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Held Items Tier List

Held Items Tier List | Pokemon UNITE

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Check out this Held Items tier list for Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). This guide includes the best items to upgrade, what held items to prioritize for each role, & how to upgrade!

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Held Items Tier List

Tier List Update

DateChange Details
1/2022 Razor Claw A Tier
Choice Specs A Tier
Weakness Policy C Tier
Energy Amplifier B Tier

Energy Amplifier received a fix/buff in a previous patch, improving its overall performance, hence the rank up. The Razor Claw and Choice Specs are powerful enough to make it on many Pokemon builds. Weakness Policy, however, is unfortunately not powerful enough to find a spot on many builds at the moment - though it is possible this could change in the future.

Previous Changes
DateChange Details
8/12 Float Stone S Tier -> B Tier
Buddy Barrier A Tier -> S Tier
Focus Band A Tier -> S Tier
Score Shield B Tier -> A Tier
Leftovers B Tier -> C Tier
8/5 Shell Bell S Tier → A Tier
Wise Glasses A Tier → S Tier
Muscle Band A Tier → S Tier
Exp. Share A Tier → B Tier
Rocky Helmet A Tier → B Tier

Best Held Items Chart

S Tier
Highly Versatile Held Items
Wise GlassesMuscle BandBuddy BarrierFocus Band
A Tier
Powerful Items For Some Pokemon
Score Shield Scope Lens Shell BellRazor ClawChoice Specs
B Tier
Niche Held Items
Float StoneAssault Vest Attack Weight Sp. Atk SpecsExp. ShareRocky HelmetEnergy Amplifier
C Tier
Items With Limited Use Options
LeftoversAeos CookieWeakness Policy

Held Items Tier List Criteria & Explanation

  • Number of Pokemon it's useful on
  • Overall versatility
  • Overall power of the effect

This Held Items Tier List should act as an indicator on what Held Items to buy/upgrade first. This list is intended to be for all roles, so if you're planning on specializing in just ONE role, check out the detailed recommendations ▼below.

S Tier Held Items

Wise GlassesWise Glasses・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Sp. Atk is increased by 3/5/7%.

This is a practically mandatory item for most Sp. Attack-based Pokemon, as it provides pure throughput.
Muscle BandMuscle Band・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
On basic attacks, deals additional damage equal to 1/2/3% of the opponent's remaining HP.

Any physical-based Attacker should always have this, as the attack speed and the additional damage on hit are very powerful.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier・HP +20 (+600)
Upon using a Unite Move, the attacker and its lowest-HP ally gain a shield for 20/30/40% of their max health.

Extremely powerful in the current meta. Gives you a huge advantage during objective teamfights. Should be run on almost all Supporter/Defenders, and maybe even Attackers.
Focus BandFocus Band・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When your HP goes down, recover HP equal to 8/11/14% of the damage you took up until that point every second for 3 second.

In addition to giving you both defensive stats, this item provides you with substantial healing. This is a must on any Defender, but can also be equipped by squishier characters to improve overall sustain.

Note: Value in brackets is the stats obtained at item level 30.

Highly Versatile Items

Items we've placed in the S Tier are generally strong on practically every Pokemon (depending on their attack type). If you put any of these items in a slot, you won't be making a mistake.

A Tier Held Items

Score ShieldScore Shield・HP +15 (+450)
Gain a shield for 5/7.5/10% of your max health when you score. While the shield is active, you can't be interrupted while scoring.

This item will prevent you from being interrupted while scoring. It is extremely powerful on high HP characters, but can be useful on any character you intend to score a lot with.
Scope LensScope Lens・Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Critical-Hit Damage 0% (+12%)
Deal increased damage with basic attack critical hits. The higher your attack, the more the bonus damage increases.

Works particularly well for Pokemon with high base crit, like Absol.
Shell BellShell Bell・Sp. Atk +1.6 (+24)
・Move Cooldown 0% (-4.5%)
Restore at least 45 HP when you land an ability. The higher your Sp. Atk, the more HP you recover.

Any Special Attack type Pokemon can equip this and get a good benefit from it. The HP recovery on hit is also decent sustain in lane.
Razor ClawRazor Claw・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10/15/20 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.

Many physical attackers can make use of this, especially in combination with the Choice Specs.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40/50/60 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.

This item can be used on practically any Special Attacker in the game.

Note: Value in brackets is the stats obtained at item level 30.

Quintessential Items For Particular Roles

Items found in the A Tier are ones which are excellent for some Pokemon in specific roles. You won't be able to use these on all Pokemon, but they are still quite potent. You'll want to get & upgrade these items eventually!

