Best loadout & class in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (COD MW) 2021! Find out the custom load-outs for M4A1, Season 6 guns AS VAL, SPR 208 and other weapons, recommended equipment and more!!!
Best Season 6 Loadouts
Best Beginner-Friendly Loadouts
Best Veteran Loadouts
- FAL Loadout
- AN94 Loadout
- 725 & R9-0 Loadout
- MP5 Veteran Loadout
- Fast-Firing Assault Rifle Loadout
- MK2, SKS Carbine Build
- Holger-26 AR/LMG Loadout
- VLK Rogue Loadout
- Bruen Mk9 Loadout
- Vector (Fennec) Loadout
About Custom Loadouts
Custom Loadout Creation Tips
Best Weapon & Best Loadout Articles
Read How To Inspect Weapons Here!Best AS VAL Loadout & Classes
Stealth Assaulter Loadout
Check Out Other MW Best Loadouts HereMaximizes Stealth While Keeping Explosive Survivability
This loadout will allow you to maintain stealth against most digital surveillance while hiding the skulls of targets you kill. As a added bonus, it also prevents you from getting blasted back to respawn by random explosives in the smaller maps of multiplayer.
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest SPR 208 Loadout & Classes
Run'n Gun Quickscoper Loadout
Primary | SPR 208 |
Secondary | .50 GS |
Lethal | Thermite |
Tactical | Snapshot Grenade |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Restock |
Perk 3 | Shrapnel |
More Explosives & Recon While Keeping Explosive Survivability
This loadout will allow you to carry 2 explosives and a Snapshot grenade so you can deal burst damage and recon for yourself. As a added bonus, it also prevents you from getting blasted back to respawn by random explosives in the smaller maps of multiplayer.
Check Out The Perks List HereUsed Item Regenerates
Thanks to Restock perk, all used items will regenerate. Do not be shy to throw in another grenade and use your Snapshot grenade whenever the cooldown's up!
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest M4A1 & Kilo 141 - Renetti Loadout & Class
This loadout is mainly recommended for beginners!!!

Primary | M4A1 or Kilo 141 |
Secondary | 1911, swap to Renetti when unlocked |
Lethal | Frag Grenade or Molotov Cocktail |
Tactical | Flash Grenade |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Hardline |
Perk 3 | Tune Up until Shrapnel |
All You Need To Start Gunning
This build contains everything you need to start learning the ropes of being a deadly rifleman. A versatile and easy to use rifle? Check. A perk to boost your mobility and grenades? Check. You will also be able to control the flow of the fight via killstreaks!
Can Be Assembled Early
All you need to do is reach a maximum of Rank 13 to fully assemble the loadout. This can be done in approximately 90 minutes of multiplayer gameplay.
Switch To Renetti When Unlocked

Renetti is a very easy to use handgun introduced in Season 3. It possesses good handling and control so swap it out once you unlocked it while progressing the season 3 battle pass.
Check out Season 3 Battle Pass Guide here!2 Lethal Items At your Disposal
Throw a Molotov when in doubt! The Shrapnel perk lets you carry 2 lethal equipment, allowing you to use them more freely. Throw Molotovs at objectives or through windows to damage unsuspecting enemies!
Find All Lethal List here!Get Intel Constantly With Hardline & UAV

Hardline Perk reduces the killstreak cost by 1, meaning you will get Personal Radar fast with 2 kills, and a UAV with 3 kills. They will give enemy positions to you on the minimap, helping you and the whole team!
Check out All Perk Guide here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest MP5 Loadout & Class
This loadout is mainly for beginners!!!

Primary 1 | MP5 - SMG |
Primary 2 | M4A1 / PKM |
Lethal | Claymore |
Tactical | Flash Grenade |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Versatile Close to Mid Range Build
This loadout increases your flexibility thanks to the Overkill perk which lets you equip 2 primary weapons. The M4A1 or PKM weapons can get you easy kills in mid range, while switching to the MP5 turns you into a deadly close quarters soldier.
Lock Down Tight Spaces
This build is especially useful when fighting in enclosed spaces. Other than using MP5 submachine gun to clear rooms, you can lock down corridors with the suppressive prowess of a mounted PKM, or an assault rifle.
Learn the Mounting Mechanics With This Guide Here!Easy To Build Thanks To Low Unlock Level
Thanks to the low unlock level, the items in this loadout are relatively easy to obtain and use in the build. You will be able to gain an advantage against other players early on in multiplayer!
Player Progression: Enlisted & Officer Rank GuideFocus On Awareness & Security
This build also helps you survive longer during matches thanks to the Claymore & E.O.D. You can cover your rear when moving with the claymore, while being resistant to explosives used trying to flush you out.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest FAL Loadout & Class
DMR/AR + CQC Build

