Read this guide to find out the Point of Divergence in Fire Emblem: Three Houses for Black Eagle, Blue Lion, and Golden Deer, and what their requirements are!!!
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Common Points of Divergence
*The following criteria includes those confirmed in-game by the game guide team!!!
Occurs After "Informal Introductions"

The divergence point for the story occurs after the quest "Informal Introductions". Which house you choose to teach will decide the story.
Tips on Which House To Choose Here!You Can Recruit Students From Other Houses

While you can't switch stories once you made your choice, you can recruit students from other houses, barring some characters such House Leaders. You will need to meet certain criterias to recruit each characters.
Check Out How to Recruit Characters from Other Houses Here!Black Eagles Route: Point of Divergence
Black Eagles Point of Divergence Flow Chart
① | Bring Edelgard's Support Level up to C+ or higher(Crucial) |
② | Explore the Monastery at least once during Feb.8~22 |
③ | Speak to Edelgard during exploration (※If you do not talk to her within this period, you'll be diverged to the Monastery Route) |
④ | 【Dialogue Option】 I'll go with you→Proceed to ⑤ I must stay→Monastery Route |
⑤ | Start the "Conflict in the Holy Tomb" Battle |
⑥ | 【Dialogue Options During Battle】 (I must kill Edelgard.)→Monastery Route (I must protect Edelgard.)→Empire Route |
Speak to Edelgard in February

A major requirement for the divergence is to speak to Edelgard during February 8~22. Your reply will determine which characters will stay with you after the divergence, so think it through.If you don't talk to her, you'll go down the Monastery Route.
Talk To Her After Spending All Activity Points
Exploration will end immediately after you've spoken to Edelgard. Spend all activity points and finish your business before talking to her.
Dialogue Options Won't Pop Up Without Support Level C+
The dialogue option won't pop up unless you have Support Level C+ or higher with Edelgard by February, meaning you'll go down the Monastery Route. Be sure to raise your Support Level with Edelgard by then.
The Final Option Occurs During Battle

You must have picked dialogue option:"I'll go with you" when you spoke to Edelgard in February for this final dialogue option to occur. Choose (I must protect Edelgard.) to finally go down the Imperial Route.
Characters That Will Leave Based On Divergence
Monastery Route | Edelgard Hubert |
Empire Route | Rhea Flayn Seteth Cyril Catherine |
*We listed characters that went missing from the Support Conversations.
There may be more characters than on the list!!!
Items and Classes Of These Characters Will Disappear
When characters leaves due to divergence, their items, gear, and Classes are gone forever(Dancer Class are no exception). Be sure to take measures against this.