Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Crimson Flower Chapter 18 - To the End of a Dream. Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Chapter Walkthroughs Shortcut: | |
←17. Field of Revenge | - |
Table of Contents
Crimson Flower Chapter 18 - To the End of a Dream Guide Part 1
Walkthrough Chart
1 | Chapter starts |
2 | [Edelgard Dialogue Choice] ・What's on your mind? →Neutral reply |
3 | [Edelgard Dialogue Choice] ・I have sensed it too. →Neutral reply ・What are you talking about? →Neutral reply |
4 | [Edelgard Dialogue Choice] ・You thought I would join her? →Neutral reply ・Five years ago... →Neutral reply |
5 | [Edelgard Dialogue Choice] ・I understand... →Neutral reply ・Please explain it once more. →Return to dialogue choice 4 |
6 | Battle: "The Fight for Fhirdiad" |
7 | [Dialogue Choice] ・Let's win this, together! →Neutral reply |
No Free Activities This Chapter
There are no free activities you can do in this chapter, meaning there's no explorations and no Certifications. Finish your business in Field of Revenge chapter.
Marriage Event Occurs After battle

If you picked a spouse last chapter, you'll get a special marriage event after The Fight for Fhirdiad, and a special article detailing your lives after the war.
Keep Your Spouse Alive If Playing On Classic
In Classic mode, if you lose the chosen spouse character in battle after 4/28, then the marriage event will not proceed, and you will not be able to pick another spouse. Keep your potential mate alive at all costs!
Check Out the Romancing Guide Here!Crimson Flower Chapter 18 - To the End of a Dream Guide Part 2
Walkthrough Chart
1 | "The Fight for Fhirdiad" Ends |
2 | After the cutscene, a special event if you chose someone as your spouse |
2 | Ending & Credits |
The Fight for Fhirdiad Battle Tips
Chec Out The Fight for Fhirdiad Battle Guide Here!Conserve Your Gambits

The Immaculate One is protected with many Barriers, which can be safely broken by using Gambits.Try not to expend too many Gambits on Gajus to make your fight with The Immaculate One easier.
Helpful Articles:
Watch Your Steps

This map is filled with annoying terrains such as Fiery Floor or stairs. Watch your steps as you advance to prevent needless HP and movement losses.