Does matter if is not japanese?
I go a spanish one for matsuda method
[What You Want:]6IV Japanese Ditto
[What You're Offering:]6IV Shiny English Ditto
[Link Code:]1920
[Comments:] online now
[What You Want:]6iv non spanish dittl
[What You're Offering:]6iv spanish ditto
[Link Code:]4455
[Comments:] online now
[What You Want:]6iv non spanish dittl
[What You're Offering:]6iv spanish ditto
[Link Code:]4455
[Comments:] i`m online now
Yes what code we use?
I got 6iv spanish ditto my phone is 617155611
Contact me if you wanna trade
[What You Want:] 5 or 6 IV non-english ditto.
[What You're Offering:]Shiny Mareanie
[Link Code:] 4705
[Comments:] I don't need attack IVs, so 5 Iv without attack is also fine.
I have a 4IV korean ditto. I am willing to trade a shiny mareanie for it tho.
[What You Want:]6iv no spanish ditto
[What You're Offering:]6 iv spanish ditto, 6iv ha bulbasaur
[Link Code:]Please i need it
[Comments:] tell me if you need other pokemon
[What You Want:] ditto 6 iv (not italian)
[What You're Offering:] meowth 6 iv gmax, mewtwo lvl 100, eternatus, masterball, pokemon shiny: aromatisse, rhyperior, magikarp, ghyarados, (all italian)
[Link Code:] what you want
[Comments:] let me know the pokemons you care about
[What You Want:] 5 iv non-eng ditto (-Att)
[What You're Offering:] 5 iv english ditto (I have all - stats 5 iv english dittos so let me know which stat you want non-best)
[Link Code:] let me know this as well
[Comments:] will check back every once in a while but you may catch me when i sleep so check back here every day if possible
[What You Want:] 5/6 iv jap ditto
[What You're Offering:] 2 masterball
[Link Code:]
I have 5 Ditto, who have 5 IVs, all ENG
I have 3 Ditto, trash stats but two are GER and one is JPN
Open to offers if anybody is interested
[Ditto 6ivs any place but Not Spanish:]
[Scorbunny 5ivs Libero Hidden Abillitie:]
[Please i need just one good Ditto:]
[What You Want:] 5/6iv ditto
[What You're Offering:] masterball
[Link Code:]
[What You Want:] 5IV legit attack or speed Ditto
[What You're Offering:]5IV legit ENG Special atk Ditto
[Link Code:] 0372
[Comments:] Don't care about nationality
[What You Want:]5iv non-English ditto
[What You're Offering:]5-iv English ditto
[Link Code:]7371
[Comments:] i will be checking ivs before trade, so please give a real 5iv ditto
[What You Want:] 5IV attack or speed legit Ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5IV legit special attack ENG Ditto
[Link Code:] 0372
[Comments:] Needs to be legit. Dont care about nationality.