since there's fewer confrontations in this area. You can play an active role by capturing Rotom and offensively push on the top lane before heading down.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★ ★・
Team battles don't occur in the jungle so Bounsweet can safely clear spawns in the surrounding area. That said, its damage potential is much more needed in battle so its best to give this area to Pokemon that are much more suited in this area.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★★★
Bounsweet can use the extra Aipoms in the bottom lane to evolve quickly. Its excellent performance during the early stages enables it to widstand the constant battles occuring here that concerns capturing Drednaw. The extra EXP from knocking out enemies will hasten your level progression which you can potentially use to snowball opponents later on.
Which Lanes To Play Guide

Bounsweet (Lv 1~) Strategy

Route: Choose Middle or Bottom Lane

We highly recommend farming in the jungle on the start to quickly evolve to Tsareena. Should your team needs more firepower, in the beginning, you can choose the bottom route. Depending on what your team requires, Bounsweet can adapt to either lane.

Choose Razor Leaf First

Razor Leaf is the best move since it deals area damage compared to Rapid Spin. This will let you farm faster and gain experience to quickly level up.

Stick With Allies

Make sure to have an ally nearby in case other opponents jumped out at Bounsweet from the grasses while farming. It's always better to play safely at the beginning to ensure level progression won't get delayed.

Steenee (Lv 4~) Strategy

Focus On Farming To Level Up

Stenee's power spike hits when it reaches level 5, so focus on farming Wild Pokemon at the earlier stages of the game and get that much needed EXP.

How To Level Up Fast - EXP Farming

Moves Get More Powerful From Lv5 Onward

At level 5, you'll get a choice between a dash attack move, Triple Axel, and Stomp, an area damaging move. Your choice will largely depend on the role you want to play in your team. Pick Stomp when your team needs crowd control and burst damage. Go with Triple Axel if you want more mobility to gank targets and stealing objectives.

Tsareena (Lv 6~) Strategy

Adapt Your Build To Your Attack Style

At level 6, you'll get to choose a dash move between Trop Kick & Glassy Glide. The former lets you deal damage to anyone hit by Tsareena's flying kick and slow them down. The latter, although quite similar, attacks targets from a different direction and shoves them. Consider adjusting your 2nd move depending on which style you prefer.

Cancelling Moves

Take note that Triple Axel can be canceled by other moves. This can either make or break your gameplay, so make sure to avoid accidentally canceling it! You can use this to your advantage by practicing your timing and execution of moves to follow up like Glassy Glide for escaping or Queenly Majesty for knocking out targets.

Trop Kick
Lv 6: Trop KickTrop Kick
Has the user perform a flying kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their Attack for a short time. Opposing Pokemon that make contact with the flying kick's wake receive damage and have their movement speed decreased for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Glassy Glide
Lv 6: Glassy GlideGlassy Glide
Has the user perform a flying kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their Attack for a short time. Opposing Pokemon that make contact with the flying kick's wake receive damage and have their movement speed decreased for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Grants the user a shield when this move is used.

Grassy Glide & Triple Axel Build

Recommended Combo
Grassy GlideTriple Axel

This is a build that focuses on making Tsareena a full-on ninja assassin in the arena. Dash to your target using Grassy Glide. It will not only deal damage but also slow them down for a brief period of time. It also deals another follow attack and shoves enemies away. Then, use Triple Axel even before they can recover and attempt to counter-attack your moves. Each kick deals increasing damage over time and also powers up Tsareena's basic attack speed after this move ends. Queenly Majesty's passive effects provide Tsareena with shields and HP recovery at its disposal, extending its battle time enough to outlast its opponents. Finish off your target with your ult Queen Ascendant with its burst damage output that can sure hit any Pokemon on the receiving end.

Triple Axel & Trop Kick Build

Recommended Combo
Triple Axel Trop Kick

With this build, you'll be able to prevent even the fastest Speedster from escaping! Begin with Trop Kick to debuff its movement speed and deal damage over time. This slows down targets, making Triple Axel easier to hit. Watch as they quickly get KO-ed before they even get a chance to escape!

Grassy Glide & Stomp Build

Recommended Combo
Grassy GlideStomp

This build pairs two strong moves together in a lethal combo. Start with Grassy Glide to charge and aim at an opponent. Then, once they retaliate and try to come near you, quickly follow up a burst attack with Stomp to lower their movement speed. This gives you a great set-up for a good chase!

Trop Kick & Stomp Build

Recommended Combo
Trop KickStomp

This build focuses on ganking enemies and bursting them down on the spot. Eye out isolated Pokemon in the area to surprise with Tsareena's flying Trop Kick to quickly close the gap and deal damage while decreasing your target's movement speed. This will slow your opponent down from their tracks and prevent them from escaping its follow-up attack. Tsareena's crushing Stomp will be easier to land, thus further pressuring your target's HP. They will be unable to act after this second move, so use this opportunity to finish them off with a barrage of boosted attacks and Queen Ascendant's sure hit damage.

Unite Move: Queen Ascendant

This move can be quite deadly in team fights as Tsareena can Sure Hit its target! It makes Tsareena immune to attacks while dealing burst damage by leaping and kicking its target above ground. It's proving to be a great ult not only for KO-ing enemy Pokemon but also for for stealing the last hit on objectives! You can use this to prevent the enemy team from capturing team objectives such as Zapdos. This move also recovers HP as Tsareena lands on the ground, ensuring extended battle time to fight other opponents head-on afterward.

Teamfight Battle Tips - 3 Things To Remember

Tsareena - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will guide you on which specific Wild Pokemon to target and what exactly to do step-by-step throughout the whole duration of the game. Note that this information is specifically for the bottom lane! While the same techniques may be used in the top lane, there may be some changes in terms of placement and spawn sites.


