Read this Pokemon Sword and Shield guide to know where to find evolutionary stone - Leaf Stone. Including location, how to get, special Pokemon evolution, & more!!!
Table of Contents
Leaf Stone - Location & How To Get
Leaf Stone Location 1 - Turffield

You can find this Leaf Stone in one of the first towns you visit - Turffield, the home of Grass-type gym leader Milo.
Check Out Turffield Town Map!Shiny Spot Behind Man Near Pillars

The Leaf Stone will be in western Turffield. When you see a man before 3 stone pillars, head below him to find the Leaf Stone in a shiny spot that you can pick up.
Leaf Stone Location 2 - Lake of Outrage

In the Lake of Outrage, you'll get daily drops of different evolution stones. Pick up the shiny sparks to get a random evolution stone.
Check Out Lake of Outrage Guide Here!Pick Up Shining Spots Below Large Rocks

A random evolution stone can be picked up in every shiny spot below large rocks in Lake of Outrage. Check these daily to get the evolution stone you're searching for.
List Of Pokemon That Evolve With Leaf Stone
Evolve Eevee To Leafeon
You can use a Leaf Stone to evolve Normal-type Eevee into its Grass-type evolution, Leafeon.
Evolve Nuzleaf To Shiftry
To evolve a Nuzleaf into a Shiftry, you will need to use a Leaf Stone on it.
Evolve Gloom To Vileplume
If you want to evolve Gloom into Vileplume, make sure you have a Leaf Stone in your item inventory.