Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses guide to learn more about the best way of farming gold or money in the game! Find out the best methods to get as much money possible!!!
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Best Ways To Farm Money
Raise Professor Level

Raising your Professor Level will not only give you more activity points on Free Days, this will also let the church grant you extra funds to use at the start of every month!
Sell Fish That You've Caught

When fishing, you may happen to hook yourself a nice Golden fish! You can sell these rare fish for extra money when you've successfully caught them.
Check Out Fishing Here!Wait For Events To Catch Fish

Fishing events are the best time to catch fishes in the Fishing Pond. These are usually marked on your calendar as fishing hook icons! These events increase the chances of you catching multiple fish, and even golden fish!
Sell Bullions In Marketplace

Enemies may sometimes drop Gold Bullions when you defeat them. As an item, they do not have any specific uses. They do however, fetch a high price when sold at the market.
Sell Unwanted Enemy Drops
You may sometimes acquire enemy drops that you do not need. Selling these unwanted items can give you another source of income when farming for money.
Participate In In-House Tournaments

Tournaments reward the winner a grand prize of gold along with an item. They also reward winners with gold for every round you win. If you are looking to make some quick and easy money, enter your strongest fighter to win the tournament!
Check Out In-House Tournaments Here!Why You Should Farm Money
Purchase Weapons & Equipment

Money will play a big role in managing your units. With money, you will be able to buy strong weapons and useful items to equip to your units. Your money will be useful in keeping your units well-armed and fully-stocked.
Buy Seals For Certification

Money will also allow you to purchase Seals for you and your units. Seals allow you to take Certification Exams which allow you and your units to change into stronger and more formidable classes in the game.
Check Out Certification Exams Here!Forge & Repair Weapons At The Blacksmith

When your weapons have low durability, you can use your money and some Smithing Stones to hire the blacksmith into repairing them and upgrading them for you. This is a much cheaper way of maintaining your weapons than buying new ones.
Check Out the Blacksmith Here!Hire & Replenish Battalions
Your money will allow you to higher Battalions which you can then assign to your units. These Battalions have unique "Gambits" which you can use to turn the tides of battle against strong opponents.
Money Also Required to Replenish Battalions
Your money is also used to replenish the Battalions of certain units. Further increasing their endurance, and allowing them to support your unit for longer.