Check out Warzone Best Loadout & Class in Call of Duty (CoD) Warzone 2021 Battle Royale and Plunder! Know the best weapon loadout & recommended equipment for DMR 14, MAC 10 and Meta!!!
Best Cold War Weapon Loadouts
Warzone All-Rounder Loadouts
- Warzone Meta Loadout
- AN94 Burst Damage Loadout
- Uzi & AX-50 Fast All Range Loadout
- PKM Balanced Loadout
- M4A1, Kilo - Renetti Balanced Loadout
- Grau 5.56 All-Range Loadout
- AS VAL All Range Loadout
- SPR Stealth Loadout
Specialized Loadouts
Warzone Looted Weapons Loadouts
About Warzone Custom Loadouts
Warzone Guide Articles
Check Out Warzone Summary Here!Warzone DMR 14 All-Range Stealth Loadout Class
Stealth Marksman Loadout
Check Out Other Warzone Best Loadouts HereAll-Range Performance Loadout
Despite recent Nerfs, DMR 14 still has ample range and a fast fire rate to deal with targets at mid to long range. It can chip away enemy health and can perform decently when targets are in your face, so we picked Diamatti for close quarters defense & getting Ghost for stealth.
Check Out The Weapons List HereSwap Out Secondary Weapons As You Need
If for some reason the match needs you to ditch one of your weapons for something with better attachments or a Grenade Launcher, you have the liberty to do so as you can swap between weapons fast thanks to the Amped perk. This gives you more utility in the field.
Check Out The Perks List HereSearch For Targets With Heartbeat Sensor
While some enemies will be running Ghost to counter it, Heartbeat Sensor is still a powerful tool to search for enemy contact or plan your attack routes. If the circle closes and the sensor loses its effectiveness, you can always ditch it in the field.
Check Out The Tacticals List HereWarzone MAC 10 Rapid Fire Loadout Class
Super Fast Fire Loadout
Primary | MAC 10 |
Secondary | M13 or Grau 5.56 |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Flash Grenade |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Pair With Accurate AR For Better Performance
MAC 10 can dominate up close thanks to its super-high fire rate & great hipfire accuracy, but is helpless when in the open. Therefore, it is best to bring along an Assault rifle that can shoot fast & accurately at range so you can suppress, flank and burst down targets up close.
Check Out The Weapons List HereSwat Out Secondary Weapons As You Need
If for some reason the match needs you to ditch one of your weapons for something with better attachments or a Grenade Launcher, you have the liberty to do so as you can swap between weapons fast thanks to the Amped perk. This gives you more utility in the field.
Check Out The Perks List HereUse Flash Before Going In Large Rooms
In some Warzone hotspots or the buildings in the late circles, many people would be running Ghost perk and will not show up on hertbeat sensor or the UAV. Thus, get an edge over them by using flash grenade instead so you can go into the room and unleash your bullets up close.
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsWarzone Groza Stable All-Range Loadout Class
Stable All-Range Loadout
Primary | Groza |
Secondary | CR-56 AMAX (Galil) or DMR 14 |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Pair With Accurate AR For Further Performance
Groza joins the ranks of easily controllable Assault rifle that can hit consistently at mid to close range. Therefore, it is best to bring along another rifle that can shoot fast & accurately at range so you can suppress, flank and burst down targets by a swap of weapon without having to reload.
Check Out The Weapons List HereSwap Out Secondary Weapons As You Need
If for some reason the match needs you to ditch one of your weapons for something with better attachments or a Grenade Launcher, you have the liberty to do so as you can swap between weapons fast thanks to the Amped perk. This gives you more utility in the field.
Check Out The Perks List HereSearch For Targets With Heartbeat Sensor
While some enemies will be running Ghost to counter it, Heartbeat Sensor is still a powerful tool to search for enemy contact or plan your attack routes. If the circle closes and the sensor loses its effectiveness, you can always swap it out.
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsWarzone Best Meta Loadout Class - FAL, Grau, DMR 14, CR-56

