Read this Fire Emblem: Three Houses guide to learn more about assigning adjutants when in battle. Find out the bonuses & effects, how to assign adjutants, & more!!!
Table of Contents
Adjutant Effects & Bonuses
Adjutants Provide Support For Units

Once you reach Professor Level C or higher, you will be able to assign an adjutant to units. These adjutants accompany the unit into battle and support them during fights. You will be able to assign more adjutants as your Professor Level increases.
Adjutant Effects Vary
The Adjutant will be able to support the commanding unit in three different ways, depending on the class of the Adjutant. The Support Level between the commanding unit and Adjutant will also affect the effectiveness of the Adjutant's actions.
Adjutant Actions List
Action | Effects |
Follow Up Attack | At the end of combat, the Adjutant may perform another attack on the enemy |
Guard | The Adjutant may guard against the enemy's attacks, and take the damage |
Heal | The Adjutant will rarely heal the commanding unit at the start of the turn |
Adjutants Gain Experience & Cannot Die

The Adjutant will be able to gain experience when assigned to a commanding unit. They can also attack without using up their weapon's durability. To add to this, when the commanding unit dies, the Adjutant will not die.
How To Set Up Adjutants
Set Adjutants Before Battle

Adjutants can be set from the Unit tab when preparing for battle. Press the Y button on a deployed character to set an adjutant to them. You cannot set an adjutant when there are no undeployed units on your team.
Any Undeployed Character Can Be Set

Any character can be set as an Adjutant as long as they're not deployed on the battlefield. When assigning Adjutants, try to pair an Adjutant with a unit they have high support levels with in order to maximize the Adjutant's effects.