Check Out AX-50 Sniper Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & COD Warzone 2021! Find info on the Warzone / Modern Warfare best loadout, attachments, how To unlock, & setup for AX-50!
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Best Weapon & Best Loadout Articles
Read How To Inspect Weapons Here!AX-50 - Stats & How To Unlock
AX-50 Sniper Rifle Basic Information

Weapon Type | Sniper Rifle |
Weapon Feature | Hard hitting, bolt action sniper rifle with .50 cal BMG ammunition. Its tungsten sabot tipped bullets are fast and powerful, but require precise shots over long distances. |
Unlock Level | 37 |
Depending on weapon unlock level, you may need to firstly level up to unlock the weapon.
Check Out How To Level Up Faster!AX-50 Stats

AX-50 - Warzone Best Loadout & Attachment Setup
Hidden Sniper Loadout
Primary | AX-50 |
Secondary | Renetti |
Lethal | Claymore |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Ghost |
Perk 3 | Tracker |
Perfect Long Range Sniping
This loadout will provide you with the best perks and equipment to help you track down enemies and keep safe from any targets that stray too close! Thanks to the Ghost, and Cold-Blooded Perks, you will be nigh undetectable while you home in on enemies using your Tracker Perk!
Check Out The Perks List HereCover Your Six
While sniping in your spot, it would be best to have a Claymore or Proximity Mine hidden near your position to avoid any enemy coming up and taking you out from behind. This gives you some insurance so you can wholly focus on taking out enemy targets!
Check Out The Lethals List HereAttachment Setup For AX-50
Thermal AX-50
Dual Thermal Scope
The Dual Thermal Scope allows you to further increase the range of your Sniper Rifle, thanks to its magnification toggle. Aside from this, the thermal imaging will allow you to ID enemies hiding behind obstacles such as shrubbery and smoke grenades.
Presence Of Mind Lets You Hold Breath Longer
The Presence of Mind Perk will allow you to hold your breath for longer, giving you much more time to aim at the enemy, and connect your shots.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsAX-50 - Modern Warfare Best Loadout & Attachment Setup
Sniper SMG Combo
Primary | AX-50 |
Secondary | MP5 |
Lethal | Claymore |
Tactical | Heartbeat Sensor |
Perk 1 | Cold-Blooded |
Perk 2 | Overkill |
Perk 3 | Amped |
Two Primaries To Keep You Safe
Thanks to the Overkill Perk, this loadout employs two primary weapons to keep yourself safe when enemies try to rush at you and your position. Your weapon swap is also faster thanks to the Amped Perk.
Check Out The Perks List HereCover Your Six
While sniping in your spot, it would be best to have a Claymore or Proximity Mine hidden near your position to avoid any enemy coming up and taking you out from behind. This gives you some insurance so you can wholly focus on taking out enemy targets!
Check Out The Lethals List HereAttachment Setup For AX-50
Quick ADS Sniper
Faster ADS
This setup will allow you to ADS faster, perfect for more fast-paced multiplayer game modes. Due to the smaller maps when compared to warzone, we do not need to attach optics that further increase your range.
Presence Of Mind Lets You Hold Breath Longer
The Presence of Mind Perk will allow you to hold your breath for longer, giving you much more time to aim at the enemy, and connect your shots.
▲Back To Table Of ContentsAX-50 - Compatible Attachments For Setup
Rear Grip
Check Out All Attachments List Here▲Back To Table Of ContentsAX-50 Traits
Weapon Traits
Extremely Accurate & Deadly
The AX-50 is a sniper rifle capable of shutting down opponents with a single well-placed shot. It also is a very reliable tool for eliminating enemies from afar.
Bolt-Action With Slow Round Cycling
The AX-50 is a bolt-action sniper rifle, requiring the user to take a few seconds to discard the spent round, making him very open to attacks after each fire.
Warzone & Modern Warfare Latest Updates
Season 6 Update Is Here

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Bunkers Hiding Loot

Bunkers around Verdansk can be still found and entered. What secrets do they contain inside? Better weapons? Or death traps to those that try to open them?
Check Out Bunker Locations Here!Access Bunkers With Red Access Cards
To crack in a bunker, you'll need a Red Keycard mostly found in Legendary Crates. You can also loot them from dead players that have them, making it a interesting turn of events if you do find one.
Check out Red Keycard guide here!▲Back To Table Of Contents