Primary | Current meta is choosing a low-recoil fast firing Assault rifle so you can pick people off at range. Some DMR rifle would do the trick as well. Current meta weapons can be found here. Best Choices: FAL, Grau 5.56, M4A1, M13, CR-56 AMAX, DMR 14 |
Secondary | Secondary weapons meta are CQB weapons where you use it to kill the enemy up close ASAP. Best Choices: MP5, MP7, AUG. For the adventurous, R9-0, Origin 12, MAC 10 If you don't have the Overkill perk, or at least Amped equipped, then Renetti, .357 or RPG-7 is the best secondary you'll ever get if you don't swap out weapons in-game |
Lethal | C4 - No other lethal comes close to C4 in the explosive area, damage, utility & anti-vehicle department. No reason not to have one |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor - knowing the direction of where your enemies are is paramount in Warzone in every way. Even though a lot of players runs Ghost to counter this, there's always players out there that chose Overkill for you to hunt down |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. - With everyone and their grandma running around with C4 and RPG-7, this is your only defense for not being blasted into a Gulag even when fully plated by some random explosives |
Perk 2 | Ghost - Counters detection by UAV, Heartbeat Sensor, which is the key to winning especially in smaller gas circles Overkill - Bring 2 main weapons of your choice. While A better idea would be to run Ghost and pick up another weapon in the field, use this if you have some lesser-used weapons that you want to bring in |
Perk 3 | Amped - What's the point of having 2 specialized weapons if you can't swap to it when you need it? Amped becomes a must in the robust ever-changing environment in Warzone |
Loadout To Thrive In the Current Meta
This loadout class combines stealth, weapons capable of picking off people at range and shred enemies up close, dealing with vehicles (C4), & defense from explosives. It can take advantage of and defend against the main threats that's prevalent in the current Warzone Meta.
Warzone Best AN94 Loadout & Class
All Ranged Burst Damage

Primary | AN-94 |
Secondary | Kar98k |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor or Snapshot Grenade |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Full On Close & Far Burst Damage Loadout
This loadout allows you to handle close to mid-range encounters using the An-94's high burst damage but keep up the ranged damage against far targets with Kar98k due to the recent Marksman Rifle buff. It can deal a good burst damage to targets at most ranges.
Check Out The Weapons List HereHunt For Prey With Heartbeat Sensors Or Snapshot
Heartbeat Sensor lets you get a bearing of the whereabouts and ranges of targets. Couple this with the new updated footstep sounds and you can get a jump on people. If campers are your main problem, use Snapshot Grenades to flush them out.
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest Uzi & AX-50 Loadout Class

Primary | Uzi |
Secondary | AX-50 |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
.41 AE Magazines Required
The .41 AE 32-Round Magazine increases the damage & the range of the Uzi, making it a very viable weapon in Warzone. Only equip this loadout if you've unlocked the said attachment.
Hot Swap For All Ranges
The Uzi can be used for close to mid range encounters while the AX-50 for long-ranged ones. Be prudent with how you move and swap to either weapons to deal with immediate threats.
Best PKM Beginner Loadout Class (Balanced)

Primary | PKM LMG |
Secondary | RPG-7 or PILA |
Lethal | Frag Grenade or C4 |
Tactical | Flash Grenade or Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | High Alert Perk |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Can Be Assembled Early On
Core components for this loadout can be easily assembled early on even if you haven't maxed out your Enlisted Ranks. Jump right into the fray and stay competitive even if you have just started Warzone!
All-Range, All-Purpose Balanced Loadout
Your PKM has high magazine, good range and high rate of fire. PKM's extremely versatile, and the rest of the Perks will back it up with increased sprint time from Double Time(Since LMGs are slower), knowing when you're spotted, and a faster weapon swap time.
Warzone: Best Weapon Setups & Gun Tier ListCan Handle Vehicles On your Own
An unexpected threat in Warzone are the vehicles roaming around and ramming people. As many players will be driving around, having a launcher in your loadout can mean a free kill or a deterrent from being rammed. Also useful for clearing out rooms.
Best M4A1, Kilo 141 - Renetti Beginner Loadout Class (Balanced)

