Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses guide on all walkthroughs for Time Skip - Verdant Wind [Golden Deer Route]. Learn all you need to know, including all events, battles, and more!!!
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Reunion at Dawn (Ethereal Moon) Walkthrough

You awake from your five-year slumber & start heading back to the Monastery to fulfill the promise you made to your Golden Deer students. The new leader of the Alliance awaits your return in the Monastery.
Check Out The Reunion at Dawn Walkthrough Here!Events in Reunion at Dawn
- "Hunting by Daybreak" Mission
- Reunion with Claude and the Golden Deer House
The Alliance Leader's Ambitions (Guardian Moon) Walkthrough

Claude forms an alliance with the Church of Seiros with you as the leader of this new faction. Under your banner and with Garreg Mach acting as a stronghold against the Empire, plans of a renewed rebellion brews.
Check Out The Alliance Leader's Ambitions Walkthrough Here!Events in The Alliance Leader's Ambitions
- Linking arms with the Church of Seiros
- Monastery Exploration is back
- "Defending Garreg Mach" Mission
- Plans to recruit other Alliance Members into the rebellion
Valley of Torment (Pegasus Moon) Walkthrough

The alliance tries to procure additional manpower and supplies from the Judith, a famous hero in the Leicester Alliance. But with almost every noble allied with the Empire, will it be easy for the newly formed rebellion to get to her?
Check Out The Valley of Torment Walkthrough Here!Events in the Valley of Torment
- Plan to get help from Judith
- Anna's shop can be unlocked
- "Ambush at Ailell" Mission
- Ashe can be recruited
- Plot to retake a bridge too far
The Rose-Colored River (Lone Moon) Walkthrough

The Alliance and the Church of Seiros formulate a plan to sieze the Great Bridge of Myrddin from the Empire, cutting-off their lines. Will this be enough to convince the other Alliance leaders to support their cause?
Check Out The Rose-Colored River Walkthrough Here!Events in The Rose-Colored River
- Plan to assault the Great Bridge of Myrddin
- Unlock Rhea's Paralogue
- "The Great Bridge Coup" Mission
Blood of the Eagle and Lion (Great Tree Moon) Walkthrough

Reunions aren't quite what they are expected. Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard face-off in a climactic showdown at Gronder Field.
Check Out The Blood of the Eagle and Lion Walkthrough Here!Events in The Rose-Colored River
- Reports of two armies approaching
- Barbarossa Class unlocked for Claude
- Unlock Claude's Paralogue
- "To War at Gronder" Mission
The Golden Scheme (Harpstring Moon) Walkthrough

For the Alliance and the Church of Seiros to succeed, they need to capture the Imperial capital of Enbarr. However, the legendary impregnable fortress, Fort Merceus, bars their path.
Check Out The Golden Scheme Walkthrough Here!Events in The Golden Scheme
- The gang plans to crack Fort Marceus
- "Taking Fort Merceus" Mission
- Showdown with the Death Knight
The Chaos of War (Garland Moon) Walkthrough

With nothing standing against their way, the Alliance heads off to directly strike the heart of the Empire, Enbarr. With the city all up and armed to defend their master, will Claude and the Alliance succeed?
Check Out The Chaos of War Walkthrough Here!Events in The Chaos of War
- Taking the fight to the Imperial capital
- "The Enbarr Infiltration" Mission
- Showdown with the Death Knight
- Confrontation with Hubert
Conclusion of the Crossing Roads (Garland Moon) Walkthrough

The way to the Imperial Palace is clear. Both Hubert and the Death Knight are gone and the only thing left is to defeat Edelgard to end the war.
Check Out the Conclusion of the Crossing Roads Walkthrough Here!Events in Conclusion of the Crossing Roads
- No Free Time
- Attack on the Imperial Palace
- "Confrontation at the Palace" Mission
- Final Battle against Edelgard
The City Without Light (Blue Sea Moon) Walkthrough

The Alliance and the Church of Seiros uncover the truth about Those Who Slither in the Dark and Thales. If left unchecked, this secret faction can again wreak havoc on Fodlan. Claude and the others hope to prevent that by assaulting their hideout.
Check Out The City Without Light Walkthrough Here!Events in The City Without Light
- Uncovering the real enemy
- "Stand Strong at Shambhala" Mission
- A new enemy approaches
Fodlan's New Dawn (Verdant Rain Moon) Walkthrough

With Thales crushed, the Alliance sets its eyes on their final foe- a revived Nemesis and his 10 Elites. With everything to lose, are Claude and the group prepared for this momentous battle?
Check Out Fodlan's New Dawn Walkthrough Here!Events in Fodlan's New Dawn
- Reports of a rampaging enemy from nowhere approaching
- Last month of Exploration / Free Time
- Choosing a spouse
- "For the Freedom of Fodlan" Mission