Points Of No Return in Palworld. Learn about irreversible elements, critical choices, consequences, permanent decisions and unrecoverable changes that cannot be undone or reversed.
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What You Cannot Change
Character Cannot Be Changed Or Renamed

Once you pick a name and look for your character in the beginning, you can't change it later. If you care about how your character looks, make sure to create your favorite one before you start playing the game.
Character Creation GuideThe Option To Redo Character Is Planned To Be Added In Future Updates
The option to redo character creation is said to be added in future updates. However, the detailed specifics, such as the extent of editing or any conditions involved, are still unclear. Hence, it's advisable to meticulously customize your character and commence the game only when you're satisfied.
Latest Updates & News - RoadmapLevel Cannot Be Lowered

You can't decrease the levels of Players or Pals. Be careful when raising the EXP Rate gain multiplier too much in World Settings, as it could lead to a rapid level increase and make the game too easy.
Technology Points Cannot Be Reallocated

You cannot get back the points you have spent on unlocking Technology. Even if you have enough points to unlock Ancient Technology in the beginning, it's usually a good idea to use them when you actually need it as they might become scarce later on.
Ancient Technology GuidePals Do Not Return

You cannot get your Pal back if it has been butchered or sold to a Pal Merchant. It's important to thoroughly check before proceeding to avoid unintentionally selling or butchering a Pal that you need.
How To Butcher PalsSold & Discarded Items Cannot Be Recovered

Once you have sold an item to a merchant, you can't buy it back from that same merchant. Also, if you have discarded an item from your inventory, you won't be able to pick it up again. Therefore, when you need to adjust the weight or for similar situations, use the Drop option instead of Discard.
Carrying Capacity GuideCannot Undo Building Demolishment

Keep in mind that relocating a building requires dismantling and reinstalling, so choose the construction site wisely. Once a building is destroyed, it cannot be reverted to its original state. If you wish to rebuild it, you'll have to construct it again.
Be Careful When Dismantling The Palbox
Take note that when you dismantle or remove your Palbox, it will also remove any facilities that can only be built inside a base like the Incubator. Your Pals in your Palbox will not disappear but keep in mind you will have to reconstruct a lot of buildings.
How To Move Your BaseKey Item's Passive Effects Cannot Be Turned Off
Items like the Hip Lantern or specific Pal Gears, once acquired, cannot be discarded or turned off, as they are considered Key Items. Particularly with Daedream Collar's passive effects for example, you won't need to summon Daedream when you have this Pal in your current party and it will attack any aggro in the area. If this becomes inconvenient, remember to remove the specific Pal from the party to avoid triggering it.
Don’t Hesitate To Craft Them
Key Items have many advantages, so you can go ahead create them without any worries. However, passive effects of collars may feel inconvenient at times, so it's advisable to refrain from making them unless you intend to use them for exploring with your Pal.
Deleted World Cannot Be Undone

While it is possible to delete worlds from world selection, once a world is deleted, it cannot be recovered. All data in that world, including captured Pals and created bases, will be lost. Therefore, it is recommended not to delete worlds unless absolutely necessary.
Palword Elements You Can Change
Difficulty Setting Can Be Changed Later

The difficulty level can be changed from the "Change World Settings" option located beneath the world selection screen. Not only can you make detailed custom settings, but you can also toggle multiplayer on or off from this menu.
Difficulty SettingsYou Can Move Base Location
The Palbox, which serves as a base, can be dismantled even after being built, and it can be moved by rebuilding it in another location. However, most building structures will remain in their original positions when moving the base. Therefore, when moving your base, be sure not to forget to move items and resources as well.
How To Move BaseDefeated Boss Respawns After Some Time

Even if you capture or defeat a Boss Pal, it will revive after a certain amount of time. In the in-game time, Alpha Pals take 30 minutes to respawn, Dungeon Alpha Pals take 1 hour, and Tower Bosses immediately revive upon clearing. Therefore, it is possible to battle or capture bosses repeatedly.
Alpha Pals Location MapCleared Dungeon Resets After 1 to 5 Hours

The dungeons that appear in various locations in the world will refresh after 1 to 5 hours after you complete them. However, since the time until it resets cannot be confirmed in-game, it is necessary to go to the actual location to check whether the cleared dungeon has been reset.
Dungeon Locations Map - How To ResetCaptured Or Defeated Merchants Revives

Merchants located in various places can be captured or defeated, just like Pals. If a merchant disappears, they can be revived by triggering a reload through methods such as fast travel or returning to the title screen.
▶All Merchants Map LocationsTreasure Chests Appear After 5 Hours

Treasure Chests placed throughout the field will respawn after about 5 hours after you open them. However, the chests that appear are random each time.
Resetting Character Stats

It is possible to reset your character stats by using the Memory Wiping Medicine. This will allow you to reset your stat allocations in case you want to redo it. However you will need the "Electric Medicine Workbench" which unlocks at Level 43, so carefully choose which stats to upgrade until you have this option.
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