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Machamp Build: Best Items And Moveset Guide

Machamp Build: Best Items And Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Machamp Build: Best Items And Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Machamp is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Machamp's stats, best items, Machop, skin, moveset, unite move, build & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Machamp Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Machamp Move Changes (Sep 2)

Move / StatChanges
Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchChanges
- Damage decreased
- Cooldown decreased
Click To See Previous Balance Changes Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Machamp Move Changes (January 20)

Move / StatChanges
Karate ChopKarate ChopChanges
- Damage has been increased 658 to 733 (about 11.3%).
Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchChanges
- The range has become longer
- Enemy Pokemon will now still get the effects and damage from this move regardless whether they are hindered or not
- Recovery effect of Basic Attack after Lv7 has been increased
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (January 20)

Machamp Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
Barrage BlowBarrage Blow- Fixed a bug with the move's thrust component.
- Fixed a bug that occurred with jump panels.

Machamp has gotten two fixes for the Sept 22 patch. Its Unite move has had some adjustments, but it's not clear whether they constitute a nerf or bug.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch (September 22)

Machamp Changes In August 4 Update

Cross ChopCross Chop- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. (About -44%)
Close CombatClose Combat- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (About 6%)

Machamp also received a few adjustments this past patch, with a buff and a nerf on two of its moves! Close Combat damage has increased by 6% while Cross Chop was nerfed by a substantial 44%.

Machamp Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankA
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Machamp Stats

Offense 4 Stars (8)
Endurance 2.5 Stars (5)
Mobility2.5 Stars (5)
Scoring2.5 Stars (5)
Support1 Stars (2)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Machamp Evolution

(Lv. 5)
(Lv. 9)

Machamp Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5SubmissionSubmission
Increases the user's movement speed and makes it immune to hindrances. When the user's next basic attack hits, the attack deals increased damage and slams the opposing Pokemon onto the ground, leaving it unable to act. Once this move ends, the user's critical-hit rate and basic attack speed are increased for a short time.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7Cross ChopCross Chop
Has the user deliver a double chop with forearms crossed while dashing forward. This also increases the user's critical-hit rate.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Battle Item
X SpeedX Speed ・For a short time, increases your Pokemon's movement speed and prevents their movement speed from being decreased.
(Cooldown: 50s)

Can Go Mid

Machamp can easily go mid and farm buffs to help the top or bottom lanes. You can use Bulk Up to increase your movement speed to chase down enemies. Submission is also your go to move when ganking.

Cross Chop & Submission To Close Distance

Submission can make Machamp immune to status ailments while granting it increased movement speed. Cross Chop not only provides added burst damage, but it also lets Machamp dash forward to either catch up or escape.

Stack Attack & Defense

As a melee all-rounder, Machamp will need extra attack & defense so he can keep up & deal damage to the enemy team. Stack these 2 stats so that Machamp can close the distance, maintain damage output, and survive after the scuffle.

Held Items For Attack Damage

Machamp's basic attacks may be enhanced with Muscle Band to increased the damage equivalent 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP while also improving your basic Basic Atk Speed. Meanwhile, Focus Band will help Machamp absorb less damage from the additional Defense it provides as well as recover 8% of lost HP. Attack Weight on the other hand greatly refine Machamp power by increasing it Attack by a minimum of 6 whenever you score.

Lv. 5Dynamic PunchDynamic Punch
Has the user jump to the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act when it hits. After using this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances for a short time, its movement speed is increased, and their basic attack speed is increased. The user's next basic attack also becomes a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Lv. 7Cross ChopCross Chop
Has the user deliver a double chop with forearms crossed while dashing forward. This also increases the user's critical-hit rate.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Score ShieldScore Shield ・HP +15 (+450)
While Pokemon is attempting to score a goal, it is granted a shield equal to 5% of its max HP and its goals cannot be interrupted while it is shielded.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Can Cover Distance Fast

This Machamp build can cover a long distance with the help of its 2 dash skills. Dynamic Punch also buffs your move speed to close the gap. Aside from that, the skills can also be used to go over walls and obstacles.

