Win all the major battles in Fire Emblem: Three Houses through these guides! This includes Story, DLC, Paralogue & Side Mission battles, strategies, tips, enemy types, & more!!!
Table of Contents
DLC - Cindered Shadows Chapter Battle Guides

Chapter 1: The Fourth House - A Skirmish in Abyss Battle

As you delve to the Abyss, the underbelly of Garreg Mach Monastery, you and your students are confronted by a mysterious team, calling themselves the "Fourth House".
A Skirmish in Abyss Battle Strategy GuideChapter 2: What Lies Beneath - Ambush In The Arena

The Ashen Wolves require your assistance to fight off an unknown force bent on Destroying the Abyss. A trap has been set for them, but the plan also seemed to have snared a dangerous opponent.
Ambush In The Arena Battle Strategy GuideChapter 3: The Rite of Rising - Search For The Chalice

As the group set off to search for a Chalice rumored to possess unlimited power, weird contraptions suddenly appear to fight them.
Search for the Chalice Battle Strategy GuideChapter 4: Danger in the Dark - A Harrowing Escape

Your party flees through the depths of the Cathedral, pursued by countless enemies. You must fight your way to the end as a group and escape unscathed.
A Harrowing Escape Battle Strategy GuideChapter 5: Betrayal - Besieged in the Chapel Ruins

Aelfric has been kidnapped by an unknown group of bandits, and its up to you and your new students to save him. But is everything the way it looks like?
Besieged In The Chapel Ruins Battle Strategy GuideChapter 6: Return to Me - The Rite of Rising

The group is beset by a terrible betrayal and is forced to confront a foe who threatens to summon a terrible evil into the world.
Rite of Rising Battle Strategy GuideChapter 7: Wolf Pack - A Beast in the Cathedral

You have finally confronted the nightmare hidden deep beneath the Cathedral. It is up to you and your students to rid this monstrosity once and for all.
A Beast in the Cathedral Battle Strategy GuidePrologue - White Clouds Chapter Battle Guides

Chapter 1: Three Houses - Rivalry of the Houses Battle

A mock battle between houses. The stakes aren't quite as high, but coming out victorious is a goal for you and your new band of students.
Check Out the Rivalry of the Houses WakthroughChapter 2: Familiar Scenery - Red Canyon Dominance Battle

Your first mission with your house leads you straight to the Red Canyon where thieves are holding their defense. This is the first battle where you can use the Divine Pulse.
Check Out the Red Canyon Dominance WalkthroughChapter 3: Mutiny in the Mist - The Magdred Ambush Battle

The Knights of Seiros has come to lend you a hand as you make your way through a foggy forest to confront the rebel, Lenato.
Check Out The Magdred Ambush WalkthroughChapter 4: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth - Assault at the Rite of Rebirth Battle

You and your house are tasked to prevent mysterious criminals from getting into the goddess' tomb. This is where you come across the fated Sword of Creation.
Check Out the Assault at the Rite of Rebirth WalkthroughChapter 5: Tower of Black Winds - The Gautier Inheritance Battle

A sacred weapon has been stolen and you must face them down to retrieve it. Although the enemy there is more than you could have expected.
Check Out The Gautier Inheritance Walkthrough HereChapter 6: Rumors of a Reaper - The Underground Chamber Battle

The mystery thickens as you come face-to-face with the formidable Death Knight. All in an attempt to rescue a friend.
Check Out the Underground Chamber Battle HereChapter 7: Field of the Eagle & the Lion - Battle of the Eagle and the Lion Battle

It's time to show the fruits of your labor as you go against the other houses to see which will come out on top in this no-holds-barred battle.
Check Out the Battle of the Eagle & the Lion WalkthroughChapter 8: The Flame in the Darkness - The Remire Calamity Battle

A strange sickness has overcome the Remire village. You and your house set out to see what has become of the once peaceful village.
Check Out the Remire Calamity Walkthrough HereChapter 9: The Cause of Sorrow - Salvation at the Chapel Battle

You join forces with your father to take down the cause of the sickness that invaded Remire.
Check Out the Salvation at the Chapel WalkthroughChapter 10: Where The Goddess Dwells - The Sealed Forest Snare Battle

You prepare for a showdown with those that murdered of your father. Revenge seems imminent, but there are greater forces at play here.
Check Out The Sealed Forest Snare WalkthroughChapter 11:Throne of Knowledge - Conflict in the Holy Tomb Battle

You proceed to the Holy Tomb to gain divine revelation, only to be ambushed by the Flame Emperor. What is revealed next will send shock waves across the world.
Check Out Conflict in the Holy Tomb WalkthroughChapter 12: To War - The Battle of Garreg Mach Battle

The dice is thrown, and the world trembled as war approaches the Monastery.
The Battle of Garreg Mach Battle Guide (Chapter 12)Chapter 12: Onset of a Power Struggle - The Battle of Garreg Mach

You have stood your ground against deities to protect what you felt was right. Now you must lead your new allies into battle, against those you once called friends.
The Battle of Garreg Mach Battle Guide (Chapter 12 - Edelgard Route)Edelgard - Crimson Flower Chapter Battle Guides

Chapter 13: Beyond Escape - The Great Bridge Coup Battle

To strike into the Leicester Alliance, a key bridge must be captured first.
The Great Bridge Coup Battle Guide (Chapter 13)Chapter 14: The Master Tactician - Capturing Derdriu Battle

The fall of Alliance is at hand, but Claude also has certain tricks up his sleeves to prevent that.
Capturing Derdriu Battle Guide (Chapter 14)Chapter 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields - Protecting Garreg Mach Battle

Your point of operation is once again under siege from Church forces.
Protecting Garreg Mach Battle Guide (Chapter 15)Chapter 16: The Lady of Deceit - The Siege of Arianrhod Battle

A fortress with unknown defense mechanism must be taken to bring the fight into the Kingdom.
The Siege of Arianrhod Battle Guide (Chapter 16)Chapter 17: Field of Revenge - Combat at Tailtean Plains Battle

3 factions forces clash at the Tailtean Plains to determine the fate of Fodland.
Combat at Tailtean Plains Battle Guide (Chapter 17)Chapter 18: To the End of a Dream - The Fight for Fhirdiad Battle

The world burned as the desperate Rhea unleashed her final gambit. Its time to end this now and here.
The Fight for Fhirdiad Battle Guide (Chapter 18)Beat the Game? Check out New Game Plus Guide Here!
Paralogue & Side Quest Mission Battle Guides
Paralogue Battle Walkthroughs
Click on the Quest Name to see the Walkthrough!!!
Quest | Required Character | Rewards |
Insurmountable | Edelgard | Battalion Holst's Chosen Item/s Silver Shield |
Foreign Land and Sky | Bernadetta Petra | Battalion Varley Archers Brigid Hunters Brigid Mercenaries Item/s None |
Tales of the Red Canyon | Sothis | Battalion None Item/s Additional Divine Pulse Charges |