Primary | FAL |
Secondary | MP7 or Fennec |
Lethal | Semtex or Thermite |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor or Stim |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Shrapnel |
FAL For Range, MP7 For CQC
This kit takes advantage of the FAL's power when used from mid to long distances. It also compensates the AR's weakness by loading out an MP7 for close encounters.
Check Out The MP7 Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best AN94 Loadout & Class
Sharpshooter's Assault Rifle

Primary | AN-94 |
Secondary | Renetti or .357 |
Lethal | Claymore or Thermite |
Tactical | Stim or Smoke Grenade |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Ghost |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
Use The AN-94's Great Accuracy
The AN-94 boasts an incredibly low recoil when fired in bursts. Take advantage of this weapon's trait by landing precise hits and maintaining your distance.
Get Smoke For IR
You will also be able to utilize the AN-94's IR Scope by using Smoke Grenades. Use the smoke for cover or to mount an assault against the enemies.
Check Out The Tacticals List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest 725 & R9-0 Loadout & Class
This loadout is mainly for veterans!!!

Primary | 725 - Shotgun / R9-0 - Shotgun |
Secodary | .357 - Handgun / .50 GS - Handgun |
Lethal | Frag Grenade |
Tactical | Stun Grenade |
Perk 1 | Quick Fix |
Perk 2 | Pointman / Ghost |
Perk 3 | Shrapnel |
Built For Breaching Objectives
This loadout uses the 725 / R9-0 Shotgun's insane stopping power to be the brunt of assaults against objectives. Dedicate yourself on assault, breach & clearing out objectives non-stop for your team.
Use Pointstreaks Instead Of Killstreak
Since your focus will be on objectives instead of KD, you'll likely get more points from this other than killstreaks due to the inherent danger of being a breacher. Playing objectives will net more points however, so Pointman is chosen for this build.
Throw Everything You Got When Breaching
With 2 frags and a stun grenade, you can suppress an objective long enough to get close and personal with your 725 shotgun. Don't forget to toss everything before going in.
Works Great For Close-Quarter Maps Too
This loadout works well in smaller maps like Shoot House where encounter range is close. Swap Pointman for Ghost if you want to. For non-shottie user, use the loadout below.
Check out All Maps here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest MP5 Loadout & Class
This loadout is mainly for veterans!!!

Primary | MP5 - SMG |
Secodary | .50 GS - Handgun |
Lethal | Throwing Knife |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Quick Fix |
Perk 2 | Hardline |
Perk 3 | Battle Hardened or Tracker |
Run & Gun Focused Gameplay
This build focuses on being able to run around the map as fast as you can, while at the same time, being able to dispatch enemies as quickly as possible. This is best used in small maps as the MP5 is a close range weapon.
Gain Health Regen Per Kill
Having the Quick Fix perk is very useful in this build as it increases health regen per kill. This will allow you to sustain yourself during fights, and helps you participate in multiple back-to-back gunfights.
Check out Quick Fix Perk Guide here!Throwing Knife is an Instant Kill
The throwing knife is also useful as it gives you another option on dispatching targets. Aside from being a one-hit-kill, you can also retrieve it from fallen enemies to use again!
Get Killstreak Faster With Hardline
Hardline reduces the number of killstreak by 1 which can be huge depending on the circumstances. With low-kill killstreaks like the Personal radar or UAV, you can almost use it every time for each life.
All Killstreaks List▲Back To Table Of ContentsBest Fast-Firing Assault Rifle Loadout & Class

Primary | Any fast-firing Assault Rifle |
Secondary | .357 |
Lethal | Throwing Knife |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Quick Fix or Scavenger |
Perk 2 | Ghost |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
An Initiative-Based Hunter Loadout
This loadout focuses on taking the initiative to hunt down enemy units and exploit weaknesses in enemy lines to rack up kills. It focuses on stealth and recon for the user to determine the best method of approach.
May Require Some Grinding To Unlock Everything
Many components of this build are unlocked at higher ranking, making it difficult to obtain early on. Silencers needed for this build require the player to make many kills with the weapon to unlock.
Check Out The How To Level Up Weapons Guide Here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best MK2 Carbine, SKS Loadout & Class

Primary | MK2 Carbine - Marksman Rifle / SKS Marksman Rifle |
Secodary | PILA - Launcher / .357 - Handgun |
Lethal | Frag Grenade or Thermite |
Tactical | Stun Grenade |
Perk 1 | E.O.D. |
Perk 2 | Restock |
Perk 3 | Spotter |
Support Your Allies In Variety Of Ways
Instead of camping, this sniper loadout focus on moving along with your team & assisting them in as many ways as possible: You cover their breach with a replenishing Stun grenade, you shoot down pesky UAVS exposing your team, you spot and deal with claymores & C4 that's in their paths, while covering them with your marksmen rifle.
Choose Between Damage Or RoF

