Build and Disassembling Guild for Palworld. See how to build structures, disassemble, building tips, build two stories, use stairs and what to do when you can't place objects.
Table of Contents
How To Build In Palworld
Building Procedures
1 | ▼Gather materials |
2 | ▼Open building menu |
3 | ▼Choose what to build |
4 | ▼Move around and find a spot to build |
5 | ▼Start building |
1. Gather materials
You need materials to build anything so that's the first thing you need. You will automatically consume the materials stored in your base if you are in the base, so no need to put them in your inventory.
Best Way To Gather Materials & Farm Items Fast
2. Open building menu
Press "B" on a keyboard or Up on the D-pad if you are using a controller to open the building menu. You can access this menu even if you are not in a base.
3. Choose what to build
Choose what to build from the menu. You can switch through the different categories by pressing 1 or 3 (or scroll wheel) on a keyboard, and "LT / RT (L3 / R3)" on a controller.
4. Move around and find a spot to build
Once you choose what to build, move around to find a spot where you want to build it. You can move around freely when doing this. You can turn the object by using the scroll wheel (LB / RB) so you can adjust exactly where to put it.
5. Start building
Once you choose where to build it, Left Click on a mouse or press "X" on a controller to start building it. Some structures require building it by hand.
Cannot Move Once Built
You won't be able to move anything once you build it. You will have to disassemble it and build it again if you want to move something.
Move Pals And Items First
If there is a Pal where you want to build something, you will see a message saying "Overlaps with another object or character." You will also have to remove any items that are in the way.
Building & Placement Rules Have Been Relaxed
With the latest update, some building and building placement rules have been loosened up to fit your building needs. Due to this, it will be a lot easier to create stairs, placing roof building pieces and connecting walls to stairs.
- Connect Stairs Facing Upwards
- Roof Pieces Can Now Directly Connect To Foundations
- Triangular Walls Can Now Be Connected To Stairs
Building A House
Use Build Continuously Function

It's helpful to use the "Build Continuously" function when building a house. Use the Right Click on a mouse or "Y button (Square button)" on a controller to continue building the same structure.
First Build A Foundation
You first need to build a foundation. You won't be able to build walls or roofs without it.
Base Foundations - How To Build
Build Walls And Doors
Walls and doors can be built by connecting them to a foundation. Build them once you built a foundation.
How To Build 2 Stories
Use Roofs as the Floor
You can't build foundations on the 2nd floor, so you can build roofs instead to use as the floor.
Easier to build Stairs from above
It is easier to build stairs if you do it from above. If you find it hard to connect the structures, it is easier to go up to the second floor and connect it from above.
Build Triangular Walls
Triangular Walls are perfect for placing on the side of the stairs. You can't build these if you build the stairs first, so first build the Triangular Walls where you want to place the stairs, then build the stairs on top of it.
Tips For Building
Make Small Adjustments
You can adjust the angle of the objects using the Scroll wheel (LB / RB). You can also move your character to adjust the angle, so use both to find the perfect spot.
Use Walls And Roofs As Connectors
If you are struggling to connect the objects, try building walls or roofs around that spot to make it easier to connect whatever you are tring to place. You can just disassemble anything you don't need later.
Slanted Roofs
You can also use a Slanted Roof to go upstairs. It is easy as using stairs so you can use whichever you like.
How To Disassemble
Disassemble Procedure
1 | ▼Open the building menu |
2 | ▼Switch to Disassemble Mode |
3 | ▼Choose structure to disassemble |
1. Open the Building menu
Push B (or Up on D-pad) to open the building menu.
2. Switch to Disassemble Mode
Press C (or RS / R3) to switch to Disassemble Mode.
3. Choose Structure to Disassemble
Point at the structure you want to disassemble, then Left Click (or X / square button) to disassemble the object.
You Won't Lose Any Materials
You can collect all the materials that were used to build the structure you disassembled. But if you disassemble chests that have items in them, they will be all over the ground so be careful.
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