Check out this guide about Fire Emblem: Three Houses' three factions (houses). Know more about characters and story for Black Eagles, Blue Lions, & Golden Deer. Find out which is the best house for you!!!
Table of Contents
Choosing Your House
Which House is the Best?
Unique Characters in Each House

The House chosen at the beginning dictates which characters the player would be fighting with during the story. Choose the House of the characters that have abilities and designs that pique your interest.
Recruit from Other Houses
Members from the Houses that you did not choose from the start can still be recruited to be part of your team. However, they require specific skills from the player character in order for them to be recruited. Bear in mind that working towards getting other Houses into your team will take time.
Story is Different for Each House
Each House has its own take and side in the main story of Fire Emblem: Three Heroes. The House chosen increases the events in which characters from that House can be interacted with, giving more insight to that House's characters and backgrounds. Choose the House which you would like to see the story with.
Get to Know Each House
Black Eagles

The Black Eagles are led by Edelgard, the princess of the Adrestian Empire. This faction features a lot of magic users.
Black Eagles' Members
Know More About the Black Eagles Here!Blue Lions

The Blue Lions are led by Dimitri, heir and crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, a kingdom of knights. Characters from this faction are skilled with the spear and sword.
Blue Lions' Members
Know More About the Blue Lions Here!Golden Deer

The Golden Deer are led by Claude, heir of the House Riegan of the Leicester Alliance. Characters in this faction are skilled with the bow.