MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide
Lance - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide

MHW: ICEBORNE | Lance - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide

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MHW: ICEBORNE | Lance - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith
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Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Lance guide on the best loadout & armor build for this weapon. Includes recommended equipment, elements, decorations, skills, and more!!!

Safijiiva Weapon Builds

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Safijiiva Lance Teostra Build

Master Rank Safi'Jiiva Lance Build With Master's Touch

Master Rank Safi
Safi's ShattersnoutHealth Regen 1
Affinity Increase 1
Element/Status Effect Up 1
Critical/Vitality Jewel 4
Kaiser Crown β + Guard/Attack Jewel 4
Rex Roar Mail β +Tenderizer/Vitality Jewel 4
Attack Jewel 1
Kaiser Vambraces β +Guard/Expert Jewel 4
Attack Jewel 1
Kaiser Coil β +Guard/Attack Jewel 4
Critical Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 4
Critical Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Ironside Charm 5-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Attack Boost Lvl 7
Guard Lvl 5Offensive Guard Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Critical Boost Lvl 3Blast Attack Lvl 2
Heat Guard Lvl 1Latent Power Lvl 1
Master's Touch (Set Bonus)-

Recommended Weapon Skill Awakening

Skill No. Of Frames
Attack Increase VI 1
Attack Increase V 2
Sharpness Increase V 2

Points of Recommendations

  • Master's Touch lessens sharpness loss & need for sharpening
  • Has purple sharpness with Sharpness Increase awakening skills
  • Wound parts to deal more critical hits & damage

Lance Safi Crested Armor Build

Safi'jiiva Lance & Crested Armor Build

This set is inspired by the armor build originally shared by Thales Moustache on Youtube.

Crested Armor Build Details

Safi's ShattersnoutHealth Regen 1
Affinity Regen 1
Element/Status Effect Up 1
Expert Jewel 4
Safi Crested Crown β + Handicraft/Vitality Jewel 4
Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Kaiser Mail β +Sprinter/Handicraft Jewel 4
Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Safi Crested Vambraces β +Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4
Critical Jewel 2
Guardian Jewel 2
Kaiser Coil β +Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4
Guardian Jewel 2
Blast Jewel 1
Safi Crested Boots β +Guardian/Expert Jewel 4
Shield Jewel 2
Blast Jewel 1
Attack Charm IV -
Glider Mantle+Challenger Jewel 4
Challenger/Medicine Jewel 4
Rocksteady Mantle+Attack Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Critical Eye Lvl 7Attack Boost Lvl 4
*Lvl 6 with Mantle
Critical Boost Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Marathon Runner Lvl 3Offensive Guard Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 2Blight Resistance Lvl 1
Evade Window Lvl 1Latent Power Lvl 1
Guard Up Lvl 1Master's Touch (Set Bonus)
Dragonvein Awakening (Set Bonus)-

Recommended Weapon Skill Awakening

Skill No. Of Frames
Teostra Technique 1
Sharpness Increase VI 1
Attack Increase V 1
Affinity Increase V 2

Points of Recommendations

  • Has 2 Set Bonuses - Master's Touch and Dragonvein Awakening
  • Has max Offensive Guard, plus Guard Up
  • Max Crit Eye allows high Affinity, lessening sharpness loss

Recommended Iceborne Starter Lance Builds

Chrome Drill Build

Chrome Drill Build
Chrome Drill 1Vitality Jewel 1
Ironwall Jewel 1
Barroth Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Vambraces α + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Coil α +Expert Jewel 1
Banbaro Greaves β +Expert Jewel II 4
Fungiform Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm 3-
Guard Lvl 3Offensive Guard Lvl 3
Mushroomancer Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Critical Eye Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 1
Marathon Runner-

Points of Recommendations

  • Easily accessible in the early-game
  • Can be made from Banbaro materials
  • Mushroomancer can be swapped out according to your needs
  • Replace jewels you don't have with offensive ones
Check Out All Iceborne Starter Build Guide Here!

Iceborn Middle Phase Build

Abyss Aggressor IIElementless Jewel 2
Odogaron Helm β +Expert Jewel 4
Fulgur Mail α+Expert Jewel 1
Damascus Vambraces β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Uragaan Coil α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Uragaan Greaves β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Handicraft Lv4
Guard Lv3Weakness ExploitLv3
Bleeding Resistance Lv2Stamina Surge Lv1
Partbreaker Lv1Non-elemental Boost Lv1
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Lv1Guard Up
(Set Bonus)

High Sharpness & Affinity

Abyss Aggressor II has long purple sharpness. Extend the sharpness with Handicraft and halve the loss of sharpness with Razor Sharp/Spare Slot.