MK2 has higher damage per shot while SKS shoots very fast making misses less painful. Choose between these 2 marksman rifle based on your preference, though you need Season 3 rank 31 to unlock the SKS.
Check out Season 3 Battle Pass Guide here!Detect Explosives Early With Spotter
Spotter Perk lets you see and mark items through walls. It will provide valuable intel on hidden C4, Claymore & other dangers for you & your teammates. You can also hack explosives through walls.
Bring Down Killstreak Quickly With PILA
Whether its a UAV, a Gunship or a Wheelson, enemy killstreaks can be a pain for your team. As most players are optimized for making kills & can't effectively handle them, you have to pick up the slack and deal with these killstreaks for your team, making some points along the way.
Check Out All Killstreaks Here!Be Generous With Grenades Thanks To Restock

Restock Perk lets you regenerate equipments over 30 seconds, so no need to be stingy - throw a frag or two before your buddies go into rooms or objectives.
Check Out The Frag Grenade Guide Here!Cover Fire With MK2 Carbine
MK2 Carbine has good damage, accuracy and quick fire rate. It can snipe but also be used for close quarters when you need it, making it a solid all-rounder.
Check Out The MK2 Carbine Here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best Holger-26 AR/LMG Loadout & Class

Primary | Holger-26 |
Secondary | .357 |
Lethal | Semtex |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Ghost |
Perk 3 | Tracker Perk Guide |
Offensive/Defensive Loadout
The Holger-26 can double as an Assault Rifle or LMG depending on its equipped attachments. Use this weapon effectively by holding down objectives or taking those from the enemy. It can also effectively take down enemy Killstreaks.
Take Advantage Of The High-Capacity Magazine
While you can make the Holger-26 a full-on AR (or SMG), discarding the hefty magazine can be very disadvantageous. With the high-capacity magazine, you can take on droves of enemies before being required to reload.
Check Out Other LMGs Here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best VLK Rogue Loadout & Class

Primary | VLK Rogue - Shotgun |
Secondary | Riot Shield |
Lethal | C4 |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Hyper Fast Movement CQB Loadout
The Best VLK Rogue's main strong point is its insane speed (faster than Combat Knife with right attachments) and sprint-to-fire speed. For mobile players, this setup can be effective in small maps like Shipment.
Don't Be Afraid to Sprint
VLK Rogue has one of the best sprint-to-fire speed meaning you won't be punished too severely even if you sprint all the time. Double Time perk lets you sprint longer, giving you more mobility.
Defend Rear Or Close The Distance With Riot Shield
Riot shield will protect your rear when not in use, giving you some protection against back attacks. You can also switch to riot shield if you feel the enemy has a range advantage against you to close the distance.
Riot Shield - Special Stats & Counters▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best Bruen Mk9 Loadout & Class

Primary | Bruen Mk9 LMG |
Secondary | .357 - Handgun |
Lethal | Semtex or Thermite |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | High Alert |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
Aggressive Perks
This loadout will allow you to play aggressively, and hunt down enemies around the map! The Double Time and Tracker perks let you quickly spot enemies, while High Alert prevents you from getting ambushed!
Equip Attachments That Increase Mobility
The LMG is a heavy weapon, so it is advised that you add attachments that increase the weapon's mobility, allowing you to ADS faster, reload faster, and even have a quicker sprint to fire speed! These attachments include the 60-Round Mags, No Stock, and Stippled Grip Tape.
Finish the Job With the .357
In the rare event that you run out of bullets on your LMG during a heated fight, you can quickly switch to the .357 handgun to finish the job! You can opt to equip the Snake Shot attachment to make it behave like a Shotgun, and deal devastating burst-damage!
▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best Vector (Fennec) Loadout & Class
Aggressive CQC

Primary | Vector (Fennec) |
Secondary | Kali Sticks |
Lethal | Throwing Knife or Claymore |
Tactical | Stim |
Perk 1 | Double Time |
Perk 2 | Hardline |
Perk 3 | Battle Hardened |
Focuses On Mobility
This build focuses on your mobility allowing you to quickly move around small maps and tight spaces. The SMG and Melee weapon combo shines brightest when you are able to close the gap between you and the enemy.
Use Your Lethals
The Throwing Knife can be used to quickly and quietly take out targets should you unexpectedly meet them. The Claymore can be used to lay traps behind you should an enemy be hot on your trail!
Check Out The Lethals List HereResist As Much Damage As You Can
With the Battle Hardened Perk, you will be able to take less damage from non-killstreak weapons, allowing you to rush at enemies without any hesitation!
Check Out The Perks List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: What Are Loadouts & Class?
Customizable Loadout