B Tier Held Items

Float StoneFloat Stone・Attack +1.6 (+24)
・Movement Speed 0 (+120)
Gain 10/15/20% movement speed outside of combat.

Useful for some physical Pokemon. However, the out-of-combat movement speed bonus takes 8 seconds to activate, making this a less than ideal option for most laners.
Assault VestAssault Vest・HP +18 (+270)
・Sp. Def 0 (+42)
When outside of combat, gain a shield for 9/12/15% of your max health that makes you immune to Sp. Atk damage.

Just like the Rocky Helmet, the Assault vest works best on Defenders. However, the shield only works against Sp. Atk damage, which is unfortunately a little bit too situational.
Attack WeightAttack Weight・Attack +0.6 (+18)
Gain 6/9/12 Atk when you score a goal.

This item only has one stat, but will provide you with a sizable attack boost every time you score. If you're intent on aggressively scoring, this might be worth getting.
Sp. Atk SpecsSp. Atk Specs・Sp. Atk +0.8 (+24)
Gain 8/12/16 Sp. Atk when you score a goal.

The Special Attack version of the Attack Weight, this item will definitely pay off if you manage to score multiple times in a match.
Exp. ShareExp. Share・HP +16 (+240)
・Movement Speed 0 (+150)
When you have the least exp of all Pokemon on your team, gain 2/3/4 exp every second. However, you'll no longer get exp from assisting a teammate when they defeat a Wild Pokemon.

Works best for Supporters who plan on giving up all last hits to their allies. Not recommended in solo queue.
Rocky HelmetRocky Helmet・HP +18 (+270)
・Defense 0 (+42)
When you take damage, deal damage to nearby enemy Pokemon equal to 3% of your max HP.

This item has a short internal cooldown making it less appealing than it might seem, but it is still useful on some characters.
Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier・Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Move Cooldown -0.3% (-4.5%)
After using a Unite Move, you temporarily deal 7/14/21% more damage.

Greatly increases your damage late-game. However, you'll be sacrificing a lot of early-game stats and potential, which means you'll be at somewhat of a disadvantage. Was buffed in a recent patch.

Note: Value in brackets is the stats obtained at item level 30.

Items That Shine In Very Specific Contexts

Items in the B Tier are best used in specific contexts with specific strategies. Note that just because they're not versatile doesn't mean they're bad items, just that they're rather niche and you might not find yourself playing these types of builds often enough to justify buying & upgrading them. If you have the extra coins to spare though, feel free to buy these.

C Tier Held Items

LeftoversLeftovers ・HP +16 (240)
・HP Recover 0 (9)
When out of combat, recover 1/1.5/2% of your max HP per second.

HP Recovery is useful for most Pokemon, but given the prevalence of Berries and the fact that goals heal you, this is a rather low priority item.
Aeos CookieAeos Cookie・HP +8 (+240)
Gain 100/150/200 max HP when you score a goal.

Another goal-scoring item, this can be a good way to get a substantial amount of HP if you plan on scoring a lot.
Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy・HP +70 (+210)
・Attack +0 (+15)
Increases the Pokemon's Attack for a short time by a minimum of 2/2.5/3 when the Pokemon receives damage. This increase grows larger the more times damage is received.

The damage buff is a bit low, with the drawback being a bit too great. It's hard to justify bringing this over another defensive/offensive item on a Defender.

Note: Value in brackets is the stats obtained at item level 30.

Items With Limited Use Options

Items in the C Tier can be very powerful if used correctly. However, they often require very specific conditions and a certain degree of skill/planning to use effectively. If you're newer to the game, it's best to try other items until you familiarize yourself with how they work.

Best Held Item Upgrades - Which To Prioritize?

Item Upgrade - Best Priority For Attacker Role

・Choose Items That Boost Attack & Speed
As the main damage dealers of the team, Attackers need to hit as hard as they possible with every attack. Prioritize items that will further boost their overall damage.

・Consider Crit Rate & Damage
If you feel like you have enough Attack, you can try items that increase Crit Damage & Crit Rate for bigger burst damage. Note that this will vary according to individual Pokemon, so it's generally safer to just go for Attack (/Sp. Atk).

・Item Choices Varies On Attack Type
Moves will benefit from either Attack or Sp. Attack, depending on the specific Pokemon. For this reason, it's important to choose items that actually benefit your Pokemon. Learn which Pokemon use Attack and which use Sp. Attack below:
▶︎Special Attack & Attack Differences

Atk. User: Muscle Band

ItemItem Effect
Muscle Band Muscle Band Item Effect & Bonus
On basic attacks, deals additional damage equal to 1% of the opponent's remaining HP.
- Atk +1 [Max: +15]
- Basic Atk Speed +0% [Max: +7.50%]
Upgrade Priority

The Muscle Band increases both attack speed & basic attack damage, making it a solid choice for upgrading as it can be used on basically any physical attacker.