Iceborn Late Phase (MR~70) Build

Hydros Ullr-
Fulgur Anja β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer 2
Pride Mail β+Critical Jewel 2
Ironwall Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Damascus Vambraces β+Critical Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Odogaron Coil β+Critical Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Garuga Greaves β+Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Guard Lv3
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Critical Boost Lv3Handicraft Lv2
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Lv1

100% Affinity To Wounded Part

Hydros Ullr's original affinity is 10%. By using Critical Eye & Weakness Exploit, affinity becomes 100%. Critical damage is raised by Critical Boost Lv3 so attack wounded part of the monster for high damage.

Alternative: Handicraft

If you prefer to have longer white sharpness, activate Handicraft Lv5. You can do so by switching your charm to Handicraft Charm III or use change Critical Jewel to Handicraft Jewel.

Highly Customizable Build For The Lance

*Following information are Monster Hunter World's best loadout, not Iceborne.

Highly Customizable Build For The Lance
WeaponAugmentation /
Taroth Crest ClawSlot Increase
Attack Increase
Attack Jewel 1
Drachen Armet αElementless Jewel 2
Ironwall Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αElementless Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cocoon γIronwall Jewel 1
Ironwall Jewel 1
Drachen Greaves αTenderizer Jewel 2
Unscathed Charm II-
Critical Eye Lvl 4Attack Boost Lvl 4
Critical Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Peak Performance Lvl 3Guard Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 2Non-elemental Boost
Master's TouchAirborne
Elemental Airborne-

Build That Is Very Customizable

This Lance build can be customized according to what you need. The Taroth Crest Claw has high attack power and can be augmented twice, allowing flexibility in what you can do with this build.

Swap Charms For Skills You Need

The good thing about this build is that you can freely swap out your charms to change your loadout. Equip an Attack Charm to boost your raw power or even a Health Charm to increase your HP bar.

Versatile & Flexible Build For The Lance

Versatile & Flexible Build For The Lance
Taroth Crest ClawAffinity Increase
Kaiser Crown γElementless Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αBrace Jewel 3
Kaiser Vambraces αVitality Jewel 1
Kushala Cocoon γVitality Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Kaiser Greaves γShield Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Ironside Charm III-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Health Boost Lvl 3
Guard Lvl 3Critical Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 2Handicraft Lvl 2
Flinch Free Lvl 1Guard Up
Non-elemental BoostMaster's Touch

Can Be Use In Variety Of Hunts

This build is very versatile, flexible, and easy to use in any type of hunt. Though the attack power isn't that high, this set boosts your affinity rate & critical damage enough to make up for it.

High Damage Build For The Lance

High Damage Build For The Lance
Fiendish TowerAffinity Increase
Attack Increase
Nergigante Helm αIronwall Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αCritical Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil αTenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves αMighty Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III-
Critical Eye Lvl 6Attack Boost Lvl 4
Critical Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Maximum Might Lvl 3
Power Prolonger Lvl 1Guard Lvl 1
Elemental AirborneMaster's Touch

Lance Build Focusing On High Damage

With this build, you'll be dealing huge amounts of critical damage to any monster you encounter. Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Critical Boost, and Weakness Exploit will all work together to down monsters fast.

Lunastra Weapon Build For The Lance

Lunastra Weapon Build For The Lance
Empress Lance "Styx"Affinity Increase
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
ArmorAugmentation /
Guild Cross Circlet βExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Empress Mail αExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Vaal Hazak Braces βMedicine Jewel 1
Medicine Jewel 1
Medicine Jewel 1
Vaal Hazak Coil γTenderizer Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Vaal Hazak Greaves γShield Jewel 2
Protection Jewel 1
Ironside Charm III-
Critical Eye Lvl 5Peak Performance Lvl 3
Health Boost Lvl 3Recovery Up Lvl 3
Recovery Speed Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Dragon Attack Lvl 1Guard Up
Razor Sharp/Spare ShotSuper Recovery

Armor Set Focusing On Health & Recovery

This build specializes in survival during tough or elongated hunts. With skills such as Health Boost, Recovery Up, Recovery Speed, & Super Recovery, your health bar won't go down as fast even during tough fights.

Kjarr Crest "King" Attack Build

WeaponAugmentation /
Kjarr Crest "King"Affinity Increase
Blaze Jewel 1
Drachen Armet αHandicraft Jewel 3
Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αHandicraft Jewel 3
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cocoon γExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Blaze Charm III-
Master's TouchElemental Airborne
Critical Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Fire Attack Lvl 4Handicraft Lvl 4
AirborneCritical Element

Deal Higher Fire Elemental Attack Damage

With the Kjarr Crest King's powerful fire attack damage stat, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. With Critical Element, you'll deal extra blaze damage when you land critical hits.