Custom Loadouts are a set of classes that allow you to create your own personal; different from the pre-made classes that you start out in Multiplayer. Here, you can further tweak your equipment to your liking to get better in Multiplayer.
Unlocked at Level 4

You will be able to unlock Custom Loadouts once you reach Level 4 or "Private 4" in Multiplayer. If you are not yet at that level, you will only be able to use pre-made classes in Multiplayer.
Check out Best Default Loadouts Guide here!▲Back To Table Of ContentsModern Warfare: Best Loadout & Class Criteria
Below is a list of criteria that was used to recommend custom loadouts.
Versatility & Ability to Adapt

The recommended custom loadouts need to be versatile and flexible enough to still be viable when presented with different situations. It must be able to hold its own when an unexpected event happens during matches.
Ability To Increase Survivability
These loadouts must also be able to give the player sustain in order to stay alive longer. Staying alive will allow you to easily reach the required kills to activate killstreaks.
DPS & Ability to Kill

Recommended loadouts should also be able to have a high DPS in order to quickly rack up the kills. These allow you to get to your killstreaks faster, and further dominate the match.
Focus on Weapon Strengths
These setups were also designed to further highlight the strengths of the weapons in the loadout. Increasing the performance of the weapons in the build allow you to take and complete match objectives more efficiently.
Check Out The Complete Weapons List Here!Step-By-Step Custom Loadout Creation Guide
1 | Think of situations you're having trouble with, or a certain mechanic you want to enhance upon. |
2 | Find the best weapons & equipment to deal with the threat or enhance, and build around that. |
3 | Fill in weapons & equipment to complement the main equipment / mechanic. |
4 | Pick perks to augment your main equipment. |
5 | Fill in the rest of the loadout slots with things you are comfortable with. |
Pick Something, Then Build Around It
There are many customization available in CoD: MW, and it is easy to get lost in the maze of choices. Pick 1 mechanic or focus like stealth or Ant-Air and set it as the center of your loadout, then build around that.
Test Out Your Loadouts With Bots
Dont forget to take your new loadout for a ride using bots! You might find that your focus could be underachieving or you need more utility rather than a one-trick-pony.
Check Out The How To Set Up Bots Guide Here!Creating Custom Loadouts For Different Situations
Make Loadouts To Handle Battlefield Conditions Beforehand

Battlefield conditions change constantly: Sporadically occurrences such as a raging Infantry Assault Vehicle or a flying Gunships are rare, but just one could ruin your day & performance if you've got no way to counter them. Create loadouts to handle them before a fight.
Check Out The Complete Killstreak List Here!Sample Situational Loadouts
The following loadouts serve a special or niche purposes. They may be too focused to be considered the best loadouts, but will serve well when the situation demands it!!!
Best Anti-Air Loadout
Category | Item | Description |
Primary | M91, or AK-47 LMG / Assault Rifle | Easily shoot down drones with the M91. If LMG feels too unwieldy, pick the AK-47 for its high damage. |
Secondary | PILA Launcher | Lock on and shoot down larger aircraft |
Perks | Cold-Blooded Ghost Spotter | Avoid being targeted by aircraft in the field Avoid being spotted digitally before you shoot UAVs down Find Killsteaks & targets faster |
Lethal | Any | Any lethal is fine. |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor | Give you an idea if the area is safe to stay for shooting down aircraft. |
Loadout to Single-Handedly Clear The Sky

This loadout lets you tackle anything that flies in the game so far - High damaging gun to eliminate drones while being able to fire missiles at high-altitude / fast aircrafts. Pop this loadout once in a while to help your team and get points.
Check Out Aerial Killstreaks Here!Best Anti-Vehicle, Tank Loadout
Category | Item | Description |
Primary | Any weapon | You will often have to fight your way to get in range of the enemy vehicles. Pick a weapon you're good with here. |
Secondary | PILA Launchers | PILA does the most per-shot damage to vehicles. For bigger blast radius and utility vs bunkers, choose RPG-7 |
Perks | Double Time Restock Shrapnel or Spotter | Run longer to get to & chase down targets Recharge your equipment to be able to fight longer. Pick Shrapnel to throw 2 Thermite in succession to wreck vehicles fast, or finding vehicles faster. |
Lethal | Thermite or C4 | Thermites deals damage to vehicles and is easier to hit with. C4 can deal massive damage. |
Tactical | Stim | Heal faster and run more to increase your chance of getting to your target. |
Mobility Is Covered
Vehicles have higher mobility than infantry, and will often retreat from the area if they are under attack. This loadout has mobility covered so you can get to / chase down vehicles fast even if they run off.
Focuses On Burst Damage
You'll be at an disadvantage versus vehicles most of the time, so finishing them off ASAP will greatly determine your survival. Remember to fire PILA and Thermite at the same time to ensure maximum burst damage.
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