Best server settings in Palworld. Learn how to create your own dedicated server, edit or setup host server, setting parameters, find configuration file and world setting explained.
Dedicated Server - How To Create
Table of Contents
Best World Settings
Recommended Settings For Beginners
* Only the items to be changed are listed.
Settings | Value Configuration |
Difficulty | Custom |
EXP Rate | 2 |
Maximum number of dropped items in a world | 5000 |
Gatherable Items Multiplier | 1.5 |
Gatherable objects respawn interval | 1 |
Time (h) to Incubate Massive Egg | 1 |
Death Penalty | No Drops |
Max Pals Working at Base | 20 |
Settings | Value Configuration |
Difficulty | Custom |
EXP Rate | 1 |
Maximum number of dropped items in a world | 5000 |
Gatherable Items Multiplier | 1 |
Gatherable objects respawn interval | 2 |
Time (h) to Incubate Massive Egg | 1 |
Death Penalty | No Drops |
Max Pals Working at Base | 20 |
When playing solo, it's advisable to set a higher multiplier since the efficiency of gaining experience points and gathering items tends to be low. For multiplayer scenarios, it's advisable to raise the respawn intervals to avoid conflicts over gathering spots. Also, raise the maximum number of base Pals to 20.
Recommended Setting For Advanced Users
Settings | Value Configuration |
Difficulty | Custom |
Damage to Player multiplier | 4 |
Maximum number of dropped items in a world | 5000 |
Time (h) to Incubate Massive Egg | 1 |
Death penalty | Drop all items and all Pals on team |
Max Pals Working at Base | 20 |
Settings | Value Configuration |
Difficulty | Custom |
Damage to Player multiplier | 4 |
Maximum number of dropped items in a world | 5000 |
Gatherable objects respawn interval | 0.5 |
Time (h) to Incubate Massive Egg | 1 |
Death penalty | Drop all items and all Pals on team |
Max Pals Working at Base | 20 |
For advanced players seeking a greater challenge in the game, it is recommended to increase the amount of damage taken from enemies. Since getting hit by 2 to 3 attacks results in being knocked down, players are required to perform actions with high agility. If you want to play at high difficulty, increase the maximum number of base Pals to 20.
No Death Penalty Is Recommended

For those new to the game and unfamiliar with its mechanics, it's advisable to opt for the setting where "No Drops" to minimize the risk of incurring death penalties. Given the numerous bugs present at the time of release, it's a good idea to choose the no-drop option to avoid potential total losses.
Death Penalty Choices
- No drops
- Drop all items except equipment
- Drop all items
- Drop all items and all Pals on team
Note! | If you drop an important item or a Pal due to the death penalty, you can still retrieve those at the location where you got knocked out. |
How To Change World Settings
Settings Can Be Changed During World Creation

World Settings can be modified when creating or selecting a world. It is also possible to select custom in the difficulty level and change each multiplier configuration from the custom setting. If you want to create an environment that is more comfortable for yourself to play in, choose the custom settings.
List Of All World Settings
Settings | Value Configuration |
Day Time Speed | 0.1~5 |
Night Time Speed | 0.1~5 |
EXP Rate | 0.1~20 |
Pal Capture Rate | 0.2~2 |
Pal Appearance Rate *Note: Affects game performance | 0.5~3 |
Damage from Pals multiplier | 0.1~5 |
Damage to Pals multiplier | 0.1~5 |
Pal Hunger Depletion Rate | 0.1~5 |
Pal Stamina Reduction Rate | 0.1~5 |
Pal Auto Health Regeneration Rate | 0.1~5 |
Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate (Health Regeneration Rate in Palbox) | 0.1~5 |
Damage from Player multiplier | 0.1~5 |
Damage to Player multiplier | 0.1~5 |
Player Hunger Depletion Rate | 0.1~5 |
Player Stamina Reduction Rate | 0.1~5 |
Player Auto Health Regeneration Rate | 0.1~5 |
Player Sleep Health Regeneration Rate | 0.1~5 |
Damage to Structure Multiplier | 0.5~3 |
Structure deterioration rate | 0~10 |
Maximum number of dropped items in a world | 0~5000 |
Gatherable Items multiplier | 0.5~3 |
Gatherable Objects Health Multiplier | 0.5~3 |
Gatherable objects respawn interval | 0.5~3 |
Dropped Items Muliplier | 0.5~3 |
Time (h) to Incubate Massive Egg Note: Other eggs also require time to incubate | 0~240 (Time) |
Enable Raid Events | ON/OFF |
Death Penalty | Select from 4 types |
Max number of guilds | 1~100 |
Max Pals working at Base | 1~20 |
How To Change Dedicated Server Settings
Edit Ini Files With Text Editor