Primary | M4A1 or Kilo 141 |
Secondary | .357, .50 GS or Renetti |
Lethal | Semtex or Thermite |
Tactical | Flash Grenade or Stim |
Perk 1 | Kill Chain |
Perk 2 | High Alert Perk |
Perk 3 | Spotter |
Balanced Early-Rank Loadout For Mobile Offensive
If you don't like lugging around a LMG, try M4A1 or Kilo 141 instead. They are maneuverable early-rank weapons that can be modified to be effective at most ranges and situations, letting you be more aggressive and mobile.
Consider Extended Mags Attachments
Due to the new Body Armor mechanics and having to fight whole teams, having a larger magazine size is highly beneficial. M4A1 and Kilo 141 both comes with 50 or 60 round magazine attachments.
All Attachments ListTrack Down Supply Boxes For Killstreaks
As you will be on the move a lot, you can hunt down a lot of Supply Boxes scattered across the map. The Kill Chain perk lets you grab more killstreaks for use against hard targets to get ahead.
All Killstreaks ListChoose Renetti For Easier Control

If you have a hard time controlling the big recoils of .357 & .50 GS, pick Renetti as your sidearm instead. It has very good handing and decent range for a handgun to be effective as a backup weapon. Renetti was introduced in season 3.
Season 3 Battle Pass GuideBest Grau 5.56 Defense Or Stealth Loadout Class (Balanced)

Primary | Grau 5.56 |
Secondary | Renetti, .357 or RPG-7 |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. or Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Ghost or High Alert |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Pick Between Defense Or Stealth
Grau 5.56's soft recoil and its longer ranges allows it to handle most ranges with ease. You can fight with it in most situations making it a solid choice as a main weapon, thus Overkill isn't really necessary. Choose between defense or stealth for the loadout.
Swap out Weapon As You See Fit
With Amped, you can swap to any weapons fast, meaning you can actually use them when you need to without fumbling. As weapons are plentiful in Warzone, swap out your secondaries based on your situation, whether its a shotgun for room cleaning or a sniper rifle for the open areas.
Best HDR & R9-0 Loadout Class (All-Range)

Primary | HDR Sniper Rifle |
Secondary | R9-0 Shotgun |
Lethal | Frag Grenade or Thermite |
Tactical | Flash Grenade or Stim |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
Snipe & CQB At the Same Time
This loadout focus on the 2 things players will encounter in Warzone: Picking each other off in the open fields and the ruthless CQB battles in buildings. HDR packs the punch to one-shot people at range while R9-0 shotgun has the burst damage & magazine size needed to clear rooms.
Avoid Thermal Detection With Cold-Blooded
Thermal optics gives a good advantage when looking for targets in the open fields, and many players will be using them. Counter this by having the Cold-Blooded perk which hides you from thermal detection.
See Dead Enemy Positions With Tracker
Tracker Perk lets you see skull icon at a dead enemy's position, useful in determining if there's enemy teams near your locations. it also hides the skull icons of players you kill, keeping their teams in the dark about where they fell.
Warzone Best AS VAL Loadout & Class
Sniper's Pair Loadout
Primary | AS VAL |
Secondary | AX-50 or SPR 208 |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Snipe And Stealth Kill Up Close
AS VAL has good handling & a high fire rate that is effective up close but will suffer at longer distances, so we combined it with sniper or marksman rifles to min-max each weapon's pros and cons. Its built-in suppressor can let you handle targets in stealth.
Check Out The Weapons List HereSwat Out Weapons As You Need
If for some reason the match needs you to ditch one of your weapons for something with better attachments or a Grenade Launcher, you have the liberty to do so as you can swap between weapons fast thanks to the Amed perk. This gives you more utility in the field.
Check Out The Perks List HereWarzone Best SPR 208 Loadout & Class
Flexible Stealth Loadout
Primary | SPR 208 |
Secondary | RPG-7 or Renetti |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Ghost |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Stealthily Snipe And Deal With Vehicles Effectively
SPR 208 can perform decently against targets both far away or up & personal, so we decided to go with Ghost perk for better stealth. We also chose to start out with a RPG-7 for its ability to deal with vehicles and bunkers, but it can be ditched if the situation requires it.
Check Out The Weapons List HereSwat Out Secondary Weapons As You Need
If for some reason the match needs you to ditch one of your weapons for something with better attachments or a Grenade Launcher, you have the liberty to do so as you can swap between weapons fast thanks to the Amped perk. This gives you more utility in the field.
Check Out The Perks List HereBest Bruen Mk9 & Striker 45 Loadout Class

