MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide
Recommended Armor For Early Master Rank

MHW: ICEBORNE | Recommended Armor For Early Master Rank

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MHW: ICEBORNE | Recommended Armor For Early Master Rank - GameWith
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Check out this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne early Master Rank armor build guide. Includes recommended builds, equipment, decorations, and skills!!!

Table of Contents

Recommended Builds For Early Game

Universal Builds

Check Out All Weapon Types Here!

Recommended Builds - Overview

Can Easily be Created at the Start of Iceborne

The builds below are made from armor parts that can easily be farmed upon starting the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne DLC. The monsters themselves do not pose as much danger so the risk factor is low as well.

Jewels Can be Farmed in High Rank

You don't need to be in Master Rank to farm for Jewels. It is recommended for players to farm for decorations before heading over to the Iceborne DLC & Master Rank.

Recommended Master Rank Great Sword Builds

Jagras Deathclaw Build

Jagras Deathclaw Build
Jagras Deathclaw 1Elementaless Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kestodon Guard α + -
Beo Coil α +Attack Jewel 1
Beo Greaves α +Earplug Jewel 3
Attack Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 7Earplugs Lvl 5
Health Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Ice Attack Lvl 1Speed Eating Lvl 2
Focus Lvl 2Affinity Sliding Lvl 1
Non-elemental Boost Lvl 1-
Check Out the Great Sword Here!

Recommended Master Rank Sword & Shield Builds

Radobaan Os Build

Radobaan Os Build
Radobaan Os 1Release Jewel 3
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kulu Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Vambraces α + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Beo Coil α +Attack Jewel 1
Girros Greaves α +Vitality Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 4Health Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Handicraft Lvl 3
Speed Eating Lvl 2Slugger Lvl 2
Paralysis Attack Lvl 2Free Elem/Ammo Up Lvl 2
Critical Eye Lvl 2Earplugs Lvl 2
Stamina Surge Lvl 1-
Check Out The Sword & Shield Here!

Recommended Master Rank Dual Blades Builds

Chrome Cross Build

Chrome Cross Build
Chrome Cross 1Grinder Jewel 1
Grinder Jewel 1
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Barroth Vambraces β + Critical Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Beo Coil α +Critical Jewel 2
Beo Greaves β +Earplug Jewel 3
Handicraft Charm 3-
Earplugs Lvl 5Attack Boost Lvl 4
Health Boost Lvl 3Speed Sharpening Lvl 2
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Handicraft Lvl 3
Speed Eating Lvl 2Critical Boost Lvl 2
Marathon Runner Lvl 1-
Check Out The Dual Blades Here!

Recommended Master Rank Long Sword Builds

Iron Eschaton Build

Iron Eschaton Build
Iron Eschaton 1Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kulu Vambraces α + Attack Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Beo Coil α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Beo Greaves β +Earplug Jewel 3
Handicraft Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 6Earplugs Lvl 5
Health Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 2
Critical Eye Lvl 2Critical Boost Lvl 1
Pro Transporter Lvl 1-

Paralysis Damage Build

Paralysis Damage Build
Crimson Viperfang IExpert Jewel I
Bone Helm α +Handicraft Jewel 3
Bone Mail α +Paralysis Attack I
Vespoid Vambraces α + Handicraft Jewel III
Girros Coil α +Expert Jewel 1
Girrps Greaves β +Sheath Jewel I
Sheath Jewel I
Attack Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 5Health Boost Lvl 3
Paralysis Attack Lvl 4Quick Sheath Lvl 2
Critical Eye Lvl 2Effuvial Expert Lvl 1
Handicraft Lvl 2Partbreaker Lvl 1
Check Out The Long Sword Here!

Recommended Master Rank Hammer Builds

Taroth Hammer Sleep Build

Taroth Hammer Sleep Build
Taroth Hammer Sleep BuildKO Jewel 2
Bone Helm β +Expert Jewel 1
Alloy Mail β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Alloy Vambraces β + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Beo Coil α +Slider Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Nergigante Greaves γTenderizer Jewel 2
Elementaless Jewel 2
Master's Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 6Critical Lvl 5
Health Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Earplugs Lvl 1Defense Boost Lvl 1
Water Resistance Lvl 1Partbreaker Lvl 1
Slugger Lvl 1Affinity Sliding Lvl 1
Non-elemental Boost Lvl 1-
Check Out The Hammer Here!

Recommended Master Rank Hunting Horn Builds

Mad Bone Horn Build

Mad Bone Horn Build
Mad Bone Horn 1Earplug Jewel 3
Bone Helm α +Earplug Jewel 3
Bone Mail α +Attack Jewel 1
Bone Vambraces α + Sonorous Jewel 1
Bone Coil α +KO Jewel 2
Beo Greaves β +Earplug Jewel 3
Handicraft Charm 3-
Earplugs Lvl 5Attack Boost Lvl 4
Health Boost Lvl 3Slugger Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Horn Maestro Lvl 2
Partbreaker Lvl 2-
Check Out The Hunting Horn Here!

Recommended Master Rank Lance Builds

Chrome Drill Build

Chrome Drill Build
Chrome Drill 1Vitality Jewel 1
Ironwall Jewel 1
Barroth Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Vambraces α + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Coil α +Expert Jewel 1
Banbaro Greaves β +Expert Jewel II 4
Fungiform Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm 3-
Guard Lvl 3Offensive Guard Lvl 3
Mushroomancer Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Critical Eye Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 1
Marathon Runner-
Check Out The Lance Here!

Recommended Master Rank Gunlance Builds

Jyura Demolisher Build

Jyura Demolisher Build
Jyura DemolisherVitality Jewel 1
Ironwall Jewel 1
Barroth Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Vambraces α + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Banbaro Coil α +Expert Jewel 1
Dodogama Greaves β +Expert Jewel II 4
Expert Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm 3-
Critical Eye Lvl 4Guard Lvl 3
Offensive Guard Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Handicraft Lvl 3
Speed Eating Lvl 1Mushroomancer Lvl 1
Capacity Boost Lvl 1Marathon Runner Lvl 1
Check Out The Gunlance Here!

Recommended Master Rank Switch Axe Builds

Mighty Gear Build

:Mighty Gear Build
Mighty Gear 1Earplug Jewel 3
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Jagras Vambraces α + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Beo Coil α +Critical Jewel 2
Jyura Greaves α +Critical Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 4Health Boost Lvl 3
Earplugs Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 2
Evade Extender Lvl 2Focus Lvl 2
Critical Boost Lvl 2Recovery Up Lvl 1
Water Attack Lvl 1-
Check Out The Switch Axe Here!

Recommended Master Rank Charge Blade Builds

Chrome Fortress Build

Chrome Fortress Build
Chrome Fortress 1Vitality Jewel 1
Vitality Jewel 1
Jyura Helm β +Expert Jewel II 4
Expert Jewel 1
Lumu Mail α +Earplug Jewel 3
Attack Jewel 1
Kestodon Guards α + Ironwall Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Dodogama Coil α +Earplug Jewel 3
Vitality Jewel 1
Dodogama Greaves α +Elementaless Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Earplugs Charm 3-
Earplugs Lvl 5Critical Eye Lvl 4
Artillery Lvl 3Health Boost Lvl 3
Focus Lvl 3Attack Boost Lvl 2
Latent Power Lvl 1Master Mounter Lvl 1
Affinity Sliding Lvl 1Capacity Boost Lvl 1
Guard Lvl 1Non-elemental Boost Lvl 1
Blast Resistance Lvl 1Blast Attack Lvl 1
Check Out The Charge Blade Here!

Recommended Master Rank Insect Glaive Builds

Chrome Trident Build

Chrome Trident Build
Chrome Trident 1Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Bone Mail α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kulu Vambraces α + Attack Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Beo Coil α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Beo Greaves α +Flight Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 6Earplugs Lvl 4
Health Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 2
Critical Eye Lvl 2Critical Boost Lvl 1
Pro Transporter Lvl 2-
Check Out The Insect Glaive Here!

Recommended Master Rank Bow Builds

Dragon Perforator Build

Dragon Perforator Build
Dragon Perforator 1Tenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Jagras Helm α +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kulu Mail α +Physique Jewel 2
Kulu Vambraces β + Expert Jewel II 4
Kulu Coil α +Physique Jewel 2
Kadachi Greaves α +Elementaless Jewel 1
Attack Charm 3-
Critical Eye Lvl 5Attack Boost Lvl 5
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Constitution Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Speed Eating Lvl 2
Critical Boost Lvl 2Item Prolonger Lvl 2
Stamina Surge Lvl 1Critical Boost Lvl 1
Evade WindowNon-elemental Boost Lvl 1
Check Out The Bow Here!

Universal Master Rank Builds

Early Master Rank DPS Build

Early Master Rank DPS Build

DPS Focused Build

Jagras Helm α +Evasion Jewel 2
Jagras Mail α +Agitator Jewel 2
Kulu Vambrace β + Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kulu Greaves α +Evasion Jewel 2
Hornetaur Coil β +Critical Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Attack Charm 3-
Attack Boost Lvl 7Critical Eye 3
Speed Eating 2Earplugs 1
Critical Boost 3Weakness Exploit 3
Evade Extender 1Item Prolonger 1
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot 1Agitator 1

Focus on High DPS Output

This build specifically targets skills that can boost damage by players when out hunting. Relatively, most of the jewels and skills used here are a must for any DPS players. Though, with high focus on DPS, this build is lacking on defense and survivability.

Early Master Rank Survival Build

Early Master Rank Survival Build

Survival Focused Build

Jagras Helm α +Recovery Jewel 1
Defense Jewel 1
Bone Mail α +Protection Jewel 1
Jagras Vambraces α +Recovery Jewel 1
Beo Coil β +Evasion Jewel 2
Beo Greaves β +[Any Elemental Resistance Jewel]
Blight Resistance Charm 3-
Earplugs 2Attack Boost 3
Health Boost 3Critical Eye 2
Evade Extender 3Speed Eating 2
Recovery Up 2Critical Boost 1
Evade Window 2Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
Defense Boost 1Blight Resistance 3
Elemental Resistance 1-

Great for Recovering During Fights

With survivability in mind, this build raises the amount of recovery hunters can have during battle. Slot in a resistance jewel specifically for the monster you are hunting to lessen your elemental damage.

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Article Written by
MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

MHW: ICEBORNE Strategy Team

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Anonymous 3

An earplugs 3 jewel can't even fit in the beo greaves alpha

Jandal 2

What happened to light and heavy bowguns?

Jack 1

Earplugs isn't a survivability skill, only quality of life. Whereas health boost and resistances should be mandatory, the rest can go into damage. Mainly affinity and crit boost as it scales with the attack value whereas attack boost just gives a fix amount of attack

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