Find all you need to know about Fire Emblem: Three Houses' Battalions and Gambits. Know how to unlock Battalions and use them effectively to win every battle with this guide!!!
Table of Contents
What Are Battalions?
Battalions Support Characters In Battle

Battalions provide support to characters that they are attached to by boosting their stats. Battalions gain experience together with their characters, and each one is different as they provide varying stats and Gambits.
Battalion Have Endurance

As Battalions fight in a battle, they lose endurance. Once they lose endurance, they withdraw from the battle together with their buffs and Gambits. Be sure to replenish them using the Battalion Guild before each fight.
Enemies Also Use Battalions
Foes in the battlefield can also make use of Battalions and Gambits. Be sure to check what Battalions the enemy has fielded before closing in to attack.
Visit the Battalion Guild to Hire Battalions

The player can hire, dismiss, and replenish Battalions and attach them to characters using the Battalion Guild menu. Dismissing a battalion gets rid of them permanently together with their acquired experience. Replenish refills the Battalion's endurance.
What Are Gambits?
Gambits Are Unique Abilities From Battalions

Aside from the already welcome stat boost provided by Battalions, they also allow the use of Gambits. Gambits are abilities that are granted to a character by their attached Battalion, and have charges that limit their usage. Gambits are replenished after a battle.
Gambit Boost

Similar to linked attacks, gambits can also be linked with other characters to increase their effects. Characters that have Gambits equipped and can target the defender can join with the attacker to boost the Gambit's Mt and Hit. Gambit Boost is also affected by the characters' support levels.
How To Unlock Battalions
Complete "Leading the Charge" To Unlock Battalions
"Leading the Charge" is a main mission that the player must complete in order to advance the story. It involves searching for a Tactics Primer in the Captain's Quarters, then giving it back to Jeralt to receive three mercenaries. Completing the story enables the player to use Battalions.
Check Out The Captain's Quarters - Location and Quest Guide Here!Unlocking the Battalion Guild

Complete the "Bolstering Forces" quest from Jeritza to unlock the Battalion Guild. From then onwards, you can access the Battalion Guild menu by visiting the Battalion Guildmaster or opening it in the Battle Prep Menu.