Primary | Bruen Mk9 LMG |
Secondary | Striker 45 SMG |
Lethal | Semtex or Thermite |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Cover All Ranges
Thanks to both weapons, you will be able to reliably hit your shots at any range. The Striker 45 SMG can help you defend yourself at close range, while the Bruen Mk9 LMG covers you at longer ranges! Equip the Amped perk to allow you to switch weapons faster during surprise encounters!
Move Around Faster
Due to the large size of the Warzone map, it's recommended to increase your mobility at all costs! The Double Time perk lets you increase the duration of your Tactical Sprint, and your crouch movement speed, making you a harder target to hit!
Best MP5 Or M13 Loadout Class (Stealth)

Primary | MP5 or M13, Silenced |
Secondary | Any Handgun (preferably Silenced) |
Lethal | C4 or Thermite |
Tactical | Flash Grenade or Stim |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Ghost or High Alert Perk |
Perk 3 | Spotter |
Achieve Max Stealth With Unique Attachments
M13 & MP5 has unique attachments that greatly enhances stealth by eliminating weapon tracer & target kill skull icon. These attachments are .300 Blackout 30-Round Mags (M13) & Subsonic Integral Suppressor (MP5). We'll be using this in this build for max stealth.
No Need For Tracker Perk
The benefits provided by Tracker Perk overlaps with the effects of these unique attachments, so there's no need to pick Tracker. We chose Spotter instead as it let the user see & hack equipment through walls which will be good intel on enemy whereabouts.
Avoid All Digital Surveillance With Cold-Blooded & Ghost
Cold-Blooded & Ghost will keep you off all digital surveillance whether its the UAV, Heartbeat Sensor or Thermal optics. No one will be able to track you unless its by direct line of sight.
Swap Ghost With High Alert If No UAV
If you feel there's not a whole lot of UAV being used or isn't too concerned about them, swap Ghost for High Alert so you know when you've been seen by enemies.
Bait Enemy Revivors With C4
A nasty trick will be to down an unsuspecting opponent, throw a C4 and then run away. When you can hear the enemy teams trying to revive, blow the C4. You'll find plenty of unsuspecting prey if you stealth your way along.
Best MK2, SKS Loadout Class (Support)

Primary | MK2 Carbine or SKS |
Secondary | Any Launcher |
Lethal | Proximity Mine or Thermite |
Tactical | Smoke Grenade or Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Restock or Pointman |
Perk 3 | Spotter |
Support Your Teammates With the Versatile MK2
This support build focus on patching up any potential roles that your team may have missed due to specializing on certain loadout. The MK2 can deal with targets close and far flexibly, letting the user pursue other role tasks. Hang back a bit from your team to observe and support when needed.
Higher RoF & Magazine Size With SKS

SKS, introduced in Season 3, is a good alternative with its high rate of fire (RoF) & decent magazine size. It doesn't deal as much damage per shot as the MK2 but is just as deadly with its ease of follow up shots and manageable recoil.
Check out Season 3 Battle Pass Guide here!Spot Traps & Deal With Vehicles
Most loadout cannot deal efficiently against enemy vehicles, so It'll be up to you to pop that enemy vehicle or chopper. Also, spot enemy equipment like Claymore & C4 to prevent your team from walking into a trap.
Deploy Smoke Grenade To Max Effect
Smoke Grenades if used smartly can turn the tides of an encounter. Popping one when retreating or reviving a teammate can greatly increase its success. As most players will focus on other tacticals like Flash or Stims, you need to pick up the slack one again.
All Tacticals ListChoose Pointman If Your team Focus on Contracts
Pointman increase your team's cash when completing contracts, making it advantageous in modes like Plunder. More cash also means more Self Revive purchases as well as teammate revives, so it might add up a lot if your team does Contracts.
Best 725, Mk2 Looted WeaponClass Loadout
Loadout Before You Get Loadout Drops

This loadout is for the starting phase of Battle royale when players has yet to make enough cash to call in Loadout Drops to get their custom loadouts. It comprises of weapons looted in the field.
Assault Rifles, SMG Added to Looted Guns
Another list of weapons mainly Assault Rifles & Submachine Guns (SMG) has been added to the lootable weapons pool. These include but not limited to: AK-47, M13, Kilo 141, Ram-7 & Striker 45.
Check out All Weapons & Guns List here!4 New Weapons Can Be Looted
725, MK2 Carbine, .50 GS, and EBR-14 are added with 3/24, 2020 patch update to the lootable guns in Warzone. Players can now find them scattered in supply boxes & in the field. They provide burst damage and mid-ranged battle options to the game,
Check out their Weapon's Ranking here!Loadout Drops Cost Increased To 10,000

