Palworld Wiki Guide
Dedicated Server - How To Create & Host A Server

Dedicated Server - How To Create & Host A Server

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Palworld | Dedicated Server - How To Create & Host A Server - GameWith

Dedicated Server guide in Palworld. Learn how to setup servers, creating a dedicated servers, hosting, join community servers, private connection settings and system requirements.

Table of Contents

How To Set Up A Dedicated Server

Three Types Of Servers Available For Setup

There are three methods for setting up a dedicated server, and using SteamCMD is considered challenging. For those setting up a server for the first time, Windows Steam is recommended.

Choose Server TypeDifficulty


  1. Launch Steam and select 'Library' from the top menu.
  2. Open the tab at the upper-left labeled "Games, Software," and check the box next to "Tools."
  3. Select "Palworld Dedicated Server" from the software list and download it.
  4. Launch and check "Play Palworld Dedicated Server," then execute.
  5. Once the console screen appears, you can log in to the server.
  6. Start the game.
Launch Steam And Select 'Library'

steam library

Open Steam and go to the Library tab.

Open The Tab At The Upper-Left And Check "Tools"

tools tab

Click the Games tab on the upper left of the screen and check the Tools box.

Select "Palworld Dedicated Server" And Install

install server

You will see "Palworld Dedicated Server" in your list, now you can install it.

Launch And Execute "Play Palworld Dedicated Server"

launch server

Once installed, open it and select "Play Palworld Dedicated Server" and click Play.

Once The Console Screen Appears, Log In
console screen

If you see the screen above saying "Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2394010" then you can log in the server.

Start The Game

connect to server

Launch the game and see if you can log in the server. From "Join Multiplayer Game" click on the Connect button and you should see the Character Creation screen.

How To Change World Settings

Unlike playing solo, if you are playing in a dedicated server you won't be able to change the settings in the game. You will need to edit the "PalWorldSettomgs.ini" file directly.

How To Change World Settings

Port Forwarding Is Necessary If It Doesn't Work

If you can't access the server, it might be due to firewall or security software settings. You'll need to modify the settings to open port UDP:8211.

No EditsWarning!Enabling port forwarding reduces security. Please proceed with caution and use it at your own risk.

▼Port Settings Guide for Windows

How To Join A Dedicated Server

  1. Choose "Join Multiplayer"
  2. Enter the dedicated server's address
  3. If you see the character creation screen, the connection is complete.

Choose "Join Multiplayer"
Join Multiplayer

Select "Join Multiplayer (Dedicated Server)" from the title screen.

Enter the dedicated server's address

enter server address

Replace the number at the bottom with the address of the dedicated server you want to join, then choose "Connect".

Server Address Required

To enjoy multiplayer on a dedicated server, you'll need the server's address. The default port number is 8211, but it may be changed in some cases.

You Should See The Character Creation Screen

character creation

Once the loading is finished and the character creation screen is displayed, the connection is complete.

How To Change To Community Servers

  1. Open the folder where the server files are stored.
  2. Create a .bat file.
  3. Edit the file.
  4. Double click to start the server.
  5. Check if you see it in the server list.

Open Folder With The Server Files
Palserver folder

Open the folder 'steamapps\common\PalServer' where the server files are stored. If you don't know where it is located, you can use the search bar.

Create A .Bat File
folder with bat file

Once you've opened the folder, create a file named 'community.bat' inside the folder using a text editor or similar tool.

Edit The File
text file edit screen

Edit the file created in step 2, input the following text, and then save it.

Enter Text Below
start PalServer "EpicApp=PalServer"
Double Click To Start Server
console screen

When you double-click on the file saved in step 3, a console window will appear, indicating that the server is in the public state. If it displays "Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1623730", then it's OK.

Check If It Is In The Server List

sever list

Check if your server is listed in the in-game community server list. To make it easier to find, it's recommended to rename the world name in the "PalWorldSettings.ini" file within the server files.

How To Change World Settings

Using Server Admin Commands

  1. Open .ini file in the server folder
  2. Create admin password
  3. Get admin authentication in the game
  4. Enter commands in game chat

Open .ini File

First, you need to set the administrator password for the server. Open the "PalWorldSettings.ini" file in the server folder using a text editor like Notepad.

Windows File Location
Create Admin Password

enter password

Once you have opened the ini file, input your desired password after "AdminPassword=" and then save the file.

What To Do If There's No Text Written

If nothing is written in the ini file, you can simply copy the contents of "DefaultPalWorldSettings" located in the server folder and paste it directly.

Gain Admin Authentication

admin message

In the in-game chat, input the password you set earlier like this: "/AdminPassword *******". If the system message displays "AdminPassword is correct...", then it's working.

Enter Commands In Chat

admin chat

Now you can use administrator commands in the in-game chat. Since there are various useful commands, you can try using them by referring to the list below.

▼List Of Admin Commands
Commands And Details

- Input password to get administrator access
Input example "/AdminPassword ◯◯◯◯"
/Shutdown [Add Seconds Here][Add Message Here]

- Shut down the server
Seconds... Additional command to specify the number of seconds until shutdown

- Force termination of server
/Broadcast [Add Message Here]

- Send a message to all players in the server.
/KickPlayer [Add SteamID Here]

- Kick a player from the server with the specified SteamID.
/BanPlayer [Add SteamID Here]

- Ban a player from the server with the specified SteamID.
/TeleportToPlayer [Add SteamID Here]

- Move to the location of the player with the specified Steam ID
/TeleportToMe [Add SteamID Here]

- Move the player with the specified SteamID to the location of the Administrator.

- Display player information on the server.

- Display server information

- World save

Updating Dedicated Server

Restart If Using WindowsSteam

If you have a WindowsSteam dedicated server you can refresh the server list by restarting. Otherwise it may take a while for it to appear, so it's better to just restart.

Enter Command If Using SteamCMD

Copy And Paste Text
login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit

If you're hosting a dedicated server with SteamCMD on either Windows or Linux, you can update the server data by inputting commands from SteamCMD. The process is similar to setting up the server, so refer to the official guide or the aforementioned chart for guidance.

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