MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide
Best Endgame Loadouts - Best Weapons & Armors

MHW: ICEBORNE | Best Endgame Loadouts - Best Weapons & Armors

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MHW: ICEBORNE | Best Endgame Loadouts - Best Weapons & Armors - GameWith
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Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to know the best post game loadouts. Including information on which weapons and armors are the strongest, must-have skills, & more!!!

Best Loadout By Weapon Types

Great Sword Best Loadout

Great Sword

High Crit Non-Elemental Build

Immovable Dharma-
Velkhana Helm α +Divine Blessing Jewel 1
Coalescence 1
Damascus Mail β +Focus 2
Attack Boost 1
Attack Boost 1
Velkhana Vambraces β +Quick Sheathe Jewel 1
Flinch Free Jewel 1
Velkhana Coil α +Flinch Free Jewel 1
Coalescence Jewel 2
Velkhana Greaves β +Critical Draw 2
Handicraft Charm III-
Handicraft Lvl 4Health Boost Lvl 3
Focus Lvl 3Critical Boost Lvl 3
Non-Elemental Boost Lvl 1Attack Boost Lvl 2
Coalescence Lvl 2Flinch Free Lvl 2

Points of Recommendation

  • High critical chance & critical damage
  • Good to use against any element
  • Multiple additional skills buffs Velkhana Divinity
Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Great Sword

Long Sword Best Loadout

Long Sword
WeaponAugment / Decoration
Hellish SlasherHealth Regen×1
Affinity Increase×1
Elementless Jewel 2
Rex Roar Helm β +Expert Jewel 4
Rex Roar Mail β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Rex Roar Braces β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kirin Hoop β+Critical Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Resistor Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β+Expert Jewel 1]
Critical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Razar Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Attack Boost Lv6
Weakness Exploit Lv3Blight Resistance Lv3
Critical Boost Lv3Health Boost Lv2
Free Meal Lv2Non-elemental Boost Lv1"}]
Free Meal Secret
(Set Bonus)
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Lv1

※*Augmentation only available after reaching MR 100!!!

Augmenting Two Equipments

Because this weapon has 5 augmenting slots, you can attach both Health Regen & Affinity Increase. When used with Critical Eye and Weakness Exploit, you will have 100% Affinity On Wounded Part.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Long Sword

Sword & Shield Best Loadout

Sword & Shield
Lunatic RoseVitality Jewel 1
Rex Roar Helm β +Expert Jewel II
Rex Roar Mail β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Rex Roar Braces β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kirin Hoop β +Critical Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Resistor Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 1
Critical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Attack Boost Lvl 6
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Blight Resistance Lvl 3
Health Boost Lvl 3Critical Boost Lvl 3
Free Meal Lvl 1Free Meal Secret
(Set Bonus)
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Lvl 1-

High Raw Damage & Poison Damage

Buff affinity with Critical Eye Lvl 7 & Weakness Exploit. Enforce attack with Attack Boost Lvl 6 & Critical Boost Lvl 3. Poison damage is also effective for speedy monsters in Master Rank.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Sword & Shield

Dual Blades Best Loadout

Dual Blades
Any Dual Blades With
Element Power
Vitality Jewel 1
Rimeguard Helm β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Rimeguard Mail β +Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Kaiser Vambraces β +Vitality Jewel 1
Critical Jewel 2
Rimeguard Coil β +Jumping Jewel 2
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 1
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Any Elemental Charm V-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Evade Extender Lvl 3Divine Blessing Lv 2
Health Boost Lvl 2Quick Sheath Lvl 2
Critical Boost Lvl 1Heat Guard Lvl 1
Critical Element
(Set Bonus)
Any Element Boost Lvl 5

Applicable To All Elements

By switching the charm's element, you may have any type of Elemental Boost depending on your weapon. You can boost your elemental attack with Critical Element as well.

More Power With Level 4 Jewel

By utilizing the level 4 slot, you can raise the level of Health Boost or Fire Attack. If you have Expert Jewel 2, you can open one level 1 slot & activate Attack Boost or Handicraft.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Dual Blades

Hammer Best Loadout

Ruinous ObliterationExpert Jewel 1
Rex Roar Helm β+Expert Jewel 4
Rex Roar Mail β+Challenger Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Rex Roar Braces β+Flight Jewel 2
Diablos Nero Coil β+Vitality Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β+KO Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Challenger Charm IV-
Critical Eye Lv7Attack Lv6
Slugger Lv3Weakness Exploit Lv3
Health Boost Lv3Free Meal Lv2
Agitator Lv1Airborne Lv1
True Free Meal
(Set Bonus)

Extremely High Power Build

Attack Lv.6 raises its base attack & Critical Eye, Weakness Exploit, & Agitator realizes 100% affinity when attacking wounded part.

