Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Azure Moon Chapter 16 - The Rose-Colored River (Blue Lions). Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Azure Moon Chapter 16 - The Rose-Colored River Part 1 Guide
Preparing Your Units Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | A cutscene with Rodrigue will start playing |
2 | [Rodrigue: Conversation Options] ・I couldn't sleep. → Neutral reply ・Nothing. → Neutral reply |
3 | [Rodrigue: Conversation Options] ・Someone must. → Neutral reply ・I know how you feel... → Neutral reply |
4 | [Rodrigue: Conversation Options] ・This is unexpected. → Neutral reply ・I won't let you down. → Neutral reply |
5 | [Rodrigue: Conversation Options] ・A little. → Neutral reply ・I don't feel anything. → Neutral reply |
6 | Lone Moon 3/2 - Saint Indech Day |
7 | Lone Moon 3/8 - Free Time |
8 | Lone Moon 3/9 - Lecture Day |
9 | Lone Moon 3/15 - Free Time - Rare Monster Sighting - Paralogue Battle: Weathervanes of Fodlan |
10 | Lone Moon 3/16 - Lecture Day |
11 | Lone Moon 3/22 - Free Time |
12 | Lone Moon 3/23 - Lecture Day |
13 | Lone Moon 3/29 - Free Time - Rare Monster Sighting |
7. Dimitri Becomes Great Lord

After the cutscene, Dimitri will accept the Battle Gear of the King of Lions from Rodrigue and will be certified as a Great Lord. This class will be specific to Dimitri to only.
Check Out the All Class List Here!9. Paralogue Battle Rewards Hero's Relic

The Paralogue Battle "Weathervanes of Fodlan" will reward you with the Hero's Relic "Crusher" this is a strong Axe that you can equip to one of your strong units!
Azure Moon Chapter 16 - The Rose-Colored River Part 2 Guide
The Great Bridge Coup Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | A cutscene with Dimitri will play before mission day |
2 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・That's not necessary. → Neutral reply ・Don't say such things... → Neutral reply |
3 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・You're wrong. → Neutral reply ・You're right. → Neutral reply |
4 | [Felix: Conversation Options] ・Because we've given up. → Neutral reply ・Because it's pointless → Neutral reply |
5 | Lone Moon 3/31 - Mission Day |
6 | Fight and defeat all commanders in The Great Bridge Coup Mission |
7 | After the battle, a cutscene with Dimitri and Dedue will play |
8 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・Aren't you happy we won? → Neutral reply ・What troubles you? → Neutral reply |
9 | After the cutscene, the next chapter "Blood of the Eagle and Lion" will begin |
The Great Bridge Coup Battle Tips
Stock Up On Healing Items

Before going into this fight, make sure that each of your units has at least one set of Vulneraries with them. Aside from enemy units already on the map, additional enemies will continually spawn until you take the stronghold at the bridge's corner.
Dedue Will Return To Assist You

After progressing the fight a few turns, Dedue will appear and assist you in the fight. He will be the same class as the last time you saw him, along with a few battle scars.
Defeat All Commanders To Beat Mission

In order for you to complete this fight, you will need to defeat all of the commanders within the battlefield, with some spawning mid-match. The commanders are Acheron, Ladislava, Ferdinand, and Lorenz.
Use Gambits To Defeat The Demonic Beast

There is only one demon found on the map. However, it will have three HP bars that you need to destroy. Use Gambits to easily lock it in place and stop it from rampaging on your weaker units.
Use Flying Units To Dispatch Secluded Archer

There will be an archer on the Northern side of the map that will often shoot long range arrows at your units. Since it is hard to reach, use a flying unit such as a Pegasus Knight, or Wyvern Lord in order to take care of it as soon as possible.
Check Out All Story List & Guide!