Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of White Clouds Chapter 6 - Rumors of a Reaper. Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, & more!!!
Table of Contents
Pt. 1 Regular Academy Life
Regular Academy Life Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the cutscene, a dialogue with Rhea and Seteth will start |
2 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・Troubling rumors? → Neutral reply ・What is it you're afraid of? → Neutral reply |
3 | Another cutscene with your house will play |
4 | [Dedue: Conversation Options] (Blue Lions only) ・We'll go together. → Neutral reply ・Get some rest. → Relationship increases |
5 | [Dedue: Conversation Options] (Blue Lions only) ・Is it Flayn? → Neutral reply ・Is it the Death Knight? → Neutral reply |
6 | Horsebow Moon 9/7 - Free Time - Accept the quest from your House Leader - Petra's Birthday - Hunting Festival - Choir Festival - Southern Merchant's Shop Open - Eastern Merchant's Shop Open |
7 | Horesbow Moon 9/8 - Leicester Alliance Founding Day |
8 | Horsebow Moon 9/14 - Free Time - Rare Monster Sighting - Paralogue Battle: War for the Weak - Southern Merchant's Shop Open - Eastern Merchant's Shop Open |
9 | Horsebow Moon 9/15 - Lecture Day |
10 | Horsebow Moon 9/28 - Free Time |
11 | Horsebow Moon 9/29 - Dorothea's Birthday |
6. 9/7 - Free Time
Investigate Suspicious Activity For House Leader

Your House Leader will ask you to investigate different people around the Monastery to gather clues on Flayn's whereabouts. All the characters you need to talk to will be marked with red paper on your map, and will have a red speech bubble when approached.
Visit the Merchant's Shop To Find Rare Items

At times, traveling Merchants will set up shop at the Marketplace and sell their wares. Make sure to visit them as they may be selling rare items that you could not get anywhere else!
8. 9/14 - Free Time
Do Paralogue Battles For Unique Rewards

Paralogue battles are not part of the main storyline. They usually have a story based on a specific character. You can do these battles even if the unit is not part of your house to earn unique items and battalions!
Paralogue Battle Will Last Until Certain Period Only

Paralogue battles will not be available for the whole month. They will only be available to do for a few weeks before disappearing from the list of Operations.
1~11. Avoid Going Into Jeritza's Room

Throughout the whole month, avoid going into Jeritza's room. Choosing to go inside the room will immediately end the month and start the mission. This will prevent you from training your units, and you may enter the mission at a disadvantage.
Pt. 2 Discovering the Underground Chamber
Discovering the Underground Chamber Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Horsebow Moon 9/30 - Mission Day |
2 | A cutscene will trigger after the title card |
3 | You will head into Jeritza's room |
4 | [House: Conversation Options] ・Is she injured? → Neutral reply ・Is she... dead? → Neutral reply |
5 | [House: Conversation Options] ・Let's investigate → Neutral reply ・We should call for the knights. → Neutral reply |
6 | Clear out the Underground Chamber to complete the mission |
7 | After the mission finishes, another cutscene will play |
8 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] ・No use dwelling on it. (Dimitri) → Neutral reply ・We almost had him. (Dimitri) → Neutral reply ・Right. (Edelgard) → Neutral reply ・I wanted to catch them. (Edelgard) → Neutral reply ・He got away. (Claude) → Neutral reply ・We could not defeat him. (Claude) → Neutral reply |
9 | [House Leader: Conversation Options] Like this? → Relationship goes up No. → Neutral reply I don't think I can... → Neutral reply |
10 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・I couldn't have done it without the students. → Neutral reply ・I'm just happy she's safe. → Neutral reply |
11 | [Flayn: Conversation Options] ・That is a great idea. → Flayn relationship goes up ・Why would you do that? → Neutral reply |
12 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・It would be my pleasure. → Seteth relationship goes up ・I suppose I have no choice → Neutral reply |
13 | Another cutscene with Rhea and Hanneman will play |
14 | [Rhea: Conversation Options] ・Is Monica a student here? → Neutral reply ・Who is Monica? → Neutral reply |
15 | [Jeralt: Conversation Options] ・What will you do next month? → Neutral reply ・Will you come to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion? → Neutral reply |
16 | [Jeralt: Conversation Options] ・Don't say things like that. → Relationship goes up ・I promise. → Neutral reply |
17 | After the cutscene, the next chapter "Field of the Eagle and Lion" will begin |
The Underground Chamber Battle Tips
No Need To Defeat Death Knight

The Death Knight can also be found in this map. However you do not need to defeat him. Just clear out all enemies on the map in order to complete the mission. You will not draw aggro from the Death Knight as long as you do not attack it.
The Underground Chamber Battle Strategy Guide (Chapter 6)Complete Mission in 25 Turns
One of the requirements for this mission is to finish it within 25 turns. Going beyond the allotted number of turns will result in a fail. Plan ahead to efficiently use up your turns.
New Terrain: Warp Floor

The Warp Floor tile will be present on this map. If a unit occupies this tile during their turn, they can warp to another location and then move again. Warp floors have no indication as to where they will teleport the unit.
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