Great Chase & Escape Moves

As mentioned above, the 2 dash skills help Machamp be more mobile during a fight. If used well, these skills can help you chase down enemies or escape ambushes without any trouble.

Decent Damage Output

Dynamic Punch not only stuns affected enemies but it also buffs Machamp for a short period of time. Cross Chop allows Machamp to dash forward while granting it a critical rate buff. With these 2, Machamp can output a ridiculous amount of damage with your basic attacks.

Lv. 5SubmissionSubmission
Increases the user's movement speed and makes it immune to hindrances. When the user's next basic attack hits, the attack deals increased damage and slams the opposing Pokemon onto the ground, leaving it unable to act. Once this move ends, the user's critical-hit rate and basic attack speed are increased for a short time.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lv. 7Cross ChopCross Chop
Has the user deliver a double chop with forearms crossed while dashing forward. This also increases the user's critical-hit rate.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Razor ClawRazor Claw ・Attack +1 (+15)
・Critical-Hit Rate +0.6% (+2.1%)
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of 10 more damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
X SpeedX Speed ・For a short time, increases your Pokemon's movement speed and prevents their movement speed from being decreased.
(Cooldown: 50s)

Lane Tank

Machamp's tankier than other Pokemon, allowing you to stay longer in the battlefield to deal tremendous damage.

Do Not Attack Alone

Machamp's damaging capabilities are somewhat normal. Remember to attack only with teammates as it is very likely that Machamp's damage won't be enough to down some Pokemon.

Lv. 5Dynamic PunchDynamic Punch
Has the user jump to the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act when it hits. After using this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances for a short time, its movement speed is increased, and their basic attack speed is increased. The user's next basic attack also becomes a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Lv. 7Close CombatClose Combat
Unleashes a series of punches in the designated direction, dealing increased damage with the last punch. The user can move while using this move and becomes immune to hindrances.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Instantaneous Damage Build

Close Combat and Dynamic Punch allows Machamp to instantaneously close a gap, stun an enemy, and deal a large damage. When used correctly, these 2 skills plus some normal attacks can easily secure a kill.

Escape Using Dynamic Punch

Aside from attacking enemies, Dynamic Punch can be used to jump away from a fight. You can also use this to have Machamp jump over walls, so aim well when either escaping or ambushing.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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On go (Redjemin's Build)

MovesDynamic PunchDynamic Punch
Cross ChopCross Chop
Held ItemsMuscle BandMuscle Band
Scope LensScope Lens
Razor ClawRazor Claw
Battle Item X SpeedX Speed
Author's Notes
- Could start jungle to level up. Once Dynamic Punch and Cross Chop are acquired it’s run down season.

Machamp - Basics & Advanced Tips

Machamp Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Machamp. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Prioritize leveling up
・It can be tempting to want to engage in fights as Machop, but it's almost always better to prioritize leveling up.
・You'll want to reach level 5 quickly to get your first move, and will be at a big disadvantage until you can do this.
・If you're jungling, this will be easy, but if you're in lane it may take time. Be careful and last hit efficiently.
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Use Bulk Up effectively
・You can use Machamp's Bulk Up to gain a boosted attack and movement speed to help you defeat Wild Pokemon faster.
・This move also makes you immune to hindrances, which means you can freely walk in and get last hits without fear of being CC'd.
Stick close to allies early on
Machop's attack and defense at the start of the match are not very high, so you'll want to refrain from going off alone (unless of course, you're running a Jungle build).
・Stick with your lane partner and prioritize getting last hits over skirmishing.
▶ Machamp Best Allies

Machamp Advanced Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Machamp. Treat this as a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

Use Submission wisely
・Submission is a move that gives Machamp movement speed buff and immunity to hindrances. This is perfect for engaging into a fight without being crowd controlled!
・Isolate enemies using this ability and quickly KO them with your allies (try to target Attackers)
・Remember that you can also use this to stop enemies from last hitting, to let your allies steal instead!
Coordinate attacks with allies
・Machamp is fairly tanky, but isn't quite a Defender. You should avoid going into the frontlines of a battle alone. Try to coordinate with your allies.
・Wait until an ally (such as a Defender) uses their crowd control on enemies and then rush in immediately with Cross Chop.
Hit multiple foes with Unite Move
・Machamp's Unite Move deals continuous damage to many opponents in an area. You'll want to make sure you hit as many enemies as you can with one use!
・Try to push opponents to your team's side for your allies to KO them.
・After the Unite Move, make use of the movement/attack speed buff you get to help chase down key enemy Pokemon and isolate them with Submission.

