Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses story walkthrough guide of Silver Snow Chapter 14 - A King Without a Kingdom (Church of Seiros). Including dialogue choices, battle tips, quests, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Silver Snow Chapter 14 - Part 1 Guide
After The Time Skip Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the cutscene, you'll be talking with your House members |
2 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・Let's win, no matter what. → Seteth relationship goes up ・Let's all work together. → To be confirmed ・I don't feel confident, but we'll do our best. → To be confirmed |
3 | [Flayn: Conversation Options] ・I have no objections. → Neutral reply ・I'm worried about supplies. → To be confirmed |
4 | Guardian Moon 1/4 - Free Time - Morale Meals |
5 | Guardian Moon 1/5 - Lecture Day |
6 | Guardian Moon 1/11 - Free Time - Saint Seiros Day - Lots of Large Fish - Rare Monster Sighting |
7 | Guardian Moon 1/12 - Lecture Day |
8 | Guardian Moon 1/18 - Free Time - Sweet-Tooth Week |
9 | Guardian Moon 1/19 - Lecture Day |
10 | Guardian Moon 1/25 - Free Time - Blessing of the Land - Rare Monster Sighting |
1. Units Have Grown Over Time Skip

When you check your units after the cutscenes, you'll notice that they have increased a level and will either have changed classes or skills. This shows that they have grown over the 5 year time lapse.
4. Units Can Train You After Time Skip

When you speak to your recruited units after the time skip, they'll be able to train you in their specific strengths. This will also increase Support Level points between you and Byleth.
6. Join Saint Seiros Day To Get Faith & Authority

When you join the Saint Seiros Day choir activity, you'll gain a significant amount of Faith & Authority skill experience. It's recommended to do so as this doesn't cost any activity point.
Silver Snow Chapter 14 - Part 2 Guide
Protecting Garreg Mach Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Guardian Moon 1/30 - Before Mission Day |
2 | [Flayn: Conversation Options] ・I don't understand either. → Neutral reply ・They must oppose the way of the church. → To be confirmed |
3 | [Flayn: Conversation Options] ・At the bottom of a valley. → Neutral reply ・Under a rock. → To be confirmed ・I don't know. → To be confirmed |
4 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・Let's proceed carefully. → Neutral reply ・Let's destroy them. → To be confirmed |
5 | Guardian Moon 1/31 - Mission Day |
6 | Participate in the "Protecting Garreg Mach" battle |
7 | After the battle, you'll talk once again with your allies |
8 | [Seteth: Conversation Options] ・I agree. → Seteth relationship goes up ・It concerns me. → To be confirmed |
9 | After the conversation, the next chapter: "Valley of Torment" will begin |
6. Keep Enemies Away From Protected Zone

In this fight, the goal of the battle is to keep enemies away from the protected area. This is indicated by a pink set of tiles in battle map.
Protecting Garreg Mach Battle Tips
Protect Unit Moving Across Monastery Grounds

When a unit appears in the map, Seteth will tell you to protect said unit. Make sure to allot a couple of other strong units to escort the monastery's soldier and keep enemies away from it.
Protected Unit Will Set Map On Fire

When the monastery unit reaches its destination, it will set a certain part of the map on fire. Make sure to keep your units away from this part of the map to avoid taking environmental damage.
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