From what region is it? If it's from a non-English region, I can trade u a masterball
[What I Want:] A non-English 4 IV+ Ditto
[What You're Offering:] An English 4 IV Ditto
[Comments:] Just answer if u wanna trade!
[What You Want:] 6 Best IV Ditto
[What You're Offering:] Masterball
[Link Code:] 0907 0913
[Comments:] do comment here for negotiations
I have a 5iv eng ditto
Hey I have a 5 iv English ditto with hidden ability, I would like to trade for ur Japanese ditto
Hello, I have 5 IVs Ditto (JPN) (Sp. Atk IV - no good).
And I want your 5 IVs Ditto (ENG).
Would you trade??
Want: 5 IVs Ditto (no ENG) (Sp. Atk IV - no good or decent)
Offering: 5 IVs Ditto (JPN or ENG)
Comment: answer below so we can make the trade!
[What You Want:] 6iv non-english ditto
[What You're Offering:] 6iv english ditto (mild/imposter/raid caught)
[Link Code:] 4256 2413
[Comments:] please be patient during trades to check iv's
I am actually the OP of post 24128, and I realized that I cannot trade right now. If the offer looks interesting to anyone, just reply with a trading time in UTC. I’ll check back on this post in a couple of hours.
[What You Want:] 6iv foreign ditto
[What You're Offering:] 6iv usa ditto or female farfetch’d with hidden ability scrappy
[Link Code:] 14521452
[Comments:] I will be searching for a trade until 8:00 AM UTC
[What You Want:]6iv foreign ditto
[What You're Offering:]4 perfect and 2 famtastic american ditto with imposter
[Link Code:]1254 6669
[What You Want:] 5iv non-eng ditto
[What You're Offering:]5iv eng ditto
[Link Code:] 8751 0321
[Comments:] I really need a good breeding ditto for shiny breeding
Was wondering if you hve a spare 5iv ditto, i will trade a good pokemon in return?
[What You Want:] 5 or 6 iv ditto
[What You're Offering:] 4 iv ditto or hidden ability sobble
[Link Code:]
[What You Want:] 5iv non-Jpn ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5iv Jpn ditto
[Link Code:] 6455 1192
[What You Want:] 5iv jpn ditto
[What You're Offering:] 4iv jpn ditto with pokerus
[Link Code:] 0628 0628
[Comments:] just need a good foreign ditto I have other pokerus pokemon as well I'll trade for 5iv foreign dittos I play English version shield
Hey I have a non Japan ditto with 4 perfect ivs does that work
I have a 4 in non japan ditto does that work
[What You Want:] 5iv non-Jpn ditto
[What You're Offering:] 5iv Jpn ditto
[Link Code:] 8131 4133
I have the best status JPN ditto. Please tell me the time you can trade. I can trade about 6 hours from now on.
Thank you,