Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of White Clouds Chapter 9 - The Cause of Sorrow. Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, & more!!!
Table of Contents
White Clouds Chapter 9 - The Cause of Sorrow Part 1 Guide
Regular Academy Life Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Ethereal Moon 12/1 - Alois's Birthday |
2 | After the cutscenes, you'll be talking with Rhea & Seteth |
3 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・A chapel? → Neutral reply ・Was something stolen? → Neutral reply |
4 | [Rhea: Conversation Options] ・That's reassuring. → Neutral reply ・Which knight? → Neutral reply |
5 | Ethereal Moon 12/7 - Free Time - Accept Rhea's quest - Complete Bulletin Board quests |
6 | Ethereal Moon 12/8 - Lecture Day |
7 | Ethereal Moon 12/12 - Bernadetta's Birthday |
8 | Ethereal Moon 12/14 - Free Time |
9 | Ethereal Moon 12/15 - Lecture Day |
10 | Ethereal Moon 12/16 - White Heron Cup |
11 | Ethereal Moon 12/20 - Dimitri's Birthday |
12 | Ethereal Moon 12/21 - Free Time |
5. 12/7 Free Time
Choose Student To Represent House In White Heron Cup

During this Free Time, make sure to accept Rhea's quest and choose a representative for the White Heron Cup. Doing so will give you the chance to unlock the Dancer class for that character.
10. White Heron Cup Unlocks Dancer Class

When you've chosen a student to represent your House in the White Heron Cup, you'll unlock the Dancer class for that character.
White Clouds Chapter 9 - The Cause of Sorrow Part 2 Guide
Investigate The Chapel Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Ethereal Moon 12/24 - Conversation with House about the ball |
2 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] I'll be there. (Dimitri) → Dimitri relationship goes up I'll try. (Dimitri) → Neutral reply Of course. (Edelgard) → Edelgard relationship goes up I will try. (Edelgard) → Neutral reply I don't know. (Claude) → Neutral reply Probably so. (Claude) → Neutral reply |
3 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・I am not everyone's favorite. → Neutral reply ・It is difficult. → Sothis relationship goes up |
4 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Aren't you going to dance with Edelgard? (Dimitri) → Neutral reply Aren't you going to dance with Claude? (Dimitri) → Neutral reply |
5 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Edelgard? → Neutral reply As a child? → Neutral reply |
6 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Friends? → Neutral reply Not siblings? → Neutral reply |
7 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Flowers? → Neutral reply A book? → Neutral reply A dagger? → Dimitri relationship goes up |
8 | Head to the Goddess Tower to see who is there |
9 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・I'm tired. → Neutral reply ・I'd rather not. → Neutral reply |
10 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・Why would I? → Neutral reply ・I have no reason to. → Sothis relationship goes down |
11 | Ethereal Moon 12/26 - Mission Day |
12 | Complete the "Salvation at the Chapel" mission |
13 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・It wasn't fate. → Neutral reply ・Our enemies will pay. → Neutral reply |
14 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Thank you. → Neutral reply If only. → Neutral reply |
15 | [Rhea: Conversation Options] ・Many years? → Neutral reply ・When did you meet? → Neutral reply |
16 | [Rhea: Conversation Options] ・Who was my mother? → Neutral reply ・Did I inherit my Crest from my mother? → Neutral reply |
17 | After the cutscene, the next chapter "Where the Goddess Dwells" will begin |
8. Goddess Tower Character Depends On Relationship
The person you will find in the Goddess Tower depends on your relationship with other characters. The character with the highest support level will most likely appear.
17. Mission Will Have Beasts To Defeat

This mission will have you face off with several Demonic Beasts that you have to defeat before they hurt any of the students stuck in the area.
Salvation at the Chapel Battle Tips
Keep Jeralt Alive In This Mission

Always keep a healer nearby Jeralt when he is focusing his attacks on a Demonic Beast. He is always aggressive so make sure that your healers are near him in case his HP falls low.
Use Gambits To Break Beast Barrier & Stun Them

Powerful Gambits should be used to break the Demonic Beasts' barriers in order to stun them. This prevents them from attacking you and hurting your units' HP bars.
Demonic Beasts Have 2 Life Bars

In this fight, Demonic Beasts will have 2 HP bars, as represented by the gems on right side of its life bar. You need to clear out its HP twice to ultimately defeat it.
Break All 4 Barriers To Get Bonus Item

When you break the 4 barriers of a Demonic Beast, it will be unable to move, making it easier to defeat. Plus, you'll be rewarded with a bonus item if you do so!
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