Battle and Combat guide for Palworld. Learn tips for fighting strong Alpha Pals and bosses using traps, stairway to heaven, campfire, resetting CT, stairs, PIDF and Partner Skills.
Basic Player Controls And Tips
Useful Tips |
▼Aim for weak spots (headshots) |
▼Dodge (Roll) Attacks |
▼Use Surroundings As Cover |
▼Use Pal Spheres |
▼Slide when running away |
Aim For Weak Spots (Headshots)

You can deal more damage by hitting the enemy's weak spot like the head or the boss character riding it. Bow and Arrows or Guns are easier to aim with. Right Click (or R2 / RT) to use aim mode so you can hit the weak spot.
Dodge (Roll) Attacks
You can dodge an attack by pressing the Ctrl key (or circle / B button) to perform a roll. This is useful for dodging attacks and you also become immune to attacks for a moment. But you consume stamina to do this, so be careful.
Stop Attacking When Your Shield Breaks

Your shield regenerates automatically if you avoid damage for a certain amount of time. You can't be defeated as long as you have your shield, so it's important to focus on avoiding damage when your shield is damaged.
Use Surroundings As Cover
Some enemy attacks can be avoided by just hiding behind an object. Use whatever is around you like pillars, trees and rocks to avoid being hit by attacks. However, some attacks such as lasers can penetrate these objects so it's important to know the enemy's attacks.
Use Pal Spheres

You can throw a Pal Sphere by pressing the Q key (or R1 / RB button). You can also do this during a battle, giving you a chance to capture the enemy. You'll still get the item drops even if you catch them and sometimes it's also faster to catch them than defeating them.
Buy Time Using Pal Spheres
If you are fighting an enemy that you can possibly catch, even if they escape the Sphere you can buy some time by hitting them and stopping their attacks. You can also do this while waiting for your shield to regenerate.
Slide When Running Away
Press C while running to perform a slide. You can gain lots of speed if you do this on a slope, making it useful for getting away from the enemy.
Basic Pal Controls And Tips
Useful Tips |
▼Know The Enemy's Weakness Element |
▼Put Your Pal Back In The Sphere |
▼Switch Between Pals |
▼Ride During Battle |
▼Giving Pal Instructions |
Know The Enemy's Weakness Element

Each Element has their own weakness against each other one. Choosing the Element the enemy is weak to will increase the damage output, so always remember to utilize this in a battle.
Matching Elements Increase Damage

When the Element of the Pal and the Skill it uses is the same, all attacks of that Skill gets a 20% damage boost. If that Element is also the enemy's weakness, you can deal a great amount of damage. Keep this damage bonus in mind when choosing the Skills for your Pals.
Best Active Skills Tier ListEnhance Player Attacks

Some Pals can apply the Element type to the Player's attacks while fighting together or riding them. This will also help in battle since the Player can also attack using the same Element type.
Put Your Pal Back In The Sphere
When your Pal is about to get hit, put your Pal back in the Sphere to dodge the attack. You can protect your Pal this way and continue the battle without your Pal getting hit.
Switch Between Pals

Your Pals use their Active Skills automatically when you summon them. Keep switching between your Pals to attack continuously to deal massive amounts of damage.
Ride During Battle

If you summon a Pal you can ride, press F (or square / X button) to ride on them. You can use the Pal's active skills while riding them.
Best Mount & Ride Pal ListAim & Attack With Player Weapon Or Partner Skill

While riding a Pal, Right Click (or R2 / RT button) to aim and Left Click (or L2 / LT button) to attack using the Player's weapon. Some Pals can use their Partner Skills instead of using the Player's weapon, allowing you to use rockets and grenade launchers.
Ride The Pal To Use Skills

You can activate the Pal's Active Skill by riding them. The CT for using the skill when it is automatically activated and using it when you ride it is separate so you can have it activate automatically, then ride it to use the skill again right away.
Giving Pal Instructions

Press 4 (or push the right stick down) to give your Pal instructions. We recommend choosing, Focus on same enemy.
Useful Battle Strategies
Battle Tips |
▼Drop Pal To Reset CT |
▼Use Traps And Other Structures |
▼Using The PIDF |
Drop Pal To Reset CT
By dropping your Pal and picking them up again, you can reset the Cooldown time of the Pal's attacks. You can reset both the Active Skills and Partner Skill so you can attack a lot more faster this way.
Use Traps And Other Structures
You can defeat enemies without attacking them by using some structures you can build. You won't gain any XP but they will still drop items. This will allow you to defeat enemies at a much higher level.
Using The Campfire

Surround the enemy with walls and build a Campfire inside to defeat the enemy. This is useful against enemies that are sleeping.
Using Stairs

Stairway to Heaven is a technic to defeat an enemy by disassembling stairs and utilizing the fall damage. You can also change the height of the stairs to adjust the damage so that Alpha Pals such as Jetragon and Frostallion are left with low HP, making it easier to catch them.
Using The PIDF
If the PIDF shoots a Pal while trying to hit you, the Pal will start attacking the PIDF. If you want to defeat high level bosses such as Alpha Pals, you can defeat them by bringing the PIDF to them.
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