Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to learn more about the title update 10.12 for the PC Steam version! Including game changes, patch notes, bug fixes, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Update 10.12 Patch Notes
Difference Between PC & PS4
Graphics Optimization & High Resolution Textures

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne for PC will come with the capacity to customize your resolutions, this includes frame rate and much more!
Free High Resolution Texture Pack

Hunters who play on PC can also get a free High Resolution Texture Pack that can be downloaded from Steam!
Smooth Performance With DirectX® 12 Support

Iceborne for PC will also come with DirectX® 12 Support, making your gameplay much more smoother, making every hunt seamless.
Options For Mouse & Keyboard Controls

Players who prefer the mouse & keyboard over a controller will have improved controls for these peripherals. Iceborne will bring revamps and improvements to mouse & keyboard controls.
Ultrawide Display Support

Support for 12:9 aspect ratios is also available on the PC version, allowing Hunters to experience the game in an ultrawide setting.
No Preload For PC Steam Version
Download Starts On Jan. 9, 2020
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will be available for download on January 9, 2020, 9am PST / 5pm GMT. The game will not have preloading available so Hunters have to wait for launch date to download the game.
Check Out Official Tweet Below
#Iceborne PC / Steam housekeeping notes (2/2):
— Monster Hunter (@monsterhunter) January 9, 2020
PC system requirements:
Due to a variety of factors, there is no pre-load option for the expansion.
Same Updates From Consoles
Console Updates Translate To PC Updates
In the PC version of Iceborne, Hunters will get to enjoy the updates from the console version up to 12.02. This includes all the new monsters, weapon changes, skill changes and more.
Iceborne Related Articles
PC System Changes
Addition Of Gamepad Shortcuts
Gamepad Shortcuts can now be utilized while using mouse-and-keyboard controls. You can use either gamepad shortcuts or keyboard shortcuts at any time.
Radial Menus Have Not Doubled
Gamepad and keyboard shortcuts will share the same radial menus which will not double the number of radial menus available in the game.
Mouse Cursor Changes
The mouse cursor can now be moved outside of the window when in windowed mode. You can go to "Camera Mouse Controls" to toggle on/off the mouse cursor inside or outside the window.
Other Changes
Title Bar Button Revamp
The title bar has been revamped, allowing you to select minimize or close application from this area.
Access Online Store From Application
You can now also access the online store straight from the application. No need to go to your Steam app for this option.
Can't Cancel In Matchmaking
With the Iceborne expansion, canceling in the middle of the "Matchmake" search will no longer be possible.
Pose Button Added To Chat Window
Players can now choose to "pose" from the chat window, making it easier to do with keyboard controls.
PC General Options Changes
Settings Categories Reorganized
To make things easier to navigate, settings such as Graphics, Controller, Sound, etc., have been rearranged.
Choose Gamepad Button Selection In Title Menu
Hunters will not be able to use a gamepad button setting without a mod by selecting this option from the title menu.
Vibration Available Only In Gamepad Controls
When you turn on vibration in "Vibration Settings", this option will only work when you're using gamepad controls.
PC Controller Settings Updates
Updated To Accommodate New Actions
For Iceborne, majority of the keyboard settings have been revamped to make gameplay easier with the new actions and features offered.
Major Keyboard Changes List
- - Added settings that let you perform actions that normally require multiple key presses with a single key.
- - Added settings for keys (slots 1-8) that call up keyboard shortcuts.
- - Combined weapon aiming reticle and slinger aiming reticle into one setting.
- - You can now assign keys separately for actions like "dashing/sheathing" and "weapon/slinger aiming" that have variations between pressing the key once or holding the key.
- - Due to the addition of numerous presets for different weapon types and mouse types, the "Set to Default" option has been consolidated to one button.
- - Using "Set to Default" will revert presets to match the number of buttons of the mouse you are currently using.
- - Melee & ranged weapon keyboard settings and configurations will carry over in this update, but due to changes in the menu controls, menu settings will all be set to new defaults.
- - Various menu settings have been redone in order to align with new features and changes. The following commands have had their keyboard settings fixed, and are no longer available as customizable settings:
- (a) Toggle Cursor Position / Check Loadout: fixed to the [Shift] key.
- (b) Auto-sort / Search / Filter / Set Waypoint: fixed to the [Tab] key.
- (c) Open Skill Info Help: fixed to the [Ctrl] key.
- - In order to prevent misclicks with the left mouse button in the menu, left clicks only select the menu item that the cursor is hovering over.
- - The following keys are now fixed during menu controls, and can no longer be re-assigned within the "Menu Controls" category: [Left Click], [Esc], [Ctrl], [Shift], [Tab], [Mouse Wheel Up/Down].
Improved Start Menu Player Movement
The start menu player movement has been changed and renamed to "Start Menu Keyboard Controls" setting.
Only Use Dash Settings With Gamepad
Using the dash settings can now only be accessed when you've chosen the gamepad options in controls.
New Keyboard Shortcut Input
"One Key Keyboard Shortcuts" setting has changed to "Keyboard Shortcut Input", which lets you select the input type for keyboard shortcuts. There is also a new input type that lets you press a key to call up the radial menu, then press the key again to use the shortcut.
PC Graphics Settings Changes
Support For Programs Added
Support has been added for DirectX 12 API (which requires Windows 10, version 1809 or later) and for FidelityFX CAS. This includes "FidelityFX CAS + Upscaling", which allows for higher resolution for low performance costs.
New Options For Display Output
There will be new options added to "Display Output Settings", making the experience more personal & customizable.
Advanced Graphics Settings Changes List
- "Advanced Graphics Settings" options added: Capsule AO; Contact Shadows; Snow Quality.
- The following options, which could previously only be changed from the title menu "Advanced Graphics Settings" options, can now be changed from the in-game menu: Ambient Occlusion; LOD Bias; Subsurface Scattering; Screen Space Reflection.
- The "Advanced Graphics Settings" option "Anisotropic Filtering" now has an additional level setting. "High" is now "Highest", "Mid" is now "High", and a new "Mid" setting was added ("Low" has been left as is).
- The default setting for "Screen Mode / HDR Setting" the first time you boot the game has been set to "Borderless Window".
- The Highest setting for Graphic Settings originally set Dynamic Range to 64-Bit, but because the performance costs of 64-Bit settings may limit these effects even on HDR displays, the default setting has been changed to 32-Bit.
PC Camera & Audio Settings Updates
Mouse Camera Controls Changes List
- The "Mouse Camera Control Type" setting has been removed and the setting that was formerly "Type 2" has been applied, which has no mouse acceleration and is easier to use.
- The "Mouse Special Scope Bias (Aiming)" setting was added to accommodate new heavy bowgun parts.
- The "Focus Camera for Mouse Controls" setting was moved from "Controller Settings" to "Camera Settings".
New Option For BGM
A new option has been added under "Background Sound Settings".