Target Level3
Tasks① Choose Razor Leaf as your first skill.
② KO the first Aipom.
③ KO the next Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the center.

It's recommended that you choose Razor Leaf as your first skill as it can damage both the 3rd and 4th Aipom at the same time and deal more damage to KO them easily.


Target Level6
Tasks① KO Audino in the upper middle.
② KO the upper left and lower left Audinos.
③ KO the Corphish in the lower-left side of your goal zone.
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle
⑤ KO the newly spawned Audino in the upper middle.
⑥ KO the newly spawned upper left and lower left Audinos.
⑦ KO the newly spawned Corphish in the lower-left side of your goal zone.
⑧ KO newly spawned the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.

When competing for wild Pokemon in the area with your opponent, make sure to use Razor Leaf to get the last hits. Use this to quickly reach level 6 and evolve to Tsareena. Reaching its final form also upgrades its passive aside from the power spike you can get, join in team battles against capturing Drednaw.

Terms & Terminology Guide - Glossary & Meaning

7:00~ Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level9
Tasks • Aim to KO an alone opponent who are alone.
• Catch opponents with the Grassy Glide
• Use your Unite Move on your opponents to stop themfrom getting the last hit on Drednaw.

With the Grassy Glide you can catch opponents easily. We recommend using Tsareena's Unite Move on your opponents who are attempting to get the last hit on Drednaw although you have to make sure to get to level 9 first to unlock Tsareena's Queen Ascendant.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~Almost Close To The Zapdos Fight

Target Level12~
Tasks • KO wild Pokemon to raise your level further
・Aim to KO an alone opponent who are alone.
• Catch opponents with the Grassy Glide
• Use your Unite Move on your opponents to stop them from getting the last hit on Drednaw or Rotom.

Tsareena is good at 1v1 combat since most of its move does quite a lot of damage. Aggressively farm wild Pokemon in the area as well as other lanes. Roaming around can help you reach level 12 to fully upgrade Tsareena's Grassy Glide for your advantage in the Zapdos fight during the Final Stretch.

Zapdos Fight ~The Endgame Match

Tasks • KO wild Pokemon to raise your level further
・Aim to KO an alone opponent who are alone.
• Catch opponents with the Grassy Glide
• Use your Unite Move on your opponents to stop them from getting the last hit on Zapdos

The basic turnaround for this is the same with Drednaw battles. However, during the Zapdos fight, both teams usually have reached their highest levels and maximized their damage potential that one mistake could get you KO'ed instantly. Make sure to predict your opponent's move before making your own.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Tsareena Counters

Pokemon Tsareena Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Tsareena

Tsareena's playstyle is focused on sustained attacks so by countering it with cc moves you can break its momentum in battle and prevent it from getting its passive stacks.
Moves like Blastoise's Hydro Pump can send Tsareena hurling out of the team fight and interrupt its barrage of combos.
Wigglytuff and Gengar can disable Tsareena's moves' effects and prevent it from doing much in battle.
Mr.Mime can use its shield, stuns and debuffs to stop Tsareena from its track while also dealing damage.

Best Matchups For Tsareena

Pokemon Tsareena Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Tsareena

Tips When Allied With Tsareena

・Tsareena's Grassy Glide can stun opponents and decreases their movements. Try to use this opportunity to help Tsareena defeat stunned opponents by bursting them down with a barrage of attacks.
・Tsareena's Unite Move stuns its target for about 2 seconds and may be unable to move for a while. Use this chance to deal the last hit to your opponent, or to capture the Wild Pokemon while the target is out cold.

Tsareena Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, lunging at an opposing Pokemon, dealing damage, and lowering its Defense for a short time.
()Oblivious/Queenly Majesty
Bounsweet & Steenee: When a hindrance is inflicted on the Pokemon, decreases the Duration of its effects.
Tsareena: When a hindrance is inflicted on the Pokemon, decreases the Duration of its effects. After using any combination of three boosted basic attack or move used will apply the Queenly Majesty buff effect to the Pokemon (not including Unite Moves).

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

Razor LeafRazor Leaf Area
Pelts Leaves in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. The critical-hit rate of this move is higher than that of basic attacks.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 932

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Rapid SpinRapid Spin Dash
Has the user spin in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits. When this move hits, it raises the user's movement speed for a short time.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Damage: 457

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Triple AxelTriple AxelDash
Has the user spin-kick three times in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. The damage dealt increases each time a kick hits, and basic attack speed is increased for a short time after this move ends by an amount based on the number of landed kicks.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Restores HP each time a kick hits.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage: 1509

Detailed Move Damage & HP Recovered

These are the actual damages & recovery rate of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageHP Recovered
Has the user jump up high and attack opposing Pokemon with its feet. When the smove hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect Restores HP when this move hits.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Damage: 1385

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageHP Recovered

Level 6 Moves (Choose One)

Trop KickTrop KickDash
Has the user perform a flying kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their Attack for a short time. Opposing Pokemon that make contact with the flying kick's wake receive damage and have their movement speed decreased for a short time.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 1009

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Grassy GlideGrassy GlideDash
Has the user slide in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. This is followed by an attack in the opposite direction, which deals damage to and shoves opposing Pokemon.
Queenly Majesty Effect: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 988

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Queen AscendantQueen AscendantSure Hit
Has the user leap towards a Pokemon from the opposing team and kick it high into the air before showering it with a series of kicks while airborne and dealing damage. The moment the user lands on the ground, it recovers HP. While airborne, the opposing Pokemon that is being kicked and Tsareena will not be affected by other moves.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 3889

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageHP Recovered
List Of All Moves

Tsareena Skins

Tsareena - Concert Style

Tsareena Concert Style

Tsareena - Frontier Style

Frontier Style Tsareena
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All All-Rounder List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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