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Atmosphere - Planet Types & Outpost Build

Starfield | Atmosphere - Planet Types & Outpost Build

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Starfield | Atmosphere - Planet Types & Outpost Build - GameWith

Atmosphere guide in Starfield. Learn about different atmospheres, can you fly or land in planet's atmosphere and best atmosphere types for fauna or flora resource outpost building.

Table of Contents

Planet's Atmosphere

Why Is The Planet's Atmosphere Important?

Starfield Atmosphere Importance

Different planets and moons have atmospheres with varying properties. The composition and thickness of a planet's atmosphere play a crucial role in determining the planet's climate weather patterns and air quality, making it a critical part of what makes a planet habitable or not.

Different Atmosphere Thickness

In addition to the gases comprising the planet or moon's atmosphere, you can also see the atmospheric thickness which is indicated in the Starmap.

None No atmosphere
ThinThin atmosphere
STDStandard atmosphere levels

Why You Should Take Note Of The Planet's Atmosphere

Understanding the atmosphere composition is important for Surveying and Scanning planets or moons to assess their potential for habitability for Zoology and Botany.Best Planets and Locations to Build Outposts

Can You Fly Into A Planet's Atmosphere?

Starfield Can You Land In Atmosphere

Manually flying or landing within the planet's atmosphere is not permitted in the game. To initiate landing for the first time, you must use the designated landing spots prior to unlocking the fast travel option to them.

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Planet's Atmosphere Features

Indicator For Potential Habitation

Starfield Atmosphere May Indicate Potential Habitation

An atmosphere can significantly influence a planet's potential to support life as we know it. An atmosphere with the right composition and conditions can provide the necessary gases for living creatures to thrive and regulate temperatures within a habitable range.

Flora And Fauna That Can Thrive In A Particular Atmosphere Varies

NoneNo organic lifeform available.
Primordial These organic lifeforms are considered ancient or primitive, and they have adapted to the specific conditions of the ecosystem over a long period of time.
MarginalOrganic lifeforms may not be as well-adapted to the main conditions of the planet ecosystem and might have limited populations that thrive on specific areas only. These species may be more vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions or habitat loss.
ModerateOrganic lifeforms are present in moderate numbers within the ecosystem, neither exerting dominance nor teetering on the brink of extinction. They play pivotal roles in ecosystem dynamics, serving part of the food chain or prey for predators in that area.
AbundantThese organic lifeform may include common and widespread species that thrive in the given environmental conditions. There's a certain species that often dominate the ecosystem in terms of numbers and can have a significant impact on the ecosystem's structure and function.
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Gas Giants Atmosphere Is Different

Starfield Gas Giants Atmosphere

Gas Giants types have atmospheres that are quite distinct from the rocky planets. Gas giants are primarily composed of one or several gases. Instead of solid terrain, gas giants possess atmospheres that extend deep into their interiors, gradually transitioning into more extreme conditions as one delves deeper and are only held together by their magnetospheres.

You Can Still Build Outpost On Planet Or Moon With No Atmosphere

Starfield Planet Without Atmosphere

Planets with no atmosphere can still be used for outpost building for other resources. However, you may not be able to get Fauna or Flora materials due to the absence of habitation from the lack of atmosphere.

Fauna Or Flora Mainly Thrive On 02 Atmospheres

The presence of O2 or Oxygen in the atmosphere is a key factor that supports the diversity and abundance of life forms. You may also find it easier and convenient to create a base since you won't need a certain Spacesuit Design to help you breathe and prevent inhaling hazardous gasses that may cause environmental damage.

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Other Planet With Atmosphere May Also Not Have Lifeforms

Starfield Thin Atmosphere

While certain planets possess atmospheres, the potential for habitation to flourish may be constrained by factors such as the composition of atmospheric gases and prevailing temperatures that may be too extreme for lifeforms to develop.

Outpost Build - Base Building & Create Items

Primordial Forms Thrive In Thin CO2 Atmosphere

Starfield Thin Atmosphere

However, when we consider the possibility of life on other planets, we must recognize that the conditions for life can vary significantly. Take Mars, for instance. There, oxygen is scarce, and any potential life, if it does exist, might have evolved to thrive under entirely different circumstances or rely on alternative ways of sustaining itself.

You Can Also Get Your Own Personal Atmosphere

With Starborn Powers, you have the ability to unlock and activate the Personal Atmosphere ability. This unique capability grants you access to a limited supply of pure and oxygen-rich air, empowering you to breathe deeply and effectively counteract the harmful effects of carbon dioxide for a specific time.

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