Sp. Atk User: Wise Glasses

ItemItem Effect
Wise Glasses Wise GlassesItem Effect & Bonus
Sp. Atk is increased by 3%.
- Sp. Atk +10 [Max: 39]
Upgrade Priority

Wise Glasses are a simple stat stick that provides you with extra DPS - enough said!

Scope Lens

ItemItem Effect
Scope Lens Scope Lens Item Effect & Bonus
Deal increased damage with basic attack critical hits. The higher your attack, the more the bonus damage increases.
- Critical-Hit Rate +0.4% [Max: +6%]
- Critical-Hit Damage +0% [Max: +12%]
Upgrade Priority

Scope Lens is the only item that can increase Crit related stats, giving attackers better burst damage potential. It may need substantial investing in upgrades before a difference can be felt. Note that some moves are actually not capable of critting.

Item Upgrade - Best Priority For Defender Role

・Focus On Def & HP
To be able to create space and shield their team, Defenders will have to tank and survive through a ton of damage. This makes Def & HP a must for any Defender to ensure they don't get KO'd easily during engagements.

Focus Band

ItemItem Effect
Focus Band Focus BandItem Effect & Bonus
When your HP goes down, recover HP equal to 8% of the damage you took up until that point every second for 3 seconds.
- Def +2 [Max: +30]
- Sp. Def +0 [Max: +30]
Upgrade Priority

Focus Band provides both Def & Sp. Def, making it a good choice for Pokemon with high base HP, such as Snorlax. It provides a very significant amount of recovery that can't be ignored!

Buddy Barrier

ItemItem Effect
Buddy BarrierBuddy BarrierItem Effect & Bonus
Upon using a Unite Move, the attacker and its lowest-HP ally gain a shield for 20/30/40% of their max health!
- HP +20 [Max: +600]
Upgrade Priority

The Buddy Barrier provides you with a large pool of HP throughout the entire game - but that isn't really its main appeal. What it brings is incredible teamfight potential in the form of a powerful shield everytime you use your Unite Move. What's more is, this shield is applied to a nearby ally as well making this item incredible for every single Defender (and other Pokemon as well)!

Rocky Helmet

ItemItem Effect
Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Item Effect & Bonus
When you take damage, deal damage to nearby enemy Pokemon equal to 3% of your max HP.
- HP +18 [Max: +270]
- Defense +0 [Max: +42]
Upgrade Priority

Rocky Helmet increases Health & Def, and also comes with a shield, making your Pokemon tankier. The explosion of the shield is icing on the cake against hapless attackers.

Assault Vest

ItemItem Effect
Assault Vest Assault VestItem Effect & Bonus
When outside of combat, gain a shield for 9% of your max health that makes you immune to Sp. Atk damage.
-HP +18 [Max: +270]
-Sp. Def +0 [Max: +42]
Upgrade Priority

Assault Vest increases HP while providing the holder additional Def against moves, enhancing survivability.

Best Item Upgrade - Priority For Speedster Role

・Increase Attack (or Sp Atk)
Speedsters benefit from having burst damage to take down frail enemy Pokemon, so always prioritize Attack (or Sp. Atk).

Atk. User: Muscle Band

ItemItem Effect
Muscle Band Muscle Band Item Effect & Bonus
On basic attacks, deals additional damage equal to 1% of the opponent's remaining HP.
- Atk +1 [Max: 15]
-Basic Atk Speed +0% [Max: +4.50%]
Upgrade Priority

For physical-based Speedsters, the Muscle Band is always a good bet, as you'll always be doing basic attacks!

Sp. Atk User: Wise Glasses

ItemItem Effect
Wise Glasses Wise GlassesItem Effect & Bonus
Sp. Atk is increased by 3%.
- Sp. Atk +10 [Max: 39]
Upgrade Priority

A straight up buff to damage for special attackers, can be quite useful just for the raw damage.

Sp. Atk User: Shell Bell

ItemItem Effect
Shell Bell Shell BellItem Effect & Bonus
Restore at least 45 HP when you land an ability. The higher your Sp. Atk, the more HP you recover.
- Sp. Atk +1.6 [Max: 24]
- Move Cooldown -0% [Max: -4.50%]
Upgrade Priority

Shell Bell lets Special Attack Speedsters (currently only Gengar) use their moves more often while hitting harder.

Best Item Upgrade - Priority For All-Rounder Role

・Depends A Lot On Team Composition
All-Rounders are bulkier damage dealers. You can adjust your item choice depending on the Pokemon you're playing, but in general you'll want to have a mix of damage and tank items.