As the cost for Loadout Drop is increased to 10,000 in patch 1.19, you'll be fighting longer with looted weapons. Familiarize yourself with these loot weapons before dropping in.
Check out Update Version 1.19 (Apr.08) Patch Notes here!Loot Weapons Balanced Loadout
Primary | 725 Shotgun or MP7 |
Secondary | MK2 Carbine, Any looted Assault Rifle |
Lethal | Any |
Tactical | Any or Stim |
Provides Ranged And Burst Damage
This loadout lets you deal with most situations at all ranges - burst damage when in tight CQB with 725 or MP7, and mid-range combat with Mk2 carbine or assault rifle. Do not miss any opportunity before getting enough cash for your dream loadout!
Good Starter to Jump Into Contracts
As these weapons are easily found in the field, you can jump right into contracts without having to farm around to get Loadout Drops. Start chasing Contracts immediately before the opposition gets the chance!
Check out Warzone Contracts Guide here!What Are Warzone Custom Loadouts?
10 Customizable Loadout

Custom Loadouts are a sets of weapon & perks combination presets made by the player. It is accessed from the Weapons tab in Multiplayer or Warzone Interface, and has 10 slots for players to use.
Shares Loadout With COD MW Multiplayer
Your Warzone loadout will mirror COD MW Multiplayer loadouts and vice versa. While its convenient that you can carry them over, you will now also have to balance your 10 Custom Loadout slots for Multiplayer and Warzone.
Unlocked at Rank4

You will be able to unlock Custom Loadouts once you reach Rank 4 or "Private 4" in Enlisted Rank. If you are not yet at that level, you will only be able to use pre-made classes in Multiplayer.
Check out Best Default Loadouts Guide here!Loadout Drops Needed To Access For Battle Royale

In Battle Royale mode, you must buy & call in Loadout Drops available at Buy Stations first to access your custom loadouts. Plunder mode has no such restriction and can be selected as usual.
Battle Royale Mode - Warzone GuideSome Perks Have Different Abilities In Warzone

Some perks has their effects altered in Warzone, giving different bonuses fit for the Warzone mechanics instead. These are:
Perks That Differs From COD MW
Perks | Effects |
Kill Chain | Increased chance of finding Killstreaks from Supply Boxes |
Hardline | Decrease the cost of Field Upgrades, Armor Plates & Killstreaks bought at Buy Stations |
Pointman | Increase entire squad's cash when completing Contracts |
Tune Up | Reduces revive time by 25% |
Warzone Best Loadout - How To Get Them In Warzone
Battle Royale: Use Loadout Drops

In Battle Royale Mode, you'll need to acquire loadout drops and interact with it to gain loadouts. It can be bought at Buy Stations or will drop once enough gas circle closes.
Check out Loadout Drop Guide here!Deploy With Loadout In Plunder
In plunder, there is no restrictions on how to get weapons as you start with your desired loadout. Loadout Changes can be made while you respawn.
Check out Plunder Mode Guide here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsWarzone Best Custom Loadout Criteria
Below is a list of criteria that was used to recommend custom loadouts for Warzone.
Flexibility & Versatility
The recommended loadouts need to be versatile and flexible enough to handle the ever-changing dynamics of the Warzone maps, such as increased fighting range, enemy location uncertainty and overall chaos. We try to consider these in our builds.
Increased Survivability
Warzone punishes death rather harshly in its Battle Royale and Plunder modes, so we try to add things that can sustain or defend the player so they can stay alive longer. Staying alive gives you more opportunity to win in the fast paced battles of Warzone.
Focus On Weapon & Perk Strengths
The recommended loadouts mostly centers around weapon characteristics & strengths that best suits the situation in consideration. They will attempt to enhance or cover the weapon's weakness/ restrictions.
Check Out The Complete Weapons List Here!Damage & Accuracy Considered

With the new Body Armor mechanics, getting consistent hits are just as important as dealing out damage fast. Loadouts should also have a high DPS to get ahead in the fight.