Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Prologue: An Inevitable Encounter until Three Houses. Including conversation options, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
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Prologue: An Inevitable Encounter Guide
Prologue: An Inevitable Encounter Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the first cutscene, choose your gender |
2 | [ Sothis: Conversation Options ] ・I'm a ghost. → Loops back to choices ・I'm a demon. → Loops back to choices ・I'm a mortal. → Continues conversation |
3 | Type out your name and birthday to proceed |
4 | [Jeralt: Conversation Options] ・I was dreaming about a war... → Neutral reply ・I was dreaming about a young girl... → Neutral reply |
5 | [Jeralt: Conversation Options] ・ Oh, right... → Jeralt relationship goes down ・Of course. → Jeralt relationship goes up |
6 | After the cutscene, fight and win "A Skirmish at Dawn" |
7 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・What're you talking about? → Neutral reply ・Sothis? → Neutral reply |
8 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・I am no child. → Sothis relationship goes down ・I'm less than a child? → Sothis relationship goes up |
9 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・Thank you. → Neutral reply ・You stopped time? → Neutral reply |
10 | [Sothis: Conversation Options] ・What will happen when time resumes? → Neutral reply ・What now? → Neutral reply |
11 | [ Sothis: Conversation Options ] ・Turn back the hands of time. → Sothis relationship goes up ・Keep time frozen until I'm safe. → Neutral reply ・I'll just stay here and wait to die. → Sothis relationship goes down |
12 | Watch the cutscene to see Alois arrive |
13 | [Jeralt & Alois: Conversation Options] ・He is a stranger to me. → Jeralt relationship goes down reply ・I'm a bandit. → Alois relationship goes up ・That is correct. → Neutral reply |
14 | [Edelgard Conversation Options] ・The Knights of Seiros?. → Jeralt relationship goes down reply ・I didn't know he was a captain. → Edelgard relationship goes up |
15 | [ Sothis: Conversation Options ] ・Adrestian Empire: Land of Ancient History → Edelgard relationship goes up ・Holy Kingdom of Faerghus: Land of Noble Knights. → Dimitri relationship goes up ・Leicester Alliance: Burgeoning League of Nobles → Claude relationship goes up |
16 | Talk to Sothis to get to know more about the House Leaders |
1~3. Choose Byleth's Gender & Info

In this part of the game, you're introduced to Byleth, the main character. You need to choose the protagonist's gender, birthday and even change their name from the default one.
6. Tutorial Of First Battle

"A Skirmish at Dawn" will be your first foray into Fire Emblem: Three Houses' battle system. Pay attention to the screens that pop out and make sure to read the tips and how to fight in the game!
A Skirmish At Dawn Battle Tips
Defeat 3 Bandits First To Mobilize Boss

In this battle, you need to defeat the 3 bandits on your upper left first to mobilize the boss. The boss is in the upper east part of the map and will only move when you defeat these 3 goons.
Defeat Boss To Win Battle Instantly

You don't have to defeat the other bandits to win this battle. When you're near enough, focus fire on Kostas to instantly win the battle.
Draw Enemies Out One By One
Since this is your first battle, don't head out and meet the enemy right away. Draw them out one by one so you can focus fire and defeat one after the other, without taking too much damage.
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