Focus Band

ItemItem Effect
Focus Band Focus BandItem Effect & Bonus
When your HP goes down, recover HP equal to 8% of the damage you took up until that point every second for 3 seconds.
- Def +2 [Max: +30]
- Sp. Def +0 [Max: +30]
Upgrade Priority

Focus Band provides both Def & Sp. Def, making it a good choice for Pokemon with high base HP. It provides a very significant amount of recovery that can't be ignored.

Buddy Barrier

ItemItem Effect
Buddy BarrierBuddy BarrierItem Effect & Bonus
Upon using a Unite Move, the attacker and its lowest-HP ally gain a shield for 20/30/40% of their max health!
- HP +20 [Max: +600]
Upgrade Priority

The Buddy Barrier's base HP boost is quite large, making it a desirable item for tanks to begin with. However, where it really shines is its special effect: Every time you use your Unite Move you'll be gaining a massive shield - not just for yourself but for a nearby ally to. This can be somewhere in the vicinity of 4000 HP, which can be crucial in teamfights. Consider this item a must.

Muscle Band

ItemItem Effect
Muscle Band Muscle Band Item Effect & Bonus
On basic attacks, deals additional damage equal to 1% of the opponent's remaining HP.
- Atk +1 [Max: 24]
- Basic Atk Speed +0% [Max: +4.50%]
Upgrade Priority

For boosting attacks, the Muscle Band provides the most useful utility in a single slot. This is a must on Garchomp, but can be used on almost any All-Rounder.

Best Item Upgrade - Priority For Supporter Role

・Focus On Move Cooldown & HP
Supporters exist to help their team out in whatever way they can. Focus on move cooldown, movement speed, healing, and bulking up via your item selection. Try to let allies get last hits and consider running the Exp Share!

Shell Bell

ItemItem Effect
Shell Bell Shell BellItem Effect & Bonus
Restore at least 45 HP when you land an ability. The higher your Sp. Atk, the more HP you recover.
- Sp. Atk +1.6 [Max: 24]
- Move Cooldown -0% [Max: -4.50%]
Upgrade Priority

Shell Bell lets Supports use their moves more often for better effects. The heal effect can also be rather useful.

Wise Glasses

ItemItem Effect
Wise Glasses Wise GlassesItem Effect & Bonus
Sp. Atk is increased by 3%.
- Sp. Atk +10 [Max: 39]
Upgrade Priority

More Sp. Atk is hard to dislike, giving you more overall throughput.

Exp. Share

ItemItem Effect
Exp. Share Exp. ShareItem Effect & Bonus
When you have the least exp of all Pokemon on your team, gain 2 exp every second. However, you'll no longer get exp from assisting a teammate when they defeat a Wild Pokemon.
- HP +16 [Max: 240]
- Movement Speed +0 [Max: 150]
Upgrade Priority

Exp. Share gives Support better mobility to keep up with the team or position to support the team. The ability also help bridge the gap of levels as Supports often need to prioritize leveling up their attacker or teammates. Make sure you only have one of these per team.

Best Item Upgrade - How To Upgrade

Upgrade Held Items With Item Enhancers

Upgrade Held Items With Item Enhancers
ShopAeos Emporium
PriceAeos TicketAeos Ticket x 10

Held Items can be upgraded with the use of Item Enhancers. Although they can be farmed, Item Enhancers can also be bought with Aeos Tickets in the shop! Additionally, using a very limited item called a Super Item Enhancer, you can upgrade one item all the way to level 30!

Items Used For Upgrades
Item Enhancer Super Item Enhancer

Max Upgrade Level Is 30

Currently, the limit for upgrades is level 30. Note that the higher the level, the more Item Enhancers will be required to upgrade it!

Use 7-Day Max-Grade Trial Cards To Check

7-Day Max-Grade Trial Card

You can use a consumable item call 7-Day Max-Grade Trial Card to temporarily max out a single Held Item. You can use this to check if the Held Item is something viable or not when maxed.

7-Day Max-Grade Trial Card Guide

Spread Out Your Upgrades For Better Overall Effect

Instead of focusing on upgrading 1 Held Item to Level 30, it's better to spread resources between 3 Held Items instead and get them to Level 20. The reason for this is that the effect of the item upgrades at levels 10 and 20!

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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Anonymous 2

Y'all need to update XP share. It no longer stops you from getting wild Pokemon XP.

Anonymous 1

Whoever made this is an idiot about items. Sp atk specs and attack weight are niche B tier? Legit anyone who's not support can gain a m***ive damage buff throughout the game with those. Do more research.

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