Machamp Strategy Guide

Machamp Strengths & Weaknesses

Can evolve into a powerful brawler capable of defeating most Pokemon in a one-on-one battle thanks to its damaging build and great tanking abilities.
Machamp's Unite Move inflicts continuous damage on a large number of opponents in an area.
Its tremendous damage output combined with good mobility and endurance makes for a lethal combo that can KO opponents who come too near.
Machamp's moves like Submission can both deal a ton of damage and also be used to move faster for a short period of time.
Machamp needs an early level advantage to be effective in a teamfight.
Use Pokemon that can kite, such as Charizard, to chip away at Machamp's HP even when moving away, giving you a chance to turn things around.
Machamp's effectiveness in combat can be limited with disabling and blocking skills.
Pokemon with high mobility have the ability to chase Machamp and knock it down easily if not careful.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★ ★ ・
You can farm experience points safely as you'll likely have fewer team fights in the top lane, allowing you to cover your shortcomings in the early stages. Machamp's high defense and disables make it effective on the Top Lane when paired with an ally Attacker.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★★★
Machamp can easily go mid and farm buffs to help the top or bottom lanes. You can use Bulk Up to increase your movement speed to chase down enemies. Submission is also your go-to move when ganking.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★・・
Since a lot of team confrontations happen in the bottom lane, Machop may struggle before evolving during early game. Make sure to get an Attacker or Supporter Pokemon to help you maintain the lane.
Which Lanes To Play Guide

Machop (Lv1~4) - Strategy

Focus on leveling up from Wild Pokemon as a priority as you're still pretty weak without levels. Aim to quickly reach level 5 before you go for the offensive. You can do this by knocking out all the wild Pokemon in the Central Area. Avoid initiating and stick close to goals if the enemy team is being aggressive.

Prioritize Nukers, Support, & Attackers

Bulk Up leaves you immune to status ailments and it increases your movement speed. Use this when an enemy Pokemon makes the mistake of going in deep towards your goal. Make sure to have a teammate with you as your damage will likely be not enough to take down a Pokemon during this stage.

Machoke (Lv 5~8) - Strategy

Continue to level up but pay attention to the Drednaw or Rotom based on your lane. You can be a bit more aggressive now that your moves are unlocked but you should always remember to have your HP up as your defense isn't that exceptional. Take the opportunity to jump enemy Pokemon using your Cross Chop & Submission combo.

Initiate Attacks

Machamp's moves can disable enemies so use them to initiate attacks with your team. With a reliable damage-dealer, Machamp can defeat any enemy Pokemon. Be flexible and move around the map if you have to so you can assist ailing lanes. It is more effective when used in a melee situation as it can damage all opponent's Pokemon within range.

Take On Enemy Disablers

It is highly effective against defense-type Pokemon that use disables because its high resistance makes it difficult to be immobilized by them. You can use this to your team's advantage by taking them out before they can disable your allies.

Adapt Your Build To The Situation

At Level 7, you'll need to choose a move that will determine your playstyle. Dynamic Punch can let you jump in for an easy attack, while Submission can be helpful in breaking enemy lines by tossing Pokemon towards your rear. Pick a move depending on if you're going solo or have good coordination with your team. If you want to close distances fast, then choose the Cross Chop + Dynamic Punch Build. If you want to do crowd control, choose the Close Combat + Submission Build. If you want a bit of both, get Cross Chop + Submission.

If You Chose Cross Chop
Lv 7: Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchDash
A more damage-oriented move for positioning. Grants a buff after the user lands.
If You Chose Close Combat
Lv 7: SubmissionSubmissionHindrance
The next normal attack slams the Pokemon to the ground, positioning it behind Machamp. Also grants buffs and increases Machamp's attack speed and critical-hit rate.

