Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Verdant Wind Chapter 14 - The Alliance Leader's Ambitions (Golden Deer). Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Verdant Wind Chapter 14 - The Alliance Leader's Ambitions Part 1 Guide
1 | Chapter begins with the Church of Seiros and the Alliance joining forces |
2 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・I will fight the Empire.? → Neutral reply ・I will find Rhea. → Neutral Reply |
3 | Guardian Moon 1/4 - Free Time - Morale Meals |
4 | Guardian Moon 1/5 - Lecture Day |
5 | Guardian Moon 1/11 - Free Time - Saint Seiros Day (Chorus) - Rare Monster Sighting - Blessing of the Land |
6 | Guardian Moon 1/12 - Lecture Day |
7 | Guardian Moon 1/18 - Free Time |
8 | Guardian Moon 1/19 - Lecture Day |
9 | Guardian Moon 1/25 - Free Time - Lots of Large Fish |
10 | A cutscene will on the day before the mission |
11 | [Claude: Conversation Options] ・You're welcome. → Neutral reply ・Let's do out best. → Neutral reply |
12 | [Claude: Conversation Options] ・We should proceed cautiously. → Claude's relationship goes up ・Let's take them down. → Leonie's relationship goes up |
3. Back To The Monastery

Exploration is again unlocked and the player can again make use of its Facilities. Use the shops to restock on much needed supplies and use the facilities to build up your Professor Level.
Use Advanced Drills

After the 5-year time skip, students can now teach the main character some of their skills. Check out what you can learn from them by talking to them and choosing the "Advanced Drills" option. This action works like "Faculty Training" and consumes 1 Activity Point.
Click Here To Know More About The Changes After The 5-Year Time Skip!Verdant Wind Chapter 14 - The Alliance Leader's Ambitions Part 2 Guide
1 | Guardian Moon 1/31 - Mission Day |
2 | [Marianne: Conversation Options] ・She seems intimidating. → Neutral reply ・She seems strong. → Neutral reply |
4 | [Claude: Conversation Options] ・Nothing in particular. → Neutral reply ・I feel a bit sluggish. → Neutral reply |
6 | [Claude: Conversation Options] ・She's alive. → Neutral reply ・I don't know. → Neutral reply |
7 | [Claude: Conversation Options] ・Do you hope she's alive? → Neutral reply ・Do you hope she's dead? → Claude's relationship goes up |
8 | After the cutscene, the next chapter "Valley of Torment" will begin |
Protecting Garreg Mach Battle Tips
Forces Split In Two

The player starts with 8 units at the center and three units at the upper right. Slowly advance with your forces and concentrate on eliminating the enemy fliers and cavalry.
Beware of Enemy Ranged Units

Maneuvering through the center line may be difficult as it has walls and forests that deter mobility. Those that try to go through would be extremely vulnerable to enemy ranged attacks. Quickly eliminate enemy spellcasters and archers using your cavalry or flying units to reduce the danger.
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