Unlike in the single player mode, on dedicated servers, it is not possible to change settings from within the game. By editing the「PalWorldSettings.ini」file in the server files using a text editor like Notepad, you can modify the settings for the multiplayer server.
PalWorldSettings.ini File Location
Windows File Directory |
\steamapps\common\PalServer\ Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer |
Update The Parts You Want To Change And Save By Overwriting The File

While the server is in a stopped state, rewrite each item in the file to the desired numerical values. Once the overwrite is complete, start the server and confirm if the settings have been loaded.
Note! | Please note that you cannot modify settings while the server is being used! |
List of Text Editor Settings
Text Content |
Difficulty Game difficulty. Enter 'None' if you want to customize the settings. |
DayTimeSpeedRate The multiplier for the passage of daytime in the game. |
NightTimeSpeedRate The multiplier for the passage of nighttime in the game. |
ExpRate Experience point rate multiplier. Setting a higher multiplier makes leveling up easier. |
PalCaptureRate The base multiplier when capturing Pals. Setting a higher multiplier makes capturing Pals easier. |
PalSpawnNumRate The multiplier for the number of Pals that appear. Increasing the multiplier causes Pals to appear in groups. |
PalDamageRateAttack The multiplier for the damage dealt by Pals. |
PalDamageRateDefense The multiplier for the damage received by Pals. |
PlayerDamageRateAttack The multiplier for damage dealt by the player. |
PlayerDamageRateDefense The multiplier for damage received by the player. |
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate The factor by which the player's satiety level decreases. |
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate The multiplier for player's Stamina decrease. This includes various actions such as running, swimming, and climbing. |
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate The multiplier for the natural recovery of the player's HP. |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Recovery multiplier when the player enters a sleep state. |
PalStomachDecreaceRate Decrease multiplier for Pal's satiety level. |
PalStaminaDecreaceRate Stamina decrease multiplier for Pal. |
PalAutoHPRegeneRate Multiplier for Pal's natural HP recovery. |
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Multiplier for Pal's recovery rate while sleeping. |
BuildObjectDamageRate Damage multiplier against buildings. |
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate Multiplier for the speed at which buildings deteriorate. |
CollectionDropRate Drop multiplier for gathering items. It allows you to modify the amount of items dropped from things like stones and wood. |
CollectionObjectHpRate HP multiplier for Gathering objects. It can change the HP of items such as stones and wood. |
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate You can change the interval time before the object collected appears again. |
EnemyDropItemRate Multiplier for drop item quantity. |
DeathPenalty It is possible to set the penalties when a player is defeated. Players lose all items and all Pal in their team by default. |
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage Can modify the amount of damage applied between players. |
bEnableFriendlyFire Can set friendly fire for Guild members. |
bEnableInvaderEnemy You can set the presence of neutral events for attacks on bases. |
bActiveUNKO You can set the presence or absence of Pal's excrement. |
bEnableAimAssistPad You can configure aim assist for the gamepad. |
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard You can configure aim assist for the keyboard. |
DropItemMaxNum The maximum number of drop items is set to 3000 by default, but it is recommended to change it to 5000. This adjustment makes it easier to generate items. |
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO You can set the maximum number of Pals' excrement. |
BaseCampMaxNum You can set the maximum number of player bases. |
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum You can set the maximum number of Pals to be installed at the base. |
DropItemAliveMaxHours You can change the time until the drop item disappears. |
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers All players can choose to dissolve offline Guilds or configure settings. |
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers When all players dissolve offline Guilds, you can set how long it will automatically disband. |
GuildPlayerMaxNum You can set the max limit of Guild members. |
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Multiplier for the time required to hatch a Pal's egg. Considering the default duration is quite extended, it is advisable to reduce it slightly. |
WorkSpeedRate Work Speed can be changed. |
bIsMultiplay You can set multiplayer availability. |
bIsPvP PvP can be set. |
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop Configurable to pick up penalty drops from other guilds. |
bEnableNonLoginPenalty You can enable penalties for non-login. |
bEnableFastTravel You can set the availability of Fast Travel. |
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap You can choose your starting location from the map. |
bExistPlayerAfterLogout Player's character remains in the game even after logging out. |
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer You can enable defense against other guilds. When enabled, the Pals at the base will initiate attacks against members of other guilds. |
CoopPlayerMaxNum You can adjust the maximum number of people during coop or multiplayer. |
ServerPlayerMaxNum You can set the maximum number of servers. |
ServerName You can set the server name. It is also possible to enter in Japanese. |
ServerDescription A description of the server can be described. It is also possible to enter in Japanese. |
AdminPassword You can set a password for the server administrator. |
ServerPassword You can set a password to enter the server. |
PublicPort Port number used to set a server. |
PublicIP Global IP address used for the server. |
RCONEnabled You can configure whether to enable the remote console. |
RCONPort Port number for remote console. |
Region You can set your region. |
bUseAuth Use or set authentication. |
BanListURL The list of URLs that are banned from the server. |
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