Check Out HDR Sniper Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & COD Warzone 2021! Find info on the Warzone / Modern Warfare best loadout, attachments, how To unlock, & setup for HDR!
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Best Weapon & Best Loadout Articles
Read How To Inspect Weapons Here!HDR - Stats & How To Unlock
HDR Sniper Rifle Basic Information

Weapon Type | Sniper Rifle |
Weapon Feature | Anti-material bolt action sniper rifle chambered in 12.7x108mm ammunition. 745 gr bullets have a lower muzzle velocity, but are devastating at very long ranges. |
Unlock Level | 11 |
Depending on weapon unlock level, you may need to firstly level up to unlock the weapon.
Check Out How To Level Up Faster!HDR Stats

HDR - Warzone Best Loadout & Attachment Setup
Sniper + Assault Loadout
Primary | HDR |
Secondary | M4A1 |
Lethal | Claymore |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Deal With Enemies at All Ranges
Warzone has a large map with both big open spaces and small enclosed areas. Since the HDR does not perform well against enemies closer than mid range, this loadout gives you a versatile assault rifle when you need to fight off enemies close by.
Check Out The Weapons List HereCover Your Six
While sniping in your spot, it would be best to have a Claymore or Proximity Mine hidden near your position to avoid any enemy coming up and taking you out from behind. This gives you some insurance so you can wholly focus on taking out enemy targets!
Check Out The Lethals List HereAvoid Being Spotted
Thanks to the Cold-Blooded Perk, you are much more difficult to detect since you will not show up in Thermal Optics. Use this advantage to reposition yourself freely to a more advantageous position when taking out enemies!
Check Out The Perks List HereAttachment Setup For HDR
Long Range Focus Build
Designed For Long Range Combat
This setup fully utilizes the HDR's excellent long range capabilities. By using the Thermal Dual Power Scope, you can dial in and pinpoint far away enemies. Keep in mind that the optic glint is visible to enemies, so make sure to knock them down immediately when you have a shot!
Presence Of Mind Lets You Hold Breath Longer
The Presence of Mind Perk will allow you to hold your breath for longer, giving you much more time to aim at the enemy, and connect your shots.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsHDR - Modern Warfare Best Loadout & Attachment Setup
Fast Paced Sniping
Check Out Other MW Best Loadouts HereAggressive Focused Loadout
This loadout is perfect for players who want to exploit the sniper rifle's one shot kill power in a fast-paced environment. Perks like Quick Fix immediately kickstart your health regen after winning a fight to keep you going, while Tracker can lead you to your next victim. Ghost is a good Perk to have to avoid being detected so you can pounce on unsuspecting enemies.
Check Out The Perks List HereUse Stim to Sustain Yourself
If you get badly damaged, you can pop a Stim to heal yourself and try again. This gives you more survivability during matches.
Check Out The Tacticals List HereEquip .357 With Snake Shot
The Snake Shot converts your sidearm into a mini shotgun. This can be used as a last ditch attempt if you ever need a fast way out of any sticky close range situation!
Check Out The Weapons List HereAttachment Setup For HDR
Quick Scope Sniper
Minimize ADS Time
The attachments in this setup were chosen specifically to reduce the amount of time it takes ADS. This gives you a bit more time to line up your shot and finish off enemies quickly. An essential advantage to have in fast-paced multiplayer matches.
Sleight of Hand Lets You Reload Faster
This Perk will allow you to reload faster, getting you back into the fight much quicker. Since Sniper Rifles take awhile to reload, this Perk is a useful tool to increase your rate of fire in multiplayer matches.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsHDR - Compatible Attachments For Setup
Check Out All Attachments List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsHDR Traits
Weapon Traits
Bolt Action Anti Materiel Rifle
Using a huge 12.7 x 108mm ammo, this bolt action rifle delivers devastating punch per shot; especially effective in long range engagements. Although powerful, the rate of fire and handling needs getting used to.
Warzone & Modern Warfare Latest Updates
Season 6 Update Is Here

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All New Weapons & Equipment

The newest weapon, the JAK-12 auto shotgun, joins the AS VAL AR and SP-R 208 MR in Season 6. A new melee weapon: Butterfly Knife is also coming soon as part of the Season 6 Update later on.
New Weapons & Equipment
▲Back To Table Of ContentsSubway Opens Up For Battle In Warzone

Subway trains & stations has been opened up in Verdansk and is available for looting & transportation! Run down to these stations and fight off the competition to get a ride to other stations!
Check out Subway Map & Guide here!New Operators: Farah & Nikolai

2 familiar faces are joining the chaos in Warzone! These 2 Allegiance operators will become available once you purchase the Season 6 Battle Pass.
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Bunkers Hiding Loot

Bunkers around Verdansk can be still found and entered. What secrets do they contain inside? Better weapons? Or death traps to those that try to open them?
Check Out Bunker Locations Here!Access Bunkers With Red Access Cards
To crack in a bunker, you'll need a Red Keycard mostly found in Legendary Crates. You can also loot them from dead players that have them, making it a interesting turn of events if you do find one.
Check out Red Keycard guide here!▲Back To Table Of Contents