Check out this Fire Emblem: Three Houses guide to learn more about if there are points of no return or permanent choices in the game! Read on to find out if your actions are irreversible or not!!!
All Beginner's Guide & Tips ListDifficulties and Game Modes
Game Modes Cannot be Changed Once Picked

Players can choose between "Casual Mode", in which fallen units rise again after battle, or the Classic Mode, where fallen units are lost forever . You cannot change modes after you've picked, so choose "Casual Mode" unless you really want a challenge.
Find out How to Change Difficulty & Game Modes Here!Difficulty Cannot be Raised
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, players can choose between "Normal" and "Hard" difficulties. While you can decrease the difficulty from Hard to Normal, you cannot raise the difficulty from Normal to Hard .
Points You Cannot Return To
Character Name & Gender Is Permanent

Make sure that you are satisfied with your choice of the protagonist's name and gender at the start of the game. These choices are permanent and irreversible.
Story Progresses Via a Calendar

During gameplay, you will progress through the story by following a calendar. Once you complete a day in the calendar, you will not be able to go back and replay the day once it is over.
House Choice Is Permanent

Depending on which house you choose to teach, you will most likely be tied down to that specific house for the duration of your playthrough. However, you will still be able to recruit students from other houses to join you!
House Related Articles
Difficulty Dictates Perma-Death

Depending on which mode or difficulty you choose, there will be perma-death in this game. This means that when a character dies, they stay dead. Make sure to think your strategy through before acting!
Excessive Combat Arts Break Weapons

Combat Arts are powerful moves that can be used to deal massive damage in battle. However, it greatly lowers weapon durability. When the weapon breaks, they become barely usable.
Replayable Content
Undo Moves During Battles

As long as you have charges on your Divine Pulse, you will be able to undo moves in battle. or even redo the whole fight from the beginning. Remember that your Divine Pulse will only be usable as long as it has charges.
Classes Can Be Switched Back & Forth

You will be able to switch your units to any job class available in the game. Keep in mind that the character must have passed the certification exam of the class that you are switching back to.
Choose A New House In New Game Plus
Carry over your save data and begin another game in New Game Plus! Choose another house to experience another story and lead new students on your adventure!
Check Out New Game Plus Here!