Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Azure Moon Chapter 2 - The Delusional Prince (Blue Lions). Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Azure Moon Chapter 14 - The Delusional Prince Part 1 Guide
Preparing Your Units Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | A cutscene will start with Seteth, Dimitri, and the others |
2 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・Thank you. → Neutral reply ・Let's fight together. → Neutral reply |
3 | [Gilbert: Conversation Options] ・I have no objections → Neutral reply ・Gathering resources would be difficult. → Neutral reply |
4 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・Let's all settle down. → Neutral reply ・Let's all get along. → Neutral reply |
5 | Guardian Moon 1/4 - Free Time |
6 | Guardian Moon 1/5 - Lecture Day |
7 | Guardian Moon 1/11 - Free Time - Saint Seiros Day |
8 | Guardian Moon 1/12 - Lecture Day |
9 | Guardian Moon 1/18 - Free Time |
10 | Guardian Moon 1/19 - Lecture Day |
11 | Guardian Moon 1/25 - Free Time |
12 | Guardian Moon 1/36 - Gilbert's Birthday |
13 | A cutscene will play the day before your Mission |
14 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・Snap out of it, Dimitri. → Neutral reply ・What is troubling you? → Neutral reply |
15 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・I came to check on you. → Neutral reply ・Everyone is worried about you. → Neutral reply |
16 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・That would be rash. → Neutral reply ・We must first prepare. → Neutral reply |
17 | Another cutscene with Randolph and Fleche will play |
5. Gain Access To The Monastery

After the cutscenes, you will be taken back to the Monastery. You will be able to do all of the activities in the Monastery pre-Timeskip. However, there will be less people in the area, and the Chapel's altar will be ruined.
1~12. Train For The Upcoming Battle

You will have lots of Free Time and Lecture Days for the month. It is recommended to use these days to train and make your units stronger for the upcoming Mission at the end of the month.
Azure Moon Chapter 14 - The Delusional Prince Part 2 Guide
Protecting Garreg Mach Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Guardian Moon 1/31 - Mission Day |
2 | A cutscene will play before the fight |
3 | Fight and win against enemies to protect Garreg Mach |
4 | Another cutscene will play after the battle |
5 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・I couldn't bear to watch → Neutral reply ・I miss the Dimitri I once knew. → Neutral reply |
6 | [Dimitri: Conversation Options] ・We met five years ago. → Neutral reply ・That name sounds familiar... → Neutral reply |
7 | *[Seteth: Conversation Options] ・Let's take back Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital. → Neutral reply ・Let's take down Enbarr, the Imperial Capital. → Neutral reply |
* Please note that your reply may affect the outcome of your playthrough!!!
Protecting Garreg Mach Battle Tips
Play Defensively at the Beginning

At the start of the battle, your team will be split into two groups. One on the left side, and one on the right. It is recommended to hold your ground and play defensively on the left side, while the right side plays more aggressively.
Enemies On Far Side of Map Spawn Pegasus Knights

The enemies on the far left side of the map will continually spawn Pegasus Knights every other turn. Make sure to stock up on Vulneraries, and use your healers to sustain your units for a prolonged period.
Guide the Church Soldier to the Onager

The units on the right side will be tasked to guiding the Church Soldier to the Onager on their far side of the map. Make sure to bring high damage dealing units in order to make quick work of the enemies in your path.
Begin The Assault Once Soldier Reaches Onager

Once the soldier reaches the Onager, it will unleash an attack on the enemies found on the left side of the map. It will also eliminate several obstacles along your way and stop the spawning of more Pegasus Knights.
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