Check out this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide & list to learn about all collaboration events & quests. Including quest names, rewards, info, and more!!!
All Collaboration Events & Quest List
Resident Evil 2 / Biohazard 2 Collaboration Event

Players get to play as Leon and Claire as they battle the monsters of Monster Hunter: Iceborne. Mr. X also makes an appearance as the perky quest-giver.
Check Out The RE2 (Resident Evil 2) Collaboration - Crossover Event Here!The Witcher 3 Collaboration Event

In The Witcher 3 collab quest, Hunters play as the Witcher Geralt to solve the mystery of the Leshen. Complete the quest to craft Geralt's armor and weapons!
Check Out The Ancient Leshen Guide Here!Devil May Cry Collaboration Event

In this collab, face off with an Anjanath, Odogaron, Rathalos, and Teostra in the 8★ "Code: Red" quest. Gather Red Orbs to craft Dante's Devil Sword Charge Blade & his armor set.
Final Fantasy XIV Collaboration Event

Cactuars, Moogles, and even the raging Behemoth drops into the New World from Eorzea in the Final Fantasy XIV event! Complete the quest to get Drachen armor, Palico armor in Moogle form, and even a Dragoon gesture!
Assassin's Creed Collaboration Event

In this collaboration, complete the 8★ "SDF: Silent, Deadly, and Fierce" quest to earn a "Senu's Feather". Turn this item over to the Smithy to create the Bayek Layered Armor & Specialized Tool: Assassin's Hood.
USJ Collaboration Event

In a special collab with USJ (Universal Studios Japan), face off with Great Jagras, Dodogama, and Azure Rathalos to gather materials and craft the Azure Star gear & Long Sword.
Street Fighter Collaboration Event

Available in a variety of special Challenge Quests, the Street Fighter collaboration will challenge you to complete quests to craft full Ryu & Sakura armor - both as equipment and as Layered Armor!
Mega Man Collaboration Event

Hunt 2 Odogaron in the 7★ "A Rush of Blood" quest to gather materials to craft the Mega Man armor for your Palico.
Horizon Zero Dawn Collaboration Event

Face a variety of monsters in 3 different events with the Horizon Zero Dawn collaboration event. Completing the quests will give you Palico gear, Aloy's equipment, and the Aloy Layered Armor set.