Kjarr Crest "Water" Attack Build

Kjarr Crest Water Attack Build
Kjarr Crest "Water"Affinity Increase
Drachen Armet αHandicraft Jewel 3
Stream Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αHandicraft Jewel 3
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil αTenderizer Jewel 2
Xeno'jiiva Spurs γStream Jewel 1
Stream Jewel 1
Stream Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III-
Master's TouchElemental Airborne
Handicraft Lvl 5Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Critical Eye Lvl 6Critical Boost Lvl 3
Power Prolonger Lvl 1Water Attack Lvl 4
AirborneCritical Element

Enhances Water Elemental Attack Damage

With the Kjarr Crest Water's heavy water attack damage stat, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. With Critical Element, you'll deal more water damage when you land critical hits.

Equip Handicraft For White Sharpness

If you follow this build and have enough Handicraft skills, you can get your weapon up to white sharpness.

Kjarr Crest "Stream" Attack Build

Kjarr Crest Stream Attack Build
WeaponAugmentation /
Kjarr Crest "Stream"Affinity Increase
Frost Jewel 1
Kushala Glare βAttack Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Frost Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αHandicraft Jewel 3
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil αCritical Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves αTenderizer Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III-
Master's TouchElemental Airborne
Attack Boost Lvl 4Critical Eye Lvl 7
Critical Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Ice Attack Lvl 4Handicraft Lvl 4
Power Prolonger Lvl 1Critical Element

Enhances Ice Elemental Attack Damage

With the Kjarr Crest Stream's notable ice attack damage stat, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. With Critical Element, you'll deal more frost damage when you land critical hits.

Taroth Crest "Thunder" Attack Build

WeaponAugmentation /
Taroth Crest "Spark"Affinity Increase
Release Jewel 3
Drachen Armet αRelease Jewel 3
Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αRelease Jewel 3
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil αMind's eye Jewel 2
Xeno'jiiva Spurs γTenderizer Jewel 2
Bolt Jewel 1
Bolt Jewel 1
Shock Charm III-
Master's TouchElemental Airborne
Handicraft Lvl 5Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Critical Eye Lvl 7Critical Boost Lvl 3
Attack Boost Lvl 3Thunder Attack Lvl 3
AirborneCritical Element

Makes Thunder Attack Damage More Powerful

With the Kjarr Crest Spark's strong thunder stats, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. With Critical Element, you'll deal more lightning damage when you land critical hits.

Handicraft Skill Not Necessary

Even if you equip Handicraft skills in this build, it won't be enough to reach white sharpness for this weapon. This way, it's best to not equip Handicraft in this set.

Kjarr Crest "Decay" Attack Build

Kjarr Crest Decay Attack Build
Kjarr Crest "Decay"Affinity Increase
Drachen Armet αDragon Jewel 1
Dragon Jewel 1
Drachen Mail αTenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Vaal Hazak Coil γExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Greaves αAttack Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III-
Master's TouchElemental Airborne
Attack Boost Lvl 4Critical Eye Lvl 7
Critical Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Dragon Attack Lvl 3Handicraft Lvl 3
AirborneCritical Element
Recovery Speed Lvl 2-

Maximizes Dragon Attack Damage

Using the Kjarr Crest "Dragon"'s strong dragon attack damage stat, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. With Critical Element, you'll deal more dragon-based damage when you land critical hits.

Best Skills For Lance

Recommended Skills For Attacking

Skill Recommendation / Overview
Weakness Exploit

Hitting monster weak spots can do critical hits & increased damage
Master's Touch

Prevents sharpness loss when dealing critical hits

Elongates weapon's sharpness gauge but not beyond its maximum
Attack Boost

Increases attack power plus affinity rate at higher levels
Critical Eye

Increases you affinity rate
Critical Boost

Strengthens damage of critical hits
Peak Performance

Attack increases when HP is full
Maximum Might

Affinity rate increases when stamina is full
Non-elemental Boost

Strengthens non-elemental weapons you've equipped

Recommended Supporting Skills

Skill Recommendation / Overview

Lessens knockback & stamina consumption when guarding
Health Boost

Increases health points
Evade Extender

Increases distance of rolls and dodges
Flinch Free

Reduces knockbacks and staggers from small amounts of damage
Guard Up

Allows guarding against normally unblockable attacks
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Article Written by
MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

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Keldon_Champion 3

Why do you have 7 ranks of guard on first build but not guard up...

Anonymous 2

Iceborn Middle Phase Build
- chest armor should be Acid Galv, which is the other +2 Handi and the Partbreaker. Fulgar Mail is Stun Resist 1 and Flinch Free 1.

Anonymous 1

I don’t think the Iceborne Middle Phase art gives you Handicraft lv4

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