Check out this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide on how to beat Fulgur Anjanath! This includes its moves, weaknesses, material drops, recommended loadout, armor, hunting tips, & more!!!
Check Out The All Monsters List Here!Fulgur Anjanath - Tips & Tricks
Fulgur Anjanath Overview

The Fulgur Anjanath is a lighting-element subspecies of the Anjanath. It's a new monster in Iceborne and delivers powerful attacks with lighting-based elements.
Appears In All Locales
Though first introduced with Hoarfrost Reach, the Fulgur Anjanath can appear in all of the game's locales.
Preparing For Fulgur Anjanath
Has A Weakness To Ice In Normal State
The Fulgur Anjanath has a weakness to Ice Element. If you have an Ice weapon, it is recommended to use it for the fight. Use your Ice Weapon in conjunction with the Ice Attack skill to maximize your elemental damage output against the monster!
Will Take More Damage From Water Attacks
Another viable element against the Fulgur Anjanath is water. Take note that Water will only be effective when the Fulgur Anjanath is enraged. If you do not have an ice weapon, you can opt to use water weapons to also deal effective damage!
Increase Thunder Element Resistance
It is recommended to equip a loadout that will increase your resistance to the thunder element. With a higher resistance to thunder attacks, you will be able to lessen the damage taken from most of the Fulgur Anjanath's attacks!
Wound & Break Legs To Topple Monster
The Fulgur Anjanath will have a higher chance of being toppled if you wound or break its legs. Use your Clutch Claw or use Partbreaker skills to damage and break its legs.
Check Out How To Use The Clutch Claw!Utilize Turf War With Other Monsters

Fulgur Anjanath is very aggressive and can down you with a well-placed physical attack. When another monster approaches, make use of Turf Wars to deal extra damage.
Check Out Turf Wars Here!Fast Recovery when Flinch Shot to a Wall
Fulgur Anjanath has one of the shortest recovery time when shot to a wall. Better prepare to defend because it will attack when it gets back on its feet or become enraged.
Fulgur Anjanath - Weakness & Effective Damage Type

The Fulgur Anjanath is weak in 2 spots: its head and tail. Both of these areas are breakable, with the addition of its hindleg claws.
Part | Sever | Blunt | Ammo |
Head | ★★★ | ★★★ | ★★・ |
Tail | ★★・ | ★★★ | ★★★ |
Elemental Affinity Reference Chart
Fire | Water | Ice |
★★・ | ★★・ (★★★) | ★★★ (★★・) |
Thunder | Dragon | − |
× | ★・・ | − |
() when charged
Status Effect Resistance Chart
Poison | Sleep | Paralysis | Blast |
★★・ | ★★・ | ★★・ | ★・・ |
Stun | Exhaust | Mount | - |
★★・ | TBC | TBC | - |
Fulgur Anjanath - Recommended Loadout
Recommended Elemental Weapons
Elements | Description |
Ice Water | ★★★ Depending on its state, Anjanath can be weak to either Ice (normal) or Water (enraged) |
Fire | ★★・ Fire is effective on Fulgur Anjanath regardless of its state |
Recommended Skills
Skill | Recommendation Criteria |
Thunder Resistance | Reduces the damage of Thunder-based attacks. |
Earplugs | Negates the stunning effects of Fulgur Anjanath's roars. |
Best Specialized Tools
Tool | Tool Effect |
![]() | Recommended to bring as it allows you to avoid potentially deadly attacks |
![]() | Reduces thunder damage and nullifies thunderblight and paralysis. |
![]() | Reduces damage from attacks and negates scream, wind, & tremor effects to an extent |
![]() | Extends the invulnerability window during evasion |
Fulgur Anjanath - Moves & Counters
Moves | Description |
Spin Attack | Fulgur Anjanath spins, dealing heavy damage with its tail. Evade when it readies by raising its tail |
Side Tackle | Fulgur Anjanath shoves with the full weight of its body. Dodge when it starts rearing |
Stomp | Electrified stomp. Dodge once it starts to lift its leg |
Electrified Charged | Fulgur Anjanath opens its mouth and charges forward, trampling those caught in its path. Quickly roll towards the sides to evade this attack |
Electric Ground Slam | When charged, Fulgur Anjanath slams the ground, creating an electrified area-of-effect. Roll away from the monster to avoid the blight & damage |
Thunder Snot Attack | Fulgur Anjanath shoots thunder from its mouth. The balls of thunder are slow and are easy to dodge |
Hits Harder When Enraged

Fulgur Anjanath charges itself when enraged, making itself faster and capable of dealing stronger damage. The frequency of its Thunder Breath also increases in this state, so be extra vigilant when fighting a charged Fulgur Anjanath.
Dodge Away To Evade Spin Attack's Range

The Fulgur Anjanath's spin attack has a wide range due to its tail. When it telegraphs this attack by raising its tail, dodge backwards to avoid getting hit by its tail. Alternatively, you can opt to block the attack if you are able.
Move To The Side To Dodge Side Slam
The Anjanath will often do this move. The attack has a wide range as the tail has a chance to hit you when it rushes toward you. Make sure to dodge away a great distance to avoid getting hit by this attack's large hitbox.
Electrified Charge Is Easily Telegraphed

The Fulgur Anjanath will telegraph this attack by rearing its head back and opening its mouth wide, making it easy to dodge. However, it may do this attack successively so keep an eye on the monster after dodging.
Roll Away To Avoid Electric Ground Slam
One of the more powerful attacks of the monster, this not only does damage, but it can inflict Thunderblight, too. Be sure to roll away from the monster to avoid getting hit by this wide-ranged attack.
Thunder Snot Is A Small Projectile Attack

Despite being a ranged attack, the Thunder Breath is only a small projectile that can be dodged easily. However, make sure to avoid its point of impact as it can become electrified and deal damage to you!