Check out this Best Quickscope Loadout & Setup guide for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2020 & Warzone! See what Quickscoping is, how to get kills, best class for Quickscope & tips!!!
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Best Weapon & Best Loadout Articles
Read How To Inspect Weapons Here!What Is Quickscope?
One-Shotting Enemies With Brief ADS Window

Quickscoping refers to the act of one-shotting enemies with only a brief peek of Aiming Down Sights (ADS). Due to its requirements, Sniper Rifles & Marksman Rifles are the stable of completing this feat, but sometimes Shotguns slugs can do as well.
Check out All Weapons & Guns List here!What Counts As Quickscope & How To Get Quickscope Kills Fast
One-Shot Enemies With Less Than 1~2 Seconds In ADS
To have a kill counted as quickscope, you'll need to one-shot a target within 1~2 seconds of aiming down sights. You'll need a weapon with powerful 1-shot capability that can also ADS fast as well so you wont lose the moment to fire.
Recommended Weapon: Kar98k

Kar98k has a relatively fast ADS speed and a good damage profile that can 1-shot targets if the bullet hits the upper torso or the head. It also features a good 1-shot potential range, making it the perfect choice for Quickscoping.
Check out Kar98k here!Recommended Weapon: HDR

HDR is a sniper rifle that can one-shot all targets if it hits the torso part after a recent Buff. It has fast ADS speed and quick re-cocking motion to make quick deadly shots.
Check out HDR here!How To Get Quickscope Kills Fast
Lead Moving Targets
For moving targets, lead your shots by keeping the muzzle of you gun in front of the target as you zoom in. This way, by the time your aim comes up to the target, you can pull the trigger for the round to hit.
Make Use Of CQB-Oriented Maps

It's harder to quickscope players at range without some decent skills, since long-range sniping means a heavier scope and more range attachment is needed, all detriment to your ADS speed. Its easier to stick to close-to mid range engagements. Choose playlists that are small & compact for Quickscope farming.
Good Maps To Farm Quickscope
Do Quickscope 3 Times for 15 games To Unlock Rytec AMR

Aside from the "Cool" factor, pulling off the quickscope stunt is also a requirement to get the anti-material sniper rifle Rytec AMR. You'll need to get 3 quickscope kills for 15 different matches to unlock this unique explosive firing sniper rifle!
Check out Rytec AMR (Barrett) Guide here!Best Quickscope Loadout Class & Setup
Moile Quickscope Loadout
Primary | Kar98k or HDR |
Secondary | Kali Sticks |
Lethal | Thermite or Claymore |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Hardline |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
Focuses On Mobility
This build focuses on your mobility allowing you to quickly move around small maps and tight spaces. As marksman & sniper rifle often weights a ton and is slower to move around, we chose the Double time so you can sprint around faster fot the snapshots needed.
Check Out The Perks List HereGain Intel Fast With Hardline
You'll need all the intel you can get to successfully quickscope enemies in the complicated maps of Multiplayer. That's where Hardline comes in: With only 2 ills, you'll get a Personal radar to scout the map for you 6 the whole team!
Check out All Killstreaks here!Track & Hide The Skulls Of Targets
Tracker perk lets you see footprints of enemies, giving you some idea of which corner they've went to. It also conceals the skull markers of targets letting you get jumped less by enemies alerted of their buddy's demise.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest Quickscope Loadout - Kar98k
Fastest ADS Speed For Quickscoping
This setup maximizes the Kar98k's good range & 1 shot capability by complementing it with fastest ADS speed. Keep your ADS key at the ready, pop your crosshairs and fire when enemy silhouette comes around the corner.
Swap Lightweight Suppressor For Optics If Needed
This setup maintains some stealth with a Lightweight Suppressor. If you're having trouble with the iron sights however, feel free to swap it out with an optic of your choice.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest Quickscope Loadout - HDR
Fastest ADS Speed For Quickscoping
This setup make use of HDR's 1 shot capability by complementing it with fastest ADS speed. As sniper rifles has a slow ADS speed, this will somewhat makes handling better for you to harness HDR's 1 -shot-kill potential.
Maintain Some Stealth
This setup maintains some stealth with a Lightweight Suppressor. For those worried about lowered range, HDR's already impressive long range makes the reduction negligible.
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