Machamp (Lv 9~) - Strategy

How To Use Unite Move: Barrage Blow

Barrage Blow greatly increases Machamp's movement speed, Attack, Defense, and SP Defense. When triggered again, the move ends with a slew of punches that deals an incredible amount of damage. Using the attack does not remove the buff so use the attack immediately if you find yourself in a favorable position to hit multiple enemies.

Maximize Machamp's Barrage Blow's Buff

You can also use Barrage Blow's buff to initiate attacks for greater damage. This can incredibly increase your numbers if used with buffing moves like Cross Chop & Dynamic Punch. You can press the Unite Move button again to deal more damage.

Cross Chop + Submission

Recommended Combos
Cross ChopSubmission
SubmissionCross Chop

You can use either Submission or Cross Chop to initiate attacks. You can open with either and use the remaining skill to chase down enemies. Submission should mostly be utilized when chasing or locking down an enemy for your team to burst down. Note that Machamp can use Cross Chop to cross thin walls, so use this skill to join or escape attacks.

TipTIP!Machamp's Cross Chop can be used to cross walls. Just make sure to aim carefully to cross. Make use of this when escaping or when ganking enemy Pokemon!

Cross Chop + Dynamic Punch

Recommended Combos
Dynamic Punch → Normal Attack → Cross Chop

Start with Dynamic Punch to quickly deal a hit to your opponent and leave them stunned. This move speeds up your movements and boosts your next basic attacks, so deal a Normal Attack and quickly follow up with Cross Chop to land a critical hit. These successive hits can prove to be quite lethal in battle.

Close Combat + Dynamic Punch

Recommended Combos
Dynamic PunchClose Combat

Open the attack with a well-aimed Dynamic Punch. Afterwards, shower the enemy with multiple punches using Close Combat. The damage output is instantaneous with this build so buff up and carry Held Items that can increase Machamp's attack damage and critical hits.

TipTIP!Similar to Cross Chop, Machamp's Dynamic Punch can get you over walls!

Close Combat + Submission

Recommended Combos
Submission → Normal Attack → Normal Attack → Close Combat

Open up with Submission to get its various buffs, then hit the enemy with your boosted normal attack. When the enemy is stunned, hit then again with a normal attack then finish off with Close Combat. This will make use of all buffs to get the most damage in your attacks.

Machamp - Other Tips & Guides

Vulnerable If Focused On

Machamp has more HP than most other Pokemon but is still on the vulnerable side. If Machamp gets targeted, it will be KOed very quickly. Use terrain such as Grass to cover your movement and always have an exit strategy when fighting.

Fight With Team To Take Out Zapdos

Coordinate with your team to push or take out Zapdos. Avoid defending alone as you're vulnerable if ganged up upon. Your main priority is Zapdos or taking out key enemy Pokemon in group fights. As you're still quite squishy, be sure to fall back when your HP is low.

Zapdos Strategy Guide

Fight With Your Team

Although Machamp boasts a decent damage output, it may not be enough during the latter parts of the match. Make sure to team up with other Pokemon for better damage and more KOs.

Machamp - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will guide you on which specific Wild Pokemon to target in order, as well as what to do at various stages of the game. This guide is based on Machamp's jungle builds.


※ If the central path on your side is in the desert zone, the locations of Ludicolo (3) and Bouffalant (4) will be reversed.

Target Level5
Tasks① Learn Bulk Up as your first skill.
② KO Lillipup
③ KO Ludicolo.
④ KO Bouffalant.
⑤ KO the 2 Corphish.
⑥ Head to the bottom path.

We recommend you learn Bulk Up as your first skill, since it increases your attack, attack speed, and movement speed, and turns your next attack into an enhanced attack. At the start of the match, don't hesitate to use the Eject Button to get over the barricade to reach Lillipup.


Target Level7
Tasks① Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.
② Return to the central area.
③ KO the newly spawned Ludicolo.
④ KO the newly spawned Boufallant.
⑤ KO the 2 newly spawned Corphish.
⑥ Head back again to the bottom path.

Machamp should get Submission once you've reached level 5. In the bottom path use Submission to catch your opponent and prevent them from taking the last hit or getting away, etc.

