Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Azure Moon Chapter 21 - Our Chosen Paths (Blue Lions). Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Check Out All Story List & Guide!Azure Moon Chapter 21 - Our Chosen Paths Part 1 Guide
Preparing Your Units Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | A cutscene with a prisoner, Gilbert & Dimitri will begin |
2 | [Prisoner: Conversation Options] ・Did you share those feelings about your homeland? → To be confirmed ・Do you regret your actions? → Neutral reply |
3 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・Not very well. → To be confirmed ・Very well. → Neutral reply |
4 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・There's no way for sure. → Neutral reply ・I don't have those answers. → To be confirmed |
5 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・That's true. → Neutral reply ・Take responsibility for the Kingdom... → To be confirmed |
6 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/2 - Free Time - Choir Festival - Anna's Shop Open |
7 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/3 - Lecture Day |
8 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/9 - Free Time - Harvest Festival - Anna's Shop Open - Rare Monster Sighting |
9 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/10 - Lecture Day |
10 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/16 - Free Time - Golden Fish - Anna's Shop Open |
11 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/17 - Lecture Day |
12 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/23 - Free Time - Fish Bounty Festival - Anna's Shop Open |
13 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/25 - Talk with Edelgard |
14 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・She will. → Neutral reply ・I doubt it. → To be confirmed |
15 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/29 - Visit the cemetery |
15. Visit To Cemetery Lets You Choose Partner

When you visit the cemetery before you leave for the mission, you'll have to choose who your life partner will be after the war. These are characters you've made to S Rank in Support Levels.
Check Out How To Raise Support Levels!Azure Moon Chapter 21 - Our Chosen Paths Part 2 Guide
Assault on Enbarr Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Verdant Rain Moon 8/30 - Mission Day |
2 | Win the battle in "Assault on Enbarr" mission |
3 | After the battle, have a cutscene with your allies |
4 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・We've finally made it here. → Neutral reply ・We can win this. → To be confirmed |
7 | After the cutscene, the next chapter "Oath of the Dagger" will begin |
7. Battle Immediately Starts When Chapter Begins

When you're done with the battle and cutscenes, the next chapter will automatically begin with the final fight with Edelgard. Be prepared and make sure to bring your strongest units & weapons.
Assault on Enbarr Battle Tips
Enemies On Ballistas Have Extremely Long Range

Make sure to have a team specifically taking care of enemies on Ballistas. These units have extremely long range that can take out your weaker units fast if you don't defeat them.
Flying Beasts Are Weak Against Bow Users

The HP of Flying Beasts can be brought down by strong bow users so make sure you have some in your lineup. If you need to delay the monster's movements, make sure to use Gambits to instantly break its barriers.
Reinforcements Will Arrive Every Few Turns

This battle can be long and winded, with Hubert calling in reinforcements at every turn. Make sure to prepare for both human and monster support units coming in from several sides.
Kill Hubert To Win Battle

It's best to clear the most direct path towards Hubert and take him down fast. This will make sure you win the battle with as few skirmishes in between as possible.
Check Out All Story List & Guide!