[What You Want:]non English
[What You're Offering:]English
[Link Code:]4450 6589
[What You Want:] 5iv ditto not ENG
[What You're Offering:] 5iv ditto ENG
[Link Code:]1234 9876
[What You Want:] 4 IV Ditto (ENG)
[What You're Offering:] 4 IV Ditto (Non ENG)
[Link Code:] 1397 2586
[What You Want:] 4 IV Ditto (Non ENG)
[What You're Offering:] 4 IV Ditto (ENG)
[Link Code:] 4763 5476
[What You Want:] 5IV non-JPN Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5IV JPN Ditto
[Link Code:] 4869 4062
[What You Want:] 0 speed Non Eng Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 0 speed ENG ditto
[Link Code:] 8371 8371
[Comments:] give me a second to calc also have a 6 IV ENG i can give up
[What You Want:] Eng 5 IV Ditto
[What You're Offering:] Non Eng 5 IV Ditto
[Link Code:] 3724 6527
[Comments:] ditto has pokerus
Trade completed Thanks!
[What You Want:] 5iv Non-Eng Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5iv Eng Ditto
[Link Code:] 6245 6245
[Comments:] will be checking stats with a calculator
currently someone by the name of tiger woods trading 3 iv dittos on this code
[What You Want:] 5IV non-JPN Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5IV JPN Ditto
[Link Code:] 5432 1012
[What You Want:] 4+IV NON-eng ditto
[What You're Offering:] 4IV Eng ditto
[Link Code:] 1753 1753
[What You Want:] 5IV non-JPN Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5IV JPN Ditto
[Link Code:] 5432 1012
[What You Want:]non-ENG Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 4 IV Ditto
[Link Code:] 23016767
Omg can I get one, I’ve been trying to get a good ditto for so long and it’s foreign too so I can maybe get a shiny too.
[What You Want:] 4+IV Non-ENG Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 4IV ENG Ditto
[Link Code:] 6660 8880
I’ve got a 4 star that can easily be bottlecapped to five. It is English. Does that work?
[What You Want:] 5IV ENG DITTO
[What You're Offering:] 5IV ESP DITO
[Link Code:] 8181 8181
[Comments:] contact me here
Hey I can trade meltan
[What You Want:] 5 iv JP Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5 iv EN Ditto
[Link Code:] 0529 4443
[Comments:] Up right now