Decent Survivability With Health Boost & Free Meal

Easily manage your health with Health Boost & Free Meal.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Hammer

Hunting Horn Best Loadout

Hunter Horn
Bazel Valdi RooksearerSonorous Jewel 1
Sonorous Jewel 1
Fulgur Helm β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cista β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Damascus Vambraces β +Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Shhara Ishvalda Coil α +Handicraft Jewel 3
Vitality Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 1
Critical Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 2
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Handicraft Lv5
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Critical Boost Lv3Horn Maestro Lv2
Recovery Up Lv1Razor Sharp/Spare Shot

Plays Attack UP (L)

In addition to the high critical damage mentioned above, Bazel valdi Rooksearer plays Attack Up(L) which boosts more power. It also plays several recovery melodies so you can utilize both in solo or multi play.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Hunting Horn

Lance Horn Best Loadout

Hydros Ullr-
Fulgur Anja β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer 2
Pride Mail β+Critical Jewel 2
Ironwall Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Damascus Vambraces β+Critical Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Odogaron Coil β+Critical Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Garuga Greaves β+Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Guard Lv3
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Critical Boost Lv3Handicraft Lv2
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Lv1

100% Affinity To Wounded Part

Hydros Ullr's original affinity is 10%. By using Critical Eye & Weakness Exploit, affinity becomes 100%. Critical damage is raised by Critical Boost Lv3 so attack wounded part of the monster for high damage.

Alternative: Handicraft

If you prefer to have longer white sharpness, activate Handicraft Lv5. You can do so by switching your charm to Handicraft Charm III or use change Critical Jewel to Handicraft Jewel.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Lance

Gunlance Best Loadout


Evasive Charged Shelling Build

Chariot GunEvasion Jewel 2
Zorah Headgear α +Jumping Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Zorah Hide α +Jumping Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Silver Solbraces β + Charger/Medicine Jewel 4
Charger Jewel 2
Zorah Spine α +Jumping Jewel 2
Magazine Jewel 2
Silver Solgreaves β +Charger/Medicine Jewel 4
Mind's Eye Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Evasion Charm IV-
Artillery Secret
(Set Bonus)
Slinger Ammo Secret
(Set Bonus)
Artillery Lv5Slinger Capacity Lv5
Tremor Resistance Lv3Focus Lv3
Evade Window Lv3Evade Extender Lv3
Recovery Up Lv2Capacity Boost Lv1
Flinch Free Lv1Mind's Eye/Ballistics Lv1
Health Boost Lv3-

Can Dodge While Charging

This evasive build matches with wide shelling type since you can dodge while charging.

Good Build For Hunting Rajang

Tremor Resistance makes it easier to fight against Rajang, the newly added monster.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Gunlance

Switch Axe Best Loadout

Switch Axe

DPS & Evasion Build

Evanescent Glow-
Barioth Helm α +Jumping Jewel 2
Enhancer Jewel 2
Nargacuga Mail β +Evasion Jewel 2
Nargacuga Vambraces β +Refresh Jewel 2
Acidic Glavenus Coil β +Handicraft Jewel 3
Nargacuga Greaves β +Evasion Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm 3-
Razor Sharp / Spare ShotHandicraft Lvl 5
Evade Window Lvl 3Evade Extender Lvl 2
Health Boost Lvl 3Power Prolonger Lvl 1
Non-elemental BoostCritical Eye Lvl 2
Earplugs Lvl 1Tool Specialist Lvl 2
Stamina Surge Lvl 2-

Points of Recommendations

  • Balanced DPS and Survivability build
  • Strong non-elemental damage output
  • Several skills allow for survival in different situations
Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Switch Axe

Insect Glaive Best Loadout

Insect Glaive
Ruinous CatastropheAttack Jewel 1
Rex Roar Helm α +Critical Jewel 2
Kirin Jacket α +Critical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Rex Roar Braces α +Flight Jewel 2
Nargacuga Faulds α +Attack Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Evasion Jewel 2
Exploiter Charm II-
Critical Eye Lv7Attack Lv7
Evade Window Lv3Weakness Exploit Lv3
Health Boost Lv3Critical Boost Lv3
Stamina Surge Lv1Divine Blessing Lv1
Aurborne Lv1Free Meal Lv1

Strong & Stable

Significantly high damage with 95% Affinity, Critical Boost Lv3, and Attack Lv7. Airborne raises your jumping attack by 30% as well. Health Boost & Evade Window allows you to fight safely.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Insect Glaive

Charge Blade Best Loadout

Charge Blade

Melting Grasp Endgame Build

The Melting GraspHandicraft Jewel 3
Zorah Headgear α +Elementless Jewel 2
Magazine Jewel 2
Zorah Hide α +Sharp Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Damascus Vambraces β + Ironwall Jewel 1
Artillery Jewel 1
Damascus Coil β +Handicraft Jewel 4
Charger Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Zorah Spurs α +Charger Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Earplugs Charm 4-
Artillery Lvl 5Handicraft Lvl 5
Earplugs Lvl 5Health Boost Lvl 3
Focus Lvl 3Tremor Resistance Lvl 2
Flinch Free Lvl 1Guard Lvl 1
Capacity BoostProtective Polish
Protective PolishNon-elemental Boost

Points of Recommendations

  • Artillery max level is raised by Zorah set skill
  • Has high levels of Earplugs & Handicraft
  • Health Boost is good for survivability
Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Charge Blade

Light Bowgun Best Loadout

Light Bowgun
Diregun "Dementia"
Evading Reload x3
Wyvernblast Type 2×1
Zorah Headgear α +Attack Jewel [1]
Attack Jewel [1]
Zorah Hide α +KO Jewel [2]
Attack Jewel [2]
Rex Roar Braces α +Release Jewel [3]
Zora Spine α +/Release Jewel [3]
KO Jewel [2]
Shara Ishvalda Greaves β +Attack Jewel [4]
KO Jewel [2]
Special Shot Jewel [1]
Razor Sharp Charm-
Impact MantleDestroyer Jewel
Destroyer Jewel
Rocksteady MantleTrue Shot Jewel [1]
Slot 1: Free
Attack Boost Lv7Artillery Lv5
Tremor Resistance Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Slugger Lv3Free Elem/Ammo Up Lv2
Flinch Free Lv1Partbreaker Lv1
※Lv3 with Impact Mantle
Special Ammo Boost Lv1
※Lv2 with Rocksteady Mantle
Defense Boost Lv1
Razor Sharp/Spare ShotArtillery Secret
(Set Bonus)

Stuns Monsters Over and Over!

The Dark Demented Crossbow is capable of rapid fire with Sticky Ammo Lv2, so your main goal should be to stun the enemy over and over. It's possible to stun 5-6 times in the span of one quest!

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Light Bowgun

Heavy Bowgun Best Loadout

Heavy Bowgun
Weapon Mod/s
Dark Devourer
Recoil Suppressor x 2
Health Regen
Health Regen
Xeno'jiiva Headgear γEvasion Jewel 2
Artillery Jewel 1
Artillery Jewel 1
Kirin Jacket γArtillery Jewel 1
Maintenance Jewel 1
Xeno'jiiva Claws γFlawless Jewel 2
Flawless Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Empress Coil γRelease Jewel 3
Nergigante Greaves γFlawless Jewel 2
Maintenance Jewel 1
Maintenance Jewel 1
KO Charm III-
Artillery Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Free Elem/Ammo Up Lvl 3Slugger Lvl 3
Peak Performance Lvl 3Evade Window Lvl 3
Tool Specialist Lvl 3Blight Resistance Lvl 2
Power Prolonger Lvl 2Critical Eye Lvl 1
Special Ammo BoostRazor Sharp/Spare Shot

Increase Your Clip Size

Since the weapon's magazine size is not that big, it is necessary for you to increase the magazine size of your weapon with the Free Elem / Ammo Up skill.

Take Advantage of Multiple Skills

Use your piercing rounds in conjunction with skills such as Artillery, Free Elem / Ammo Up, and Slugger to increase your DPS and even stun the monster!

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Heavy Bowgun

Bow Best Loadout

All Weapon Types & Categories & Characteristics
Silver WrathbowYour Preference
Expert Jewel 1
Silver Sol α+Expert Jewel 1
Physique Jewel 2
Silver Solmail α +Vitality Jewel 1
Silver Solbraces β+Tenderizer/Physique Jewel 4
Mighty Bow Jewel 2
Tentacle Coil β+Physique Jewel 4
Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Silver Solgreaves α+Tenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Master's Charm Ⅳ-
Fire Attack Lv6Critical Eye Lv6
Slinger Capacity Lv5"}]Constitution Lv5
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Critical Boost Lv2Windproof Lv2
Stamina Surge Lv1Bow Charge Plus Lv1
Slinger Ammo Secret
(Set Bonus)
True Critical Element
(Set Bonus)

Strong Fire Attack With Silver Sol α Armor

Fire elemental build which specialized in True Critical Element. If you don't need fire element, switch Silver Sol α to β.

Augmentation Is Up To Your Preference

Silver Wrathbow's raw affinity is originally high (20%) so you will have 100% when loaded with Critical Eye Lv.6 (30%) & Weakness Exploit (50%). Our recommendation is to use Element/Status Effect Up.

Click Here For More Recommended Builds Of Bow
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Article Written by
MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

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Anonymous 5

DPS and survivability wise, rapid fire sticky 2 isn't recommended. should've gone sticky 3 - higher DPS and stun-lock potential.

Anonymous 4

New weapon type! The Lance Horn!

Anonymous 3

Barioth A is only 2x 1 sockets?

Anonymous 2

The Y pieces are Arc Tempered armor versions.

Anonymous 1

not sure what all the Y armour pieces are that are recommended

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