Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Silver Snow Chapter 18 - The Chaos of War (Church of Seiros). Including dialogue choices, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Silver Snow Chapter 18 - Part 1 Guide
Going Into Enbarr Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | When the month starts, Seteth will talk to you about the mission plans |
2 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・If it's true, we'll find her. → Neutral reply ・I don't believe it. → To be confirmed |
3 | Garland Moon 6/5 - Sylvain's Birthday |
4 | Garland Moon 6/7 - Free Time - Lots of Large Fish - Anna's Shop Open - Dark Merchant's Shop Open |
5 | Garland Moon 6/8 - Lecture Day |
6 | Garland Moon 6/13 - Lorenz's Birthday |
7 | Garland Moon 6/14 - Free Time - Bitter Eats - Rare Monster Sighting - Anna's Shop Open - Dark Merchant's Shop Open |
8 | Garland Moon 6/15 - Lecture Day |
9 | Garland Moon 6/21 - Free Time - Blessings of the Land - Anna's Shop Open - Dark Merchant's Shop Open |
10 | Garland Moon 6/22 - Lecture Day |
11 | Garland Moon 6/28 - Free Time - Morale Meals - Rare Monster Sighting - Anna's Shop Open - Dark Merchant's Shop Open |
1~11. Prepare For Upcoming Battles

This month's mission will involve several battles so be sure to use your free days to prepare your units or level up before the end of the month.
Silver Snow Chapter 18 - Part 2 Guide
The Enbarr Infiltration Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Garland Moon 6/29 - Mission Day |
2 | Win "The Enbarr Infiltration" battle |
3 | [Dedue: Conversation Options] ・How long have you been in Enbarr? → To be confirmed ・What are you doing in Enbarr? → Neutral reply |
4 | After the cutscenes, the next chapter: "Conclusion of the Crossing Roads" will begin |
2. Mission Automatically Moves To Next Battle

After you complete "The Enbarr Infiltration" mission, you'll get some crucial cutscenes and then be moved to the next battle automatically. Your units will have full HP bars but you need to replenish battalions & repair weapons.
The Enbarr Infiltration Battle Tips
Defeat Death Knight & Hubert To Win

To gain victory in this fight, make sure to rush and defeat the Death Knight and Hubert. They are the two enemy commanders that need to be killed to win.
Reinforcements Arrive Every Few Turns

If you take too long to get to the Death Knight or Hubert, after a couple of turns, reinforcements will arrive. Make sure to move your units fast to keep them safe from the extra enemy units.
2 Chests Are In The Battle Map

You'll find 2 Chests that you can open in this battle map. One contains the Axe of Zoltan while the other has a Brave Sword. It's recommended to go after the Axe of Zoltan as the Brave Sword is located far to the north-east.
Automatically Moves To Next Battle
After you win this fight and defeat Hubert, you'll get a couple of cutscenes then be moved automatically to the next fight to face Edelgard. Be prepared to face her and bring your strongest units into the battle.
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