7:00~ Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level9
Tasks• Attack with Submission to bring the opponent to your side.
・When you've reach level 9, you can use yourUnite move to deal a lot of damage to multiple opponents.

While using Submission, Machamp's movement speed increases and it gets immunity to hinderances. Work with your teammates closely by running up to an enemy Pokemon, catching them, and then slamming them over to your sided. Your allies should follow up and get a quick KO.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~The Endgame.

Target Level9~
Tasks• Attack with Submission to bring the opponent to your side.
• Machamp's Unite Move deals a lot of damage to multiple opponents.

Machamp's Unite move series of powerful forward attacks. We recommend to use it in group fights against opponents who are clustered in one place. Use it against Zapdos and on Drednaw to get an advantage in both of these battles. It's possible to pull off insane multi-kills here, so make sure you have this ability ready!

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Machamp Counters

Pokemon Machamp Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Machamp

・ While it does have moves that allow it to traverse short distances, Machamp's moves and damage output are more of a sudden burst. Keeping it at bay with disabling and blocking skills severely curtails Machamp's effectiveness in a fight.
・ Be wary of Machamp's immunity against status ailments! It can ignore this using either of its 2 moves. Not only that but Machamp grows stronger with status ailments! Time your attacks well when dealing with this Pokemon!
Simply running away can give you enough room to wait for Machamp's status ailment buff to die down. Blocking moves from Pokemon like Crustle are useful in this situation. When its immunity expires, strike hard!
・ Pokemon that can attack while moving are also very effective against Machamp. Greninja and Charizard can chip off Machamp's health even while running away, allowing a possibility to reverse the situation.

Best Matchups For Machamp

Pokemon Machamp Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Machamp

Tips When Allied With Machamp

・Use the opportunity to burst down the targets once it gets stunned by Machamp. This way your team will be able to secure KO and delay the opposing team's progression in the game.
・Allies like Slowbro can use moves like Telekinesis to hold down targets for Machamp to ensure that they won't be able to avoid getting hit and knocked out.
・When you get paired with Machamp in the lane, try to be considerate and give the last hit when farming wild Pokemon especially during the early stages as he is quite a late bloomer.

Machamp Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage when it hits. This boosted attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Increases the Pokemon's Attack when the Pokemon is afflicted by a status condition.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

Karate ChopKarate Chop Melee
Attacks opposing Pokemon with a sharp chop.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 733

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Bulk UpBulk Up Buff
After using this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances for a short time, its movement speed and Attack are increased, and its basic attack speed is increased. The user's next basic attack also becomes a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 0

Damage Comparison Of Enhanced Attacks

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvNo Bulk UpWith Bulk Up

Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchDash
Has the user jump to the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act when it hits. After using this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances for a short time, its movement speed is increased, and their basic attack speed is increased. The user's next basic attack also becomes a boosted attack.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 1240

Detailed Move Damage & HP Recovered

These are the actual damages & recovery rate of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Increases the user's movement speed and makes it immune to hindrances. When the user's next basic attack hits, the attack deals increased damage and slams the opposing Pokemon onto the ground, leaving it unable to act. Once this move ends, the user's critical-hit rate and basic attack speed are increased for a short time.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Damage: 1364

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvNo SubmissionWith Submission

Level 7 Moves (Choose One)

Close CombatClose CombatMelee
Unleashes a series of punches in the designated direction, dealing increased damage with the last punch. The user can move while using this move and becomes immune to hindrances.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 2353

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Cross ChopCross ChopDash
Has the user deliver a double chop with forearms crossed while dashing forward. This also increases the user's critical-hit rate.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 1361

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Barrage BlowBarrage BlowBuff
Increases the user's movement speed, Attack, Defense, and Sp. Def for a short time. If used again, unleashes a combo attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and shoving them. The final blow deals an especially large amount of damage.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 6000

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves

Machamp Skins

Machamp - Beach Style

Beach Style: Machamp

Machamp - Adept Style

Adept Style Machamp

Machamp - Excavation Style

Excavation Style Machamp

Machamp - Punk Style

Punk Style
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All All-Rounder List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

Pokemon MOBA Strategy Team

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