The guide on how to complete War Relics in Starfield. Includes walkthrough charts, find Kaiser's location, buy Microcell from Gel, wipe out Ecliptic Base and how to defeat Unit 99.
Table of Contents
Mission Overview
How To Unlock | Complete The Devils You Know |
Locations | MAST District → Red Devil's HQ → Niira |
Reward | Exp: 250 Credits: 12,300 |
Unlockable Feature | New Mission: Hostile Intelligence |
Full Objectives
- Report To Hadrian
- Follow Hadrian
- Search For Kaiser In Niira
- Search For Kaiser In The Mech Fields
Optional: Gather Information On Kaiser's Location From Gel - Proceed To The Syracuse
- Follow The Beacon
- Remove The Creatures From Kaiser
- Speak To Kaiser
- Find A Microcell
- Purchase A Microcell From Gel
Optional: Talk To Gel About Making Microcells
Optional: Recover A Microcell Power Source - Return The Microcell To Kaiser
- Speak With Kaiser
- Follow Kaiser To The Mission Site
- Speak To Kaiser
- Clear The Ecliptic Base
- Kill Unit 99
- Return To The Red Devils HQ
Walkthrough Guides
Report To Hadrian

From Subsection Seven, take the elevator to reach Nat Station, and proceed to the spaceport. Fly to Mars and head to the Red Devils Headquarters to talk to Hadrian.
Follow Hadrian
Upon reporting the information on the research team and inquiring about Kaiser, Hadrian will invite you to follow her upstairs and provide you with the Schematic Catalogue: A-147-XN (Kaiser), which could prove valuable for your journey.
Kaiser Has A Voice Control Lock
Hadrian suggests that it might require some repairs. Additionally, it features a voice-controlled lock, and to obtain authorization, you will need to use the phrase 'Nos Belli Machinis'.
Where To Look For Kaiser
During the war, Niira was the most common destination during the Xenoweapon operations. Consider examining the retrieved remains from the battle at 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage as your first step. This business is owned by an individual named Angelo Alonso, who is also known as Gel.
Search For Kaiser In Niira

Niira can be found in the Narion System, a mere 25 lightyears away, making it a suitable location for a swift Grav Jump. It's recommended to enhance your Astrodynamics skill to extend your jump range and reduce fuel consumption.
Best Skills Tier - Priority & Best Early SkillsPrepare For A Ship Combat
However, once you get near the planet Niira, you will receive a space transmission call from Mathis Castillo from the Blind Bet who is seeking revenge for being kicked out of the Crimson Fleet. Make sure your ship is prepared in advance or consider switching to a combat-ready ship vessel because you'll be entering a two-versus-one battle scenariot, facing simultaneous attacks from both the Blind Bet and Castillo's Fleet.
Recommended Skills For Space Combat
Best Skills Tier - Priority & Best Early SkillsLand At 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage

After defeating Castillo, you can proceed to land safely at the 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage. Get inside the 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage and meet the proprietor, Gel. Gel confirms that he has seen Kaiser and says that it has been hunting a Siren and offers to sell you Kaiser's location.
Gather Information On Kaiser's Location From Gel
You can talk to Gel and negotiate Kaiser's Location info that amounts to 1,000 Credits. You can use your Persuasion skill and the Freestar Collective Settler options to get a discount.
Freestar Ranger (Collective) Questline - Missions & RewardsProceed To The Syracuse

Head towards the nearby crashed spaceship named Syracuse then follow the beacon leading inside an abandoned container.
Remove The Creatures From Kaiser
Kaiser is overrun by Heatleeches that you must eliminate, however make sure that you do not cause any additional damage to the robot during the process.
Speak To Kaiser

Once the Heatleeches are removed interact with the robot and when asked for the password choose the Nos Beli Machinis option in the dialogue to unlock the voice controls.
Find A Microcell
Kaiser is running low in power and you need to power it up with a MicroCell Type Battery which you can get at the salvage yard. Use the Scanner to search for the batteries.
Purchase A Microcell From Gel

You can purchase a microcell from Gel or you can craft one together using the Fabrication System in the Salvage Yard from scrapping the needed materials and selling any excess to Gel. To save time, its better to purchase it instead if you have enough Credits than spend some time rummaging through several mechs for materials.
Credits Guide - How To Get and Farm MoneyReturn The Microcell To Kaiser
Once you have arrived, proceed to power up Kaiser and speak to it. Kaiser will inform you that it can only leave the place when it has completed the mission to disarm Unit XW-99, Niira's ultimate Xenoweapon. Afterwards, Kaiser will ask for your assistance and ask you to follow it to the Mission Site.
Follow Kaiser To The Mission Site

Kaiser will lead you to the Mission Site location. You might encounter two Siren creatures at the way. Get on the high ground or behind Kaiser while attacking them to avoid getting damaged. Use Heavy Weapons with high Physical Damage to make it easier to defeat.
All Weapons ListClear The Ecliptic Base

Follow Kaiser into the Ecliptic Base and proceed with the frontal assault. Make sure to equip yourself with ammunition and recovery items since you will need to deal with several Ecliptic Specialist and Warmonger.
All Weapons ListKill Unit 99

In the Ecliptic Base battle, they will let Unit 99 loose. You'll have to handle both Unit 99 and the Ecliptics so keep in mind your positioning in battle. Ensure you're equipped with ammunition and recovery items, as you'll be facing numerous Ecliptic Specialists and Warmongers. You can make use of the crates and the high grounds to get leverage against the ramming attacks of the Unit 99.
Follow Kaiser
Once you have finished wiping out the Ecliptic Base, follow and speak to Kaiser afterwards. You can now relay the mission details and Hadrian's instructions to Kaiser.
Return To The Red Devil's HQ

Head back to the Red Devil's HQ alongside Kaiser. Upon your arrival, you will receive a warm welcome from Major Hardinian and Dr. Percival. The mission will be considered complete after the conversation ends.
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← The Devils You Know | Hostile Intelligence → |
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