Learn how to make your characters stronger in Fire Emblem: Three Houses in this guide! This includes how to raise character level, skill, level, support level, & more!!!
All Beginner's Guide & Tips ListIncreasing Stats - Overview
Character Stats is Based on Multiple Factors

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, there is no one way of making your character stronger. There are various factors that come into play in this, including skill level, character level, and more!
Check Out the Combat Tips & Tricks HereEnhance Strengths & Compensate for Weakness
The basic gist of strengthening characters lies in enhancing their strengths and compensating for their weaknesses. This will require you to familiarize yourself with their skill sets first.
Level Up your Characters

Character level is an essential requirement to making your characters more powerful. Being underleveled can easily get them killed in battles as they'll lack the stats to survive and damage opponents.
Check Out How to Level Up Fast HereCharacter Level - Effects & Benefits
Each Level Up will Raise Stats

Leveling up will give your character additional points to their stats. However, the stats will be chosen in random so you can't choose which ones to focus on.
Opens Up Certification Exams

Assigning a class to your characters will greatly enhance their skills corresponding to that class. As soon as your characters can, let them take the Certification Exam to get a class.
How to Increase Character Levels

The only way you can increase character levels is through participating in battles. Dealing damage and defeating enemies will rack up your XP!
Level Cap Is At Level 99
You will be able to raise a single unit's level to a maximum of Level 99. Once they reach this level, they will not be able to level up anymore.
Enhance Character Skill Levels

Character Skills will determine how powerful your character will be when using weapons and magical spells. The higher their skill level, the more powerful they'll be with those items.
Check Out How to Increase Student Skills HereSkills Levels - Effects & Benefits
Increase Weapon / Spell Affinity

Skills will strengthen your characters ability to wield specific weapons. You can use this to strengthen their assigned weapon or change their weapon types entirely.
Basis for Passing Certification Exams

Although Character Levels are what's needed to unlock Certification Exams, it's skill levels that will determine whether a character passes or not. Make sure to reach the required skills to pass!
How to Increase Skill Levels
Goals, Instruct in Lesson Plan (Students Only)

You can assign students to study specific skills throughout a week. You can also go with a more hands on approach by instructing them in a one-on-one session instead. This will require students to be motivated.
Check Out How to Assign Goals HereGet Training from Other Professors (Main Character Only)
Your Main Character can also join Training Sessions with other professors in the Monastery. Each one has a skill specialization that will only target specific skills. You'll need Activity Points for this.
Attend Seminars

You can opt to attend seminars by other teachers in your free day. Your main characters and your students will all get skill boosts from this.
Check Out What are Seminars HereUse in Combat

Where's a better place to learn than in the battlefield itself? Characters will receive skill points for using weapons and spells in Battles.
Classes & Certification Exams

Classes put emphasis on certain skills and enhances them further to a new level. This will make your character stronger and tougher overall.
Check Out How to Get Certifications HereHow to Get Certification
Reach Specific Levels & Meet Skill Requirements
As stated above, to be able to try out for certification, you'll need to reach a certain level first. However, this will not guarantee you to